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FC posted:
ian posted:
FC posted:

I see a lot of PPPites playing defense, attempting to throw cold water on the findings of the report. The statistics are what they are.  They point to a pervasive problem that existed for over 15 yrs. 

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime. As long as their families and friends were employed the rest of the country can go to hell.  The coalition is left with a herculean task to address this issue.

Yet there was no policy response from the PPP regime.

Are you out of your mind. KUMBAYA go ask yo KUMBAYA grandfather David for a plan. 

Just because you have a mouth does not mean you should open it ad nauseam. 

Lol KUMBAYA. Come again 

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:

PPP Legacy 40% youth unemployment


So this is the great economic achievement the PPP are always boasting about. A legacy of 40% youth unemployment and the streets flooded with cocaine and guns, is the recipe for disaster we see today in the form of out of control violent crime.

What is the coalition doing to turn this around?

A clampdown on the drug trade in partnership with the US DEA should help to stem the flow of drugs which the PPP turned a blind to. Young people who were drawn to getting easy money via drug trafficking will have to seek employment in mainstream industries and help to boost employment numbers. Improvements in crime fighting are already paying dividends in the form of a 12% reduction in serious crime for Jan & Feb 2016 vs 2015. 

Oh really!!!  What does all this have to do with youth unemployment!  They will "seek" employment in the "mainstream" industries which have loads of open positions just waiting to absorb these petty "drug pushers" and other "unemployed criminals" displaced by reduced crime!!

Now, have you not heard, since your PNC took power, the economy came to a screeching halt and many "mainstream" industries have been laying off employees?

Oh, I guess you must be on that other wavelength or high on glue!!

And FYI, employment is not boosted by increased persons seeking employment.  It is boosted by increased economic activity brought about by confidence and stability and export (in Guyana's case).  Since the PNC took power, none of these are in play!!

What are your working, voodoo or black magic, no pun intended!!

Yes really!

 It is clear we had and (possibly  still have to some extent) maintained, a parallel underground economy almost equal to the real one.  We also had a massive drug industry penetrating all aspect of life and business. Many of your "business men" are suffering adversity  because there is a slow, ongoing strangle hold on the drug economy and that is the seed capital of their industry!

Also, among the most debilitating factor in economic stagnation in all third world nations is corruption. It not only leeches away capital from the state but acts as a tax on citizens. In our society, 23 years of crony capitalism and use of the state as a private funding stream for the "church mice to fat cat" strategy of the PPP has been  a monumental corruption tax on citizens. Their rule left us with every sector reeking from graft schemes.

Cutting out the necrosis of drugs, corruption and the underground economy is necessary for a stable and healthy economy. In such a one, growth would be registered across every social strata and monies will not end up, as it did with the PPP, in the pocket of the PPP and their crony's alone. The people will see the benefit of it as well.

This also allows for real competition where a corner store would be a real store and not a money laundry shop, undercutting real entrepreneurship. In such an economic system, creative people can thrive. They do not have to compete with the merchants of quick and easy drug cash and lose.

This change does not happen over night. We have examples in the fragments of the former soviet union where newly independent countries struggled at first to boot strap themselves. However, today they far exceed what they were in the corrupt heyday of the soviet regime. Yes, we will rise!

skeldon_man posted:
ian posted:

We have businesses in Guyana, YOUTHS DO NOT WANT TO WORK.  

The same nonsense in Canada, people do not want to work.  

Jobs are available . How they come up with these statistics is beyond me.  

Why should they? Choke and rob better than working. Lots of competition around since the release of the criminal gangs. Granger has contributed to the unemployment rate since he has been releasing the criminals. Let the PNC deal with the unemployment of the youths. 

Go take your geritol. You are becoming too cranky and more of a grump...a cranky, racist, grump at that. That is not pleasing company.

Of course the APNU will have to deal with they unemployment. They have to remove the impediments of corruption, competition with easy drug cash and allow a real economy to grow. 23 years of the PPP levied a heavy tax in the form of their corruption on creative and necessary niche industries. It stifled local entrepreneurship.

The APNU must find ways to  facilitate the rise of necessary small businesses and not concentrate as the PPP has done, solely on the large boutique projects that supported only the foreign builder and profit expropriating class because it provided ample lucre in the form of graft for the PPP boys.

Small, local businesses have a multiplier effect of circulating the same cash many times in the society and that is the seed for employment across the board.

Last edited by Former Member

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