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What the PNC is doing just stiffens the resolve of the PPP side.  They have failed their constituency and these actions make it look, even to their constituency, they are deflecting from themselves.  The PNC needs to focus on governing more effectively and stop harassing the PPP officials.  Burnham days NOT coming back!

Gilbakka posted:

If the CCJ had ruled in comrade Cedric Richardson's favour, APNU+AFC might have fast-forwarded Pradoville2 & other charges against Bharrat Jagdeo by now, notwithstanding presidential immunity safeguards. 

In due time, the crookery will be exposed.It's glaring some are blinded or perhaps don't want to acknowledge the crookedness.

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If the CCJ had ruled in comrade Cedric Richardson's favour, APNU+AFC might have fast-forwarded Pradoville2 & other charges against Bharrat Jagdeo by now, notwithstanding presidential immunity safeguards. 

The LGE shows they need to fix their own shop!

Auditor General reports are a good place to start the fixing.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If the CCJ had ruled in comrade Cedric Richardson's favour, APNU+AFC might have fast-forwarded Pradoville2 & other charges against Bharrat Jagdeo by now, notwithstanding presidential immunity safeguards. 

In due time, the crookery will be exposed.It's glaring some are blinded or perhaps don't want to acknowledge the crookedness.

Your boys [and girls] need to focus on governing, get the economy going and getting their downtrodden constituency out to vote.  If not, come 2020, it will be the PPP who will [again] be pulling the strings and ayuh 5-year tenure guh be an irrelevant footnote!  All gone fuh channa!

Focus on what really matters, "read" the LGE and stop p.u55y-footing and tap-dancing around!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If the CCJ had ruled in comrade Cedric Richardson's favour, APNU+AFC might have fast-forwarded Pradoville2 & other charges against Bharrat Jagdeo by now, notwithstanding presidential immunity safeguards. 

In due time, the crookery will be exposed.It's glaring some are blinded or perhaps don't want to acknowledge the crookedness.

Your boys [and girls] need to focus on governing, get the economy going and getting their downtrodden constituency out to vote.  If not, come 2020, it will be the PPP who will [again] be pulling the strings and ayuh 5-year tenure guh be an irrelevant footnote!  All gone fuh channa!

Focus on what really matters, "read" the LGE and stop p.u55y-footing and tap-dancing around!

Banna here how it works ,

GE 40 seats one single constituency and 25 seats for the 10 Regions,total of 65 seats.

LGE, 596 PR seats and 596 FPTP seats a total of 1192 seats for 80 LAA inclusive of Towns.

Do the math,average voter turnout at GE 70 % ,the last two LGE 2018 36% and 2016 47%

Mars the math expert can chime in.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:

Would it really matter if Anil got convicted?  Can't the PPP reassign the seat to another "yes" man? I believe so. 

Yes, PPP can fill the vacancy. But the Leader of the House (the PM) & the Speaker decide when to swear-in on the Order Paper. They can spring the no-confidence motion before the swearing-in.

Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Would it really matter if Anil got convicted?  Can't the PPP reassign the seat to another "yes" man? I believe so. 

Yes, PPP can fill the vacancy. But the Leader of the House (the PM) & the Speaker decide when to swear-in on the Order Paper. They can spring the no-confidence motion before the swearing-in.

But wouldn't it require due process to achieve a conviction? Knowing Guyana this could drag on for years, no?

Drugb posted:

Would it really matter if Anil got convicted?  Can't the PPP reassign the seat to another "yes" man? I believe so. 

Correct DrugB.

1. Elections are held for the named Leaders of the political parties.

2. Leaders then select the members for their parties.

3. Should a member become unable to continue, the Leader then selects another person to fill the then vacated seat.

Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

If the CCJ had ruled in comrade Cedric Richardson's favour, APNU+AFC might have fast-forwarded Pradoville2 & other charges against Bharrat Jagdeo by now, notwithstanding presidential immunity safeguards. 

The LGE shows they need to fix their own shop!

Auditor General reports are a good place to start the fixing.

Good shot. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Churchill posted:
Gilbakka posted:

While APNU+AFC delays no-confidence vote, it's ratcheting up pressure on Anil & Irfaan. Both are potential presidential candidates.

Both are potential jail birds !

Why are they potential jail birds?

Churchill’s judgement has been clouded in his old age. How about he addresses the Auditor General’s report ?

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Would it really matter if Anil got convicted?  Can't the PPP reassign the seat to another "yes" man? I believe so. 

Yes, PPP can fill the vacancy. But the Leader of the House (the PM) & the Speaker decide when to swear-in on the Order Paper. They can spring the no-confidence motion before the swearing-in.

But wouldn't it require due process to achieve a conviction? Knowing Guyana this could drag on for years, no?


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Churchill posted:
Gilbakka posted:

While APNU+AFC delays no-confidence vote, it's ratcheting up pressure on Anil & Irfaan. Both are potential presidential candidates.

Both are potential jail birds !

Why are they potential jail birds?

Anyone who is under investigation is a “potential”.  However, It’s a huge leap from potential to actualization. 

Drugb posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Drugb posted:

Would it really matter if Anil got convicted?  Can't the PPP reassign the seat to another "yes" man? I believe so. 

Yes, PPP can fill the vacancy. But the Leader of the House (the PM) & the Speaker decide when to swear-in on the Order Paper. They can spring the no-confidence motion before the swearing-in.

But wouldn't it require due process to achieve a conviction? Knowing Guyana this could drag on for years, no?

Agreed.  This is far from anything.  


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