When you think it would be the PNC that would kill sugar out of spite, it's the PPP that has done it.
Focusing their time more on how to concoct scams to fleece the country, it's the 23 years of neglect, lack of diversification, poor management and poor leadership that the sugar industry is the way it is now.
Sugar workers know this, but needs to remember this when they vote on May 11.
President Ramotar sat on the Guysuco Board when much of this decline took place.
Under the PPP, strikes in the industry did not stop, indicating that the industrial relations climate under the PPP declined. This is the Party that accuses Moses Nagamootoo of betraying Indians. So given these facts, who really betrayed the Indians.
The PPP is spreading fear that the Coalition will close sugar, when in fact, the PPP's reign has began the process of closing the doors, if things continue as is.
The sugar communities are mostly destitute and the PPP failed to design out of crop work for sugar workers. Most sugar workers constitute the "working poor."