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PPP launches countrywide LGE campaign


The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), in preparation for the November 12 Local Government Elections (LGE), launched its campaign in all 10 Administrative Regions throughout Guyana during the course of last week.
PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo late last week launched its Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) campaign. The Party held four meetings in the Region at Number 70 Village, Number 56 Village, Hogtown Chesney, and Hampshire.
Jagdeo has pointed out that the Party was implementing a 12-point criteria list for choosing persons to represent their constituencies at the upcoming LGE. Addressing a crowd of about 400 at Number 70 Village, Jagdeo said one of the criteria was to ensure widespread consultation to select a representative.
“We don’t want the people who are selected to represent you in an area to be selected by a small group of people of the party group alone. We want widespread consultation with our people in the areas, so that the people that we select are the best people we put forward. I hope that you participate in that process to help us to select those people, because in the past like at the last elections in some of the NDCs [Neighbourhood Democratic Councils], we had a small group who sat down and decided who will run and when we won those areas we were stuck with small groups of persons who did not have the skills to move the communities forward,” he noted.

A section of the gathering during the launch of the LGE campaign in Region Six

The Opposition Leader asked all to participate in the process and said by August 18, the names of those selected should be submitted to the Party’s head office. Meanwhile, PPP Executive Member Zulfikar Mustapha explained that the Kilcoy/Chesney NDC area was critical to the Party as he made mention of the 1994 LGE.
“In 1994, when we had Local Government Elections we had a tie in this NDC [Fyrish/Gibraltar] and we went back to a by-election and we won it… At the last Local Government Elections in 2016, we had another tie and instead of the Government and the Ministry of Communities go back to a by-election, the Minister decided to choose the APNU [A Partnership for National Unity] appoint a Chairman and a Vice Chairman,” Mustapha told the gathering.

Party member Anand Persaud stressed that in many of the communities that he has visited across Guyana, persons were starved for development.
“Everywhere I go, I see people with faces expressing despair; people are down and they look as if they have lost hope,” Persaud said.
On Tuesday, the PPP/C launched its LGE campaign in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) while on Wednesday, it launched the Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) campaign.
On Saturday, Jagdeo conducted a number of outreaches in Regions Three and Four (Demerara-Mahaica) in preparation for the campaigning season. The PPP/C is hoping to win the LGE by a landslide as it prepares for the 2020 General Election.

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How to rig an election

By Ryhaan Shah

No one disputes that the People’s National Congress (PNC) plan – the Nassau Plan? – to fix themselves a victory at the polls in 2020 is in full play. The dictator Forbes Burnham employed no subtlety about his rigging. He had no need to. It wasn’t just that he had the full support of the US and UK Governments but that he had created an Army – the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) – to ensure his security against any revolt, and the Army was itself pivotal to the rigging. GDF soldiers were deployed to seize legal ballot boxes which were dumped and replaced by fake ballots and the Ballot Box Martyrs Bholanath Parmanand and Jagan Ramessar were killed by soldiers in 1973 while defending the sanctity of the ballots.
Burnham’s successor, Desmond Hoyte, outdid his comrade leader and gave himself over 80 per cent of the votes. It was reported that when Hoyte’s boxes were opened for the count, the fake ballots were still held together by rubber bands!

The dead voted during that time and Burnham had also introduced overseas voting as a rigging strategy. A British documentary had exposed the scam by showing addresses of “voters” that were nothing more than vacant lots. But the PNC never cared. Their power was indomitable and Caricom leaders looked the otgy-hoytehared system of Government where all groups, races, and ethnicities would have equitable representation. To do that would require accepting that the country’s most egregious issue is its ethnic/racial divide. Our politicians are still to get there. They prefer the untruth that their respective party represents a cross section of the populace and that lie, more than any other, continues to destroy our country.
Each side wants the spoils for themselves and this selfishness makes us vulnerable to political meddling from powerful international players. Thus, the PNC was leveraged into power in 2015 through the creation of the AFC which garnered enough Indian votes to give the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition a win.
The AFC has lost all support but the PNC is to be kept in place and rather than engaging in good-faith dialogue to secure a shared/inclusive Government, fraud and unlawfulness continue to be the PNC’s preferred modus operandi even as all religious tenets and natural laws bear out that no good is ever built on a rotten core.
The PNC’s last dictatorship was evidence of that and their current plan was in play from the instant Granger took office. Creating the Ministry of Citizenship was the first step. The green, fortress-like walls that have gone up around the Ministry of the Presidency where that Ministry is housed might be consciousness of the skulduggery that is afoot within.
The Opposition raised questions in Parliament about the sudden jump in the number of Haitians currently in the country, the figure increasing from several hundred arrivals and departures in recent years to 6660 arrivals as of April 2018 with some 5485 Haitians now in Guyana.
Minister Nicolette Henry’s attempt at a red herring when she pointed to a 30 per cent non-departure rate for Bangladeshi arrivals was rightly pilloried. The number of arrivals and departures for Indians and Bangladeshis are in the hundreds and the raw numbers are not comparable to the thousands of recent arrivals from Haiti.
In a letter to the press, PPP MP Gail Teixeira noted reports that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?
But the plot thickens even more. PPP/C Guyana Elecions Commission (GECOM) Commissioner Bibi Shadick reported to the press that during a statutory meeting, GECOM Chair James Patterson said that a pie chart showing the ethnic composition of GECOM’s staff was provided by “a source” outside of GECOM raising concerns that the integrity of GECOM’s data is compromised and is being made available to agencies outside of GECOM. For what purpose?
While Burnham and Hoyte were rather crude with their systems of rigging, Granger seems intent on providing a more sophisticated take on how to rig an election


Images (1)
  • gy-hoyte
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?


More weeping for the PPP,they know their ethnic support are dwindling,suh raise the red flag "Rigging"

The PNC doan have to rig any Elections,if they play their cards correctly.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?


More weeping for the PPP,they know their ethnic support are dwindling,suh raise the red flag "Rigging"

The PNC doan have to rig any Elections,if they play their cards correctly.

Their card is the rigging card. PNC HAVE NEVER WON A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION IN GUYANA. Go check the history books.

skeldon_man posted:

Their card is the rigging card. PNC HAVE NEVER WON A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION IN GUYANA. Go check the history books.

I am aware of the Rigging from 1968 to 1985,i lived in the country.After 1992 there are changes,the PPP lost the majority twice,the reasons are their ethnic support base dwindling.

PPP will cry rigging and no one will wipe their tears,the demographics have changed.

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?

And the racist Ryhaan Shah have proof of this or is she following BJ lead and thinks that put out a lie so that it will the people busy gossiping



Gilbakka posted:

In upcoming LGE the PPP will win handsomely in rural NDCs. APNU will win in most townships. If AFC contests solo they will get blo-blo.

The turnout at the LGE is usually low

Pointblank posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?

And the racist Ryhaan Shah have proof of this or is she following BJ lead and thinks that put out a lie so that it will the people busy gossiping



Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.

Is that because you say so? Would this same label be attached to Dr David Hinds, Dr Clive Thomas, Takuma Ogunseye, Eric Phillips, ACDA, the Pan African Movement, the late Ronald Waddell, etc. I ask because I notice that he was referred to an "Indian activist" elsewhere.

Secondly, what he writes about, is not way out there in la la land. It may very well be that the PNC/coalition may win the 2020 election free and fair. OR with MINOR Rigging, which is most likely. THE FACT REMAINS THAT THE PNC HAS A TRACK RECORD OF RIGGING ELECTIONS...the fear will remain, so its not a red herring.

Eric Williams of Trinidad, has been known for minor rigging to keep the PNM in power, by using some the means Shah mentioned above. 

Besides, if these claims are untrue, given the track record of the PNC, they have an obligation to prove the opposition wrong...and they have a right to call for as many international observers as possible.


ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.

banna your act is getting kinda tiresome

I thought you tekkin a break and will come back later with your cockeyed half-truths.

Now you shooting blanks like Pointblank...2 peas in one pod?

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.

banna your act is getting kinda tiresome

I thought you tekkin a break and will come back later with your cockeyed half-truths.

you managing my schedule now?

your impertinence is amusing


here's the jokey part

fuss Ryhaan Shah seh:

"The Opposition raised questions in Parliament about the sudden jump in the number of Haitians currently in the country, the figure increasing from several hundred arrivals and departures in recent years to 6660 arrivals as of April 2018 with some 5485 Haitians now in Guyana."

then in the same piece she fughet sheself and seh:

"Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here." 

shhhhhh, shush . . . wan genius lady; wannabe GECOM chairman at work



Burnham did this is the 70's with Islanders.  They were given land on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and allowed to vote.  They were very racist against Indians.  I knew several of them and even some local Blacks had issues with their racism against Indians.

VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

this Ryhaan Shah person was one of jagdeo's nominees for GECOM chairman . . . and the bald head banna actually expected Granger to take him seriously


The rigging machine is well oiled and working:

that Haitians are met at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, escorted to waiting vehicles and are given “safe passage” through Guyana after being furnished with Guyanese documents – birth certificates, ID cards, etc – which are left here. They are kept at the Ministry of Citizenship for future use?

And the racist Ryhaan Shah have proof of this or is she following BJ lead and thinks that put out a lie so that it will the people busy gossiping



Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.


Clinical Psychologists call it "Projection", a psychosis where people see themselves in others!  It's their way to deal with the demon within!

Baseman posted:

Burnham did this is the 70's with Islanders.  They were given land on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and allowed to vote.  They were very racist against Indians.  I knew several of them and even some local Blacks had issues with their racism against Indians.

the risible contradictions in the PPP offerings on this subject in and out of parliament (pointed out) on this thread are lost on the stupid and the dishonest

where you are concerned . . . perhaps some combination of both plus a compulsion to divert . . .

btw, "Islanders" (none from Haiti) were migrating on 'banana' boats from deep poverty at least since colonial days

by the time Burnham came on the scene, that 'migration' was a mere trickle

those from the small French islands were called "palla walla" people because of their strange accents

some settled in places like Kwakwani and Wismar because of good paying work in the Bauxite industry . . . fully integrated in those communities

as a small boy, i know of many 1st generation in Georgetown, illiterate, living in deep poverty without papers

when Burnham socialism ruined Guyana's economy, many of the 2nd and 3rd generation scrambled to reclaim their roots and 'remigrated'

so stop your ignorance and nonsense

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Burnham did this is the 70's with Islanders.  They were given land on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and allowed to vote.  They were very racist against Indians.  I knew several of them and even some local Blacks had issues with their racism against Indians.

the risible contradictions in the PPP offerings on this subject in and out of parliament (pointed out) on this thread are lost on the stupid and the dishonest

where you are concerned . . . perhaps some combination of both plus a compulsion to divert . . .

btw, "Islanders" (none from Haiti) were migrating on 'banana' boats from deep poverty at least since colonial days

by the time Burnham came on the scene, that 'migration' was a mere trickle

those from the small French islands were called "palla walla" people because of their strange accents

some settled in places like Kwakwani and Wismar because of good paying work in the Bauxite industry . . . fully integrated in those communities

as a small boy, i know of many 1st generation in Georgetown, illiterate, living in deep poverty without papers

when Burnham socialism ruined Guyana's economy, many of the 2nd and 3rd generation scrambled to reclaim their roots and 'remigrated'

so stop your ignorance and nonsense

You clearly had left Guyana by that time and don't know what the hell I'm referring to!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Burnham did this is the 70's with Islanders.  They were given land on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and allowed to vote.  They were very racist against Indians.  I knew several of them and even some local Blacks had issues with their racism against Indians.

the risible contradictions in the PPP offerings on this subject in and out of parliament (pointed out) on this thread are lost on the stupid and the dishonest

where you are concerned . . . perhaps some combination of both plus a compulsion to divert . . .

btw, "Islanders" (none from Haiti) were migrating on 'banana' boats from deep poverty at least since colonial days

by the time Burnham came on the scene, that 'migration' was a mere trickle

those from the small French islands were called "palla walla" people because of their strange accents

some settled in places like Kwakwani and Wismar because of good paying work in the Bauxite industry . . . fully integrated in those communities

as a small boy, i know of many 1st generation in Georgetown, illiterate, living in deep poverty without papers

when Burnham socialism ruined Guyana's economy, many of the 2nd and 3rd generation scrambled to reclaim their roots and 'remigrated'

so stop your ignorance and nonsense

You clearly had left Guyana by that time and don't know what the hell I'm referring to!

you are a compulsive liar!

i speak to the roots of your tall tales

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Burnham did this is the 70's with Islanders.  They were given land on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and allowed to vote.  They were very racist against Indians.  I knew several of them and even some local Blacks had issues with their racism against Indians.

the risible contradictions in the PPP offerings on this subject in and out of parliament (pointed out) on this thread are lost on the stupid and the dishonest

where you are concerned . . . perhaps some combination of both plus a compulsion to divert . . .

btw, "Islanders" (none from Haiti) were migrating on 'banana' boats from deep poverty at least since colonial days

by the time Burnham came on the scene, that 'migration' was a mere trickle

those from the small French islands were called "palla walla" people because of their strange accents

some settled in places like Kwakwani and Wismar because of good paying work in the Bauxite industry . . . fully integrated in those communities

as a small boy, i know of many 1st generation in Georgetown, illiterate, living in deep poverty without papers

when Burnham socialism ruined Guyana's economy, many of the 2nd and 3rd generation scrambled to reclaim their roots and 'remigrated'

so stop your ignorance and nonsense

You clearly had left Guyana by that time and don't know what the hell I'm referring to!

you are a compulsive liar!

i speak to the roots of your tall tales

Listen knucklehead, I am not speaking of the banana boat days, I'm talking GAC days.  We saw and met these Islanders, their kids came to our school.  Their parents were openly and vocally racists even making fun of Indian names and lifestyle.  The worse (Cheer leader) was one who drove a Black Humber Hawk who referred to all Indians as "mud-head coolies."

Don't tell me I'm lying, I did not hear it from anyone, I knew and met them.  They were all given land on the Linden highway and up in the Timehri-Alliance layout area where farm land was being given out!

Baseman posted:

Listen knucklehead, I am not speaking of the banana boat days, I'm talking GAC days.  We saw and met these Islanders, their kids came to our school.  Their parents were openly and vocally racists even making fun of Indian names and lifestyle.  The worse (Cheer leader) was one who drove a Black Humber Hawk who referred to all Indians as "mud-head coolies."

Don't tell me I'm lying, I did not hear it from anyone, I knew and met them.  They were all given land on the Linden highway and up in the Timehri-Alliance layout area where farm land was being given out!

so, how is this anecdote some plan by the PNC to alter the demographics of Guyana?

if so, where is the evidence of this today?

you bring NOTHING to the table other than bad encounter with some small islanders with racial attitude towards Indo-Guyanese

Burnhan didn't need a couple of "Islander" immigrant families to win sham elections in Guyana!

g'wan dahside with yuh simple-minded fantasies and LIES

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Listen knucklehead, I am not speaking of the banana boat days, I'm talking GAC days.  We saw and met these Islanders, their kids came to our school.  Their parents were openly and vocally racists even making fun of Indian names and lifestyle.  The worse (Cheer leader) was one who drove a Black Humber Hawk who referred to all Indians as "mud-head coolies."

Don't tell me I'm lying, I did not hear it from anyone, I knew and met them.  They were all given land on the Linden highway and up in the Timehri-Alliance layout area where farm land was being given out!

so, how is this anecdote some plan by the PNC to alter the demographics of Guyana?

if so, where is the evidence of this today?

you bring NOTHING to the table other than bad encounter with some small islanders with racial attitude towards Indo-Guyanese

Burnhan didn't need a couple of "Islander" immigrant families to win sham elections in Guyana!

g'wan dahside with yuh simple-minded fantasies and LIES

I don't know how many were spread through out Guyana.  I also knew many eventually left and returned home as (I believe) life in Guyana was more difficult than they expected.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Listen knucklehead, I am not speaking of the banana boat days, I'm talking GAC days.  We saw and met these Islanders, their kids came to our school.  Their parents were openly and vocally racists even making fun of Indian names and lifestyle.  The worse (Cheer leader) was one who drove a Black Humber Hawk who referred to all Indians as "mud-head coolies."

Don't tell me I'm lying, I did not hear it from anyone, I knew and met them.  They were all given land on the Linden highway and up in the Timehri-Alliance layout area where farm land was being given out!

so, how is this anecdote some plan by the PNC to alter the demographics of Guyana?

if so, where is the evidence of this today?

you bring NOTHING to the table other than bad encounter with some small islanders with racial attitude towards Indo-Guyanese

Burnhan didn't need a couple of "Islander" immigrant families to win sham elections in Guyana!

g'wan dahside with yuh simple-minded fantasies and LIES

I don't know how many were spread through out Guyana.  I also knew many eventually left and returned home as (I believe) life in Guyana was more difficult than they expected.

you obviously "don't know" a lot

as a grown man, holding on to a cherished LIE/FANTASY for dear life doan do you no credit


Last edited by Former Member

Every single Black President in Guyana was a rigger.

They do not give up until they die (Burnham) or they are forced to conduct free and fair election (Hoyte). We now have a third rigger, Granger. He already illegally appointed his own Election Commission Chairman. 

Very sad.

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Listen knucklehead, I am not speaking of the banana boat days, I'm talking GAC days.  We saw and met these Islanders, their kids came to our school.  Their parents were openly and vocally racists even making fun of Indian names and lifestyle.  The worse (Cheer leader) was one who drove a Black Humber Hawk who referred to all Indians as "mud-head coolies."

Don't tell me I'm lying, I did not hear it from anyone, I knew and met them.  They were all given land on the Linden highway and up in the Timehri-Alliance layout area where farm land was being given out!

so, how is this anecdote some plan by the PNC to alter the demographics of Guyana?

if so, where is the evidence of this today?

you bring NOTHING to the table other than bad encounter with some small islanders with racial attitude towards Indo-Guyanese

Burnhan didn't need a couple of "Islander" immigrant families to win sham elections in Guyana!

g'wan dahside with yuh simple-minded fantasies and LIES

I don't know how many were spread through out Guyana.  I also knew many eventually left and returned home as (I believe) life in Guyana was more difficult than they expected.

you obviously "don't know" a lot

as a grown man, holding on to a cherished LIE/FANTASY for dear life doan do you no credit


Where there's smoke, there's fire.  You are a "holocaust' denier and will seek any reason to doubt the truth.  Just like witnessing the rigging at one location, I don't know what happened all over, but one can assume the plotters had a grander plan!

Baseman posted:

You are a "holocaust' denier and will seek any reason to doubt the truth.  Just like witnessing the rigging at one location, I don't know what happened all over, but one can assume the plotters had a grander plan!

my extended family don't find it funny you trivializing the Holocaust

you must be real desperate casting around in the gutter for mitigating 'argument'

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You are a "holocaust' denier and will seek any reason to doubt the truth.  Just like witnessing the rigging at one location, I don't know what happened all over, but one can assume the plotters had a grander plan!

my extended family don't find it funny you trivializing the Holocaust

you must be real desperate casting around in the gutter for mitigating 'argument'

Me, my family and my extended family does not find it funny you trivializing the Indian experiencing under the PNC!

VishMahabir posted:

Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.


Oh "well read" scholar and self professed student of Guyanese history and politics, Shah is a woman. Dummy.

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You are a "holocaust' denier and will seek any reason to doubt the truth.  Just like witnessing the rigging at one location, I don't know what happened all over, but one can assume the plotters had a grander plan!

my extended family don't find it funny you trivializing the Holocaust

you must be real desperate casting around in the gutter for mitigating 'argument'

Me, my family and my extended family does not find it funny you trivializing the Indian experiencing under the PNC!

you trivialize the Holocaust - mentioning it by name

then you have the insane nerve to try perfume up your scumbag gutter turn, offering up race grievance under Burnham rule as equivalent 

you crawl on your belly sir . . . a creature with no decency, historical intelligence, sense of proportion or shame!


Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Just curious...why is this guy Shah called a "racist"?.


Oh "well read" scholar and self professed student of Guyanese history and politics, Shah is a woman. Dummy.

He is knucklehead. 

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

You are a "holocaust' denier and will seek any reason to doubt the truth.  Just like witnessing the rigging at one location, I don't know what happened all over, but one can assume the plotters had a grander plan!

my extended family don't find it funny you trivializing the Holocaust

you must be real desperate casting around in the gutter for mitigating 'argument'

Your extended family should not be reading GNI then. Jews are the main problem in the entire Middle East. Even the people in Europe don't want them there.


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