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VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
You VishMahabir posted:

The man looking for some punani and simutoo. He might be ugly but nah sthupid. He palyin possum. Does he know what belly wuk or grip is? He next job will be in the circus.

Banna, which rock you crawl from unda? allyou knuckleheads stick together...must have graduated from this school. You gat anything new to add to this debate? Or you just here for your 15 minutes of fame?

Image result for midvale push or pull?


You skoant get ketch and now you ah try like like a maggot to get out? Nah!  Me nah graduate fram any skool. Me bin ah kut kane an trow manure in Gayana. Ova hey, me mek me livin by beggin wid wand pece cyad boad...HOMELESS AND HUNGRY. Rememba me an you bin stand up in de karner street and you hole you sine up... WILL WORK FOR FOOD?


Banna guh rest yuhself.  I called you a fake because you claim not to know much about Guyana.  We know that’s a big lie!!

There is/was no debate from my side, I just posted the PPP list of candidates, for what it’s worth.  

You started the fite with might this, might that and I just responded.  

If you feeling to debate the merits of these candidates, pack yuh grip and go debate them.  Tell them they are fake PPP reps and all that shyte!

I think it’s time you come clean that you are a PNCite ghost poster pretending to be some naive, but β€œwant to know” Guyanese.  You are not!

beyond that, the list is the list.  Run with that!   I’m done with it. You can fite yuhself!

yuji22 posted:

PNC will NEVER have such a list in 1,000 years. Carib G will have fits and call those brave Candidates all sort of names. Now watch Ronan, Carib and Guana admitted to a mental asylum.

Django, better make a call to Congress Place right now. The tables are turned, PPP has the most diversity compared to the racist PNC.

Patrica looks like she will not take any nonsense from PNC thugs.

A bunch on non entities.  Now tell us who are the blacks who actually have a major decision making role within the PPP.  Please don't say Sam Hinds. Because then you will have to explain why the PPP fired him from being president.


Baseman posted:

Jokster, it starts somewhere, doesn't it?  Your cadre Caribj always complain about the "face!"  Suh enjoy the view.

PNC ghost poster, gwan suh!

No we laugh at your pathetic attempts by the PPP to hide the fact that it is fundamentally anti black. 

Where is that black woman who you all selected to be the PM candidate in the last election?  I bet that you have no idea.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

uhhu...thats what you keep saying...

You just wach abie!!   When we done wid you, Yuh guh larn more than wuh dem White man university teach you. 

Stick with us....and you’ll never go hungry again!!

And here you go screaming that Vish must vote based on his "Indian side" and then y6ou wonder why blacks have no use for the PPP. And yes you did so in another thread.

Zed posted:

It is democracy in action. For me, I think that the list shows that the opposition has some support in Linden and that support is from young people.


anyone can find a random group of people and then make them representatives.  Do people in Linden know who these people are?  What is their history within the PPP?  What decision making roles do they have within the PPP.

When one elects LGE representatives they are expected to have an ability to represent the citizens of the town.

The PPP endless tokenism is quite boring.  They need to stop.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Jokster, it starts somewhere, doesn't it?  Your cadre Caribj always complain about the "face!"  Suh enjoy the view.

PNC ghost poster, gwan suh!

No we laugh at your pathetic attempts by the PPP to hide the fact that it is fundamentally anti black. 

Where is that black woman who you all selected to be the PM candidate in the last election?  I bet that you have no idea.

"Former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Elisabeth Harper has been rehired as a consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"

Baseman posted:

You are a joker!!

we prapa giddy. Come 2020 nuff Black guh vote fuh abie!

Yes the PPP won 80% of the region 10 votes in 2006, and 2011.

Because before each of these elections the PPP screamed that they will win in Linden and after each resounding defeat they wailed "black man lazy and ungrateful".  The only time when the PPP didn't bother with Linden was in 2015 when they preferred to run around Guyana bellowing that they were the "coolie people party".

Django posted:


"Former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Elisabeth Harper has been rehired as a consultant to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"

So the woman ran to Granger, groveled, apologized for her sins, took a serious whipping and vowed never to drink PPP milk ever again.

So much for the black tokens.  Even Roger Luncheon had to scream that the PPP doesn't care for PPP blacks.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

uhhu...thats what you keep saying...

You just wach abie!!   When we done wid you, Yuh guh larn more than wuh dem White man university teach you. 

Stick with us....and you’ll never go hungry again!!

And here you go screaming that Vish must vote based on his "Indian side" and then y6ou wonder why blacks have no use for the PPP. And yes you did so in another thread.

Ow bai, man cyaan mek lil joke. Why you take everything so serious.  Don’t you think I know you will read.   Relax yuh bitter self and guh chill.  


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