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This is their arguement today in court case.....


PNC Constitution is Supreme “The National Assembly is a creature of the Constitution and whatever sovereignty it enjoys and functional autonomy with which it is imbued are subject and subordinate to the supremacy of the Constitution and consequently the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty does not apply.” ......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo....Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.)


The court document also said that the Joint Opposition in the National Assembly by virtue of their superior number cannot override, subvert, or abrogate the laws of the land, the Standing Orders, common law principles and the Constitution itself. ......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo....Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.)


 “A no-confidence Motion passed against a Minister or a member of the National Assembly in Guyana’s Constitutional construct has no binding effect or force and therefore, cannot constitute a violation of privilege or an offence for which a member can be committed to the Privileges Committee or for which a sanction can be imposed.” ......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo.... Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.)



 Nandlall said that no power whatsoever exists under the Standing Orders, the laws of the land, or the Constitution to impose a prohibition on a member of the National Assembly from speaking or performing the functions which devolve upon that member, either as a member or as a Minister thereof. The ruling last week, after a heated debate, was the first of its kind in the post-colonial period, Trotman had said last week.......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo....Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.)  



This would not be the first time that the government has turned to the courts for relief in matters dealt with in the Parliament. Earlier this year, following the budget cuts by the opposition, government had filed court actions. While the court had ruled that the Opposition erred in slashing the budget of a number of state agencies like NCN and GINA, it also ruled that Parliamentary matters are Parliamentary matters.......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo.... Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.) 


The 10th Parliament is the first one in which the government has a one-seat minority of 32 seats following the November 28, 2011 elections. It represented the first time that the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) had not been in control of Parliament since assuming continuous power 20 years ago, in 1992. There has been criticism about how little work the National Assembly has done this year.......(According to Ramotar & Jagdeo....Burnhan Constitution is Supreme and was written to keep the govt in power and protect them from answering to the people of Guyana.) 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dr Jagan was speaking at The Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan just after democracy was restored in Guyana. He was asked by a reprter from WLIB as to what will his Gov't do with the dictatorship constitution that gives the PRESIDENT SUPREME POWER.. His response shocked almost everyone in the hall. He said nothing is wrong with the constitution but what is wrong is if the pesrson who is holding the office is corrupt. At that point I said to myself that Dr Jagan is no good and all he was thining of is getting the PPP to remain in power with an authotharian rule.


Today some 20 years after we are seeing that DrJagan was wrong. and since then many of us including me has often refered to his infamous speech.


In the hall were many strong  supporters of the PPP at that time, some are members of GNI. tODAY SOME OF THOSE SUPPORTERS WHO ARE DECENT AND HAS CALLED OUT fREEDOM hOUSE FOR THIER CORRUPTION  has become victims of the constitution.

Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1.

Me na no wah ah ACCA. Me no dem bin ah write GCE. Me bin ah cut cane ah Guyana becase me na bin pass secan standad. 5 abie does load 2 punt cane ah day ah Skeldon. But me no fu operate wan computah.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart. ole fool sound jealous. Yuh lika dat fax who na bin a get da sour grapes. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart. ole fool sound jealous. Yuh lika dat fax who na bin a get da sour grapes. 

I have to give up replying to your childish posts.  You sound as if you live in a backward society. God can help you. Continue praying.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart. ole fool sound jealous. Yuh lika dat fax who na bin a get da sour grapes. 

I have to give up replying to your childish posts.  You sound as if you live in a backward society. God can help you. Continue praying.

Meh go pray...yu bray. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart. ole fool sound jealous. Yuh lika dat fax who na bin a get da sour grapes. 

I have to give up replying to your childish posts.  You sound as if you live in a backward society. God can help you. Continue praying.

Meh go pray...yu bray. 

Hey gal,

Betta me bray. Yu ah check see wah mek dankey ah sh*t square.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The PPP gun save Guyana from Al YUh Cunumunu and Lamata.

Dem only know fuh tief. Dem cyant save anybady.

Hey 2 fu 3 cents hooman: How yu no dem ah tief? Look like yu ah teach dem fu no. Write sometin with lil sense na?


Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man...cammon sense tell me dat de income dem gat fuh add up to de wealth. Dat is basic accountin meh larn fuh ACCA level 1. Cammon sense tell me dat Jagdoe, Rohee and Irfatt cyant mek dem da house without bribes, kickback and drug benefits. Dat is basic accounts lesson fuh wan ole fool. 

Hey yuh 1.5 inch penis man.


Gal like yu try wan 1.5 inch man fu no da. Me na no you; so yu mus try somebady else. Me na want 2 fu 3 cents hooman. Me gat wan good looking wife and she neva complain. Na lose sleep ova me. Study haad fu yu UG exam. Yu go have to use yu UG degree in Guyana. Me gat lines in Guyana and me can help yu fine wan jab fu clean parliament bilding. Good Luck.

Lines? Wah meh go do wid lines? Meh come fram good stack. Meh daddy gat nuff nuff nuff money. Me gat fuh tek ova de family empire. You keep yu lines a da cold Minasota. Yu na worry wid me exams. Meh go get distinctshan. 

Yu go tek yu UG diploma and wipe yu no weh? Ah yu family empia like Sanford and Son empia? Yu distinkshan an mean a rat's a**. Yu can cram all yu want and put down pan ah paper wah yu cram. Da na mean yu smart. ole fool sound jealous. Yuh lika dat fax who na bin a get da sour grapes. 

I have to give up replying to your childish posts.  You sound as if you live in a backward society. God can help you. Continue praying.

Meh go pray...yu bray. 

Hey gal,

Betta me bray. Yu ah check see wah mek dankey ah sh*t square.

Yuh like dem gay man taughts nah?

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Reform the constitution to address all issues, also ensure the removal of the GDF from political interference.  There are several issues which need to be addressed.  Also remember, it is not fully the PNC constitution as I don't think there were term limits then.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Reform the constitution to address all issues, also ensure the removal of the GDF from political interference.  There are several issues which need to be addressed.  Also remember, it is not fully the PNC constitution as I don't think there were term limits then.


Basie bai PNC want canstitution reform. AFC want am too. Only PPP nah want am. Ramoto seh he nah see nothin wrang wid am. Bai nothin last foreva and dem Indo leader in de PPP go be responsble fuh any discrimination Indos go face if PNC in powah. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Reform the constitution to address all issues, also ensure the removal of the GDF from political interference.  There are several issues which need to be addressed.  Also remember, it is not fully the PNC constitution as I don't think there were term limits then.

the most egregious components of the PPP era remains. It retains the executive presidency with no access to power of the losing party. It was designed to produce race based majorities from closed lists and that remains. It was designed to defend against coalition building by a majority in coalition and that remains. It has no option for expressing political voice or take the normal exit strategies from among political opposition. It was designed for a dictatorship and remains a dictatorship in all of its expressions except by continued electoral farce to which the opposition agree as the best strategy.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Reform the constitution to address all issues, also ensure the removal of the GDF from political interference.  There are several issues which need to be addressed.  Also remember, it is not fully the PNC constitution as I don't think there were term limits then.

the most egregious components of the PPP era remains. It retains the executive presidency with no access to power of the losing party. It was designed to produce race based majorities from closed lists and that remains. It was designed to defend against coalition building by a majority in coalition and that remains. It has no option for expressing political voice or take the normal exit strategies from among political opposition. It was designed for a dictatorship and remains a dictatorship in all of its expressions except by continued electoral farce to which the opposition agree as the best strategy.

You opinion, and like an a55h0le, everybody has one.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:



Meh hope Basie a fallow yuh views. Meh hope he undastan how de Indo leaders a japardize de future of de people wid this Canstipation. 

Reform the constitution to address all issues, also ensure the removal of the GDF from political interference.  There are several issues which need to be addressed.  Also remember, it is not fully the PNC constitution as I don't think there were term limits then.

the most egregious components of the PPP era remains. It retains the executive presidency with no access to power of the losing party. It was designed to produce race based majorities from closed lists and that remains. It was designed to defend against coalition building by a majority in coalition and that remains. It has no option for expressing political voice or take the normal exit strategies from among political opposition. It was designed for a dictatorship and remains a dictatorship in all of its expressions except by continued electoral farce to which the opposition agree as the best strategy.

You opinion, and like an a55h0le, everybody has one.

 Were you the one speaking of an intellectual come back? I presume that is the quality of yours. Fortunately, I have no expectations of an insightful repartee when any of you low life morons defending this openly and nakedly corrupt regime is concerned.


It is a foregone conclusion you have only a few options, the over worked one racist one of "black demons" and your iconized and mantra about sacred victimization by these "brutes" or the myth of Burnham plundering the states resources ( not denying he did not) while being blind to the wanton pillage of the current regime.


Yes everyone has an ******* but some use it for what it is designed  while others think speaking of in an insipid attempt at ridicule consider that as being an intellectual.


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