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PRESIDENTIAL Candidate of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Mr. Donald Ramotar has said that, unlike Opposition forces which have separate messages for separate communities, the PPP has never moved away from having a national policy and position. He was speaking to the media in the PPP Headquarters, Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown, on Thursday.
Refuting allegations that the party uses ‘bottom house’ campaigns on the basis of race, Ramotar said:“That goes against everything that the PPP believes in. From the very inception, we started as a multi-racial party. We have continued like that despite the split in the party.
“We do not have, unlike Mr. [Khemraj] Ramjattan and others in the AFC (Alliance for Change), separate messages for separate communities. We have one single message and that’s trying to work for national unity and progress so all could benefit.”
About the upcoming polls, the PPP General Secretary said:“We are ready for the elections. Our preparations are going very, very well at this point. We have had more than 400 community bottom house public meetings throughout the country and we are preparing to go into the next gear as soon as possible.”
The PPP/C hopes to get its manifesto out before the end of this month and Ramotar has expressed his conviction that it has the capacity and ability “to bring all our people together under the banner of the PPP/C.”
“Only PPP haters will not see the progress we have made and only the PPP haters keep, continually, burying their heads in the sand…not seeing the cross-over votes that we have been getting from 1992 to now,” he boasted.
Ramotar observed that, at a regional level, the PPP has made substantial progress throughout Guyana. As a consequence, for example, in 1992, the party managed to rake in a mere four percent of the votes in Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Berbice. However, the last elections saw the PPP getting 23 percent of those votes.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

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The P.P.P remains Guyana's truly Nationalist party....the Guyanese populace will endorse their party...the peoples progressive party civic with the mantle of governance....and let progress continue
The P.P.P/C maintains one message to all its improve their socio-economic conditions by investing heavy in the social sectors, that will be of benefit mostly to the working class....the Guyanese populace will always support their party..the peoples progressive party civic....Guyana's nationalist and pro-working class party....they'll all vote P.P.P/C and let progress continue
Originally posted by albert:
votes in Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Berbice. However, the last elections saw the PPP getting 23 percent of those votes.

Excerpts from the Guyana Chronicle

The PPP can fool itself all it wants. In 2001 it got 3,985 v otes. In 2006 it got under 3,200 votes and was beaten by the AFC.

Socio-economic conditions in Linden have gotten even worse since then. So why does the PPP want to fool itself that it is liked in Linden.

Of course the PPP must tell us how the PNC and AFC got 43% of the votes in 2006 when they got few Indian or Amerindian votes. Most definitely the got almost all of the African and mixed votes would have been under 45% of total votes cast.

This point has been raised over and over by people like David Hinds and Eric Phillips. The PPP never responds to their comments. They think that Guyanese are assinine and can be easily fooled.

The PPP is an Indian party, supported mainly by Indians, run by Indians for the benefit of RICH Indians. They ought to stop fooling themselves.
Originally posted by albert:
The P.P.P/C has always been...and continues to be...a pro-working class party

I see too uneducated, ignorant and stupid to respond to my comments Every day people prove how racist the PPP is (the most recent being the likelihood that 80% of the returning officers will be Indians), Daily you repeat dogma.

Well here is this. If the PNC and the AFC won 43% of the votes and mixed/Africans are 45% of the total. Then either;

1. The PNC and the AFC are multi racial OR

2. The PPP gets almost no black or mixed votes.

You will not respond with intelligence. You will pots the PPP logo or dogmatically write "The PPP the working class party". You will then earn many times a teacher.
(Quote)You will not respond with intelligence. You will pots the PPP logo or dogmatically write "The PPP the working class party". You will then earn many times a teacher. (Quote)

He good at dat eh? But that's what asses are supposed to do, repeat themselves, HEee Haaaw, Heee Haaaw, Heee Haaaw.
Originally posted by cain:
(Quote)You will not respond with intelligence. You will pots the PPP logo or dogmatically write "The PPP the working class party". You will then earn many times a teacher. (Quote)

He good at dat eh? But that's what asses are supposed to do, repeat themselves, HEee Haaaw, Heee Haaaw, Heee Haaaw.

And he says it with a gayish twang. yippie

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