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Originally posted by FC:
It is refreshing to see Indos not being led to the slaughter and are challenging the status quo. Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.


In 2006, one in every 5 black voted for the AFC. The AFC received 30,000 votes in total. Quite commendable for a party that was only a few months old at that time.

In 2006 also very few Indians, if any, in Region 6 (East Berbice) voted for the AFC. As such, the Indians in this picture are all new converts to the AFC. Or as the AFC blacks in Linden are saying they are "Region 6 reinforcements".

There is no way the PPP will get a majority in 2011. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.
Should the PPP win, what's gonna happen with all the free stuff and other ventures they've been so proudly supporting everyday?
Wanna bet they all come to an abrupt end.

No mo' building of roads, no mo' music schools, no mo' fancy up to date hospital and so on. They doan have to buy no mo votes.

I hope this isn't really what will happen because they'll screw the people and that ain't nice.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
this does not mean that the people will be voting for the AFC.

They must have showed up at this AFC Meeting for the free liquor, entertainment, laptop, house lot and gun license.

Or is that the reason they attend the PPP rallies?

With this level of defection no way PPP can get the same number of votes or more they received last election.
Thank you for seeing the light. Throwing in the Towel is not such a bad thing, right?? partybanana partybanana yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by FC:
It is refreshing to see Indos not being led to the slaughter and are challenging the status quo. Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.


In 2006, one in every 5 black voted for the AFC. The AFC received 30,000 votes in total. Quite commendable for a party that was only a few months old at that time.

In 2006 also very few Indians, if any, in Region 6 (East Berbice) voted for the AFC. As such, the Indians in this picture are all new converts to the AFC. Or as the AFC blacks in Linden are saying they are "Region 6 reinforcements".

There is no way the PPP will get a majority in 2011. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
this does not mean that the people will be voting for the AFC.

They must have showed up at this AFC Meeting for the free liquor, entertainment, laptop, house lot and gun license.

Or is that the reason they attend the PPP rallies?

With this level of defection no way PPP can get the same number of votes or more they received last election.

Uncle Rama in panic mode. See how he kyant sleep!!! PPP popularity dropping in the polls. panman
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
this does not mean that the people will be voting for the AFC.

They must have showed up at this AFC Meeting for the free liquor, entertainment, laptop, house lot and gun license.

Or is that the reason they attend the PPP rallies?

With this level of defection no way PPP can get the same number of votes or more they received last election.

Uncle Rama in panic mode. See how he kyant sleep!!! PPP popularity dropping in the polls. panman

Let's hope this does not cause a relapse.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Thank you for seeing the light. Throwing in the Towel is not such a bad thing, right?? partybanana partybanana yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by FC:
It is refreshing to see Indos not being led to the slaughter and are challenging the status quo. Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.


In 2006, one in every 5 black voted for the AFC. The AFC received 30,000 votes in total. Quite commendable for a party that was only a few months old at that time.

In 2006 also very few Indians, if any, in Region 6 (East Berbice) voted for the AFC. As such, the Indians in this picture are all new converts to the AFC. Or as the AFC blacks in Linden are saying they are "Region 6 reinforcements".

There is no way the PPP will get a majority in 2011. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.

Minority Government /w jail for thieves.
Get used to it.
HEHEHE Arite Baghdad Bob. The Marines are running, we are Vistorious. yippie partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Thank you for seeing the light. Throwing in the Towel is not such a bad thing, right?? partybanana partybanana yippie yippie
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
Originally posted by FC:
It is refreshing to see Indos not being led to the slaughter and are challenging the status quo. Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.


In 2006, one in every 5 black voted for the AFC. The AFC received 30,000 votes in total. Quite commendable for a party that was only a few months old at that time.

In 2006 also very few Indians, if any, in Region 6 (East Berbice) voted for the AFC. As such, the Indians in this picture are all new converts to the AFC. Or as the AFC blacks in Linden are saying they are "Region 6 reinforcements".

There is no way the PPP will get a majority in 2011. The Queen Mary is indeed turning.

Minority Government /w jail for thieves.
Get used to it.
Originally posted by cain:
Should the PPP win, what's gonna happen with all the free stuff and other ventures they've been so proudly supporting everyday?
Wanna bet they all come to an abrupt end.

No mo' building of roads, no mo' music schools, no mo' fancy up to date hospital and so on. They doan have to buy no mo votes.

I hope this isn't really what will happen because they'll screw the people and that ain't nice.

Every election the PPP do the same thing to Black Bush Polder roads...they promise and start the work before election, which is stopped immediately after the election, leaving some of the dug-up road worst than before.
Little is done by the PPP for the striking public transportation drivers, due to the bad roads and Mustapha will not even meet with them.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
@ Ramah - I resent your insinuation that only blacks voted for the AFC in 2006. Many of AFC's support came from Region 4 and particular GT. Those are mixed areas and I know of many indians who voted for the AFC in these areas. It may not have been 50/50 but many indians did vote for the AFC in 2006.
There is no need to resent what he stated. Most people stayed in their lanes in the last election with only the mixed population daring to vote AFC. In region 4 the stats ( if I remember them well) were the PPP 42 percent and the PNC 46 percent with nine percent going to the AFC. This elections the evidence is that there will be defections mainly from the PPP in region 3, 4, 6, and 10. The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usual.
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
@ Ramah - I resent your insinuation that only blacks voted for the AFC in 2006. Many of AFC's support came from Region 4 and particular GT. Those are mixed areas and I know of many indians who voted for the AFC in these areas. It may not have been 50/50 but many indians did vote for the AFC in 2006.

You are correct. About 5000 GT Indians did vote for the AFC. But 99% of the region 6 Indians did not. No need to resent what I said. Appreciate your comment.
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
Originally posted by Nehru:
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
To the contrary, I and others like me are their salvation from cultural genocide. We give them the arguments, the lexicon and the language to define and articulate the ongoing thief of their lands and culture. We give them the tools to get it back; the ability to look at scumbags like yourself who detest them and tell you that you come from pedigree no better than theirs and any such claims is wasteful pretension. We let them know Guyana is theirs and no one can give them what was already theirs. There is absolutely no need to be dressed in PPP monkey suits to placate thieves and participate in the destruction of their dignity
bUT HOW COME YOU ARE THE ONE insulting AND degrading THEM??? eVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION " you full of shit"?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
To the contrary, I and others like me are their salvation from cultural genocide. We give them the arguments, the lexicon and the language to define and articulate the thief of their lands and culture. We give them the tools to get it back; the ability to look at scumbags like yourself who detest them and tell you that you come from pedigree no better than theirs and any such claims is wasteful pretension.
Originally posted by Nehru:
bUT HOW COME YOU ARE THE ONE insulting AND degrading THEM??? eVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION " you full of shit"?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
To the contrary, I and others like me are their salvation from cultural genocide. We give them the arguments, the lexicon and the language to define and articulate the thief of their lands and culture. We give them the tools to get it back; the ability to look at scumbags like yourself who detest them and tell you that you come from pedigree no better than theirs and any such claims is wasteful pretension.
Ever heard the expression, you are shit?
NO but you smell ilke SHIT. If it looks like shit, quack like SHIT then it is D@. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
bUT HOW COME YOU ARE THE ONE insulting AND degrading THEM??? eVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION " you full of shit"?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
To the contrary, I and others like me are their salvation from cultural genocide. We give them the arguments, the lexicon and the language to define and articulate the thief of their lands and culture. We give them the tools to get it back; the ability to look at scumbags like yourself who detest them and tell you that you come from pedigree no better than theirs and any such claims is wasteful pretension.
Ever heard the expression, you are shit?
Originally posted by Nehru:
NO but you smell ilke SHIT. If it looks like shit, quack like SHIT then it is D@. partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
bUT HOW COME YOU ARE THE ONE insulting AND degrading THEM??? eVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION " you full of shit"?
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Empty Barrels make the most noise. I am sorry for the error. The Amerindian People have been disgraced by you. You have no SHAME and I hope they keep far away from you. Our Amerindian Brothers and Sisters(You NOT included) are TRUE Guyanese who we adore and RESPECT.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
The poor amerinds have been bribed with their ATVs and their PPP monkey suits so they, as a captured audience, will accept bead trading as usua

WOW WOW Amerindian PRIDE at it's BEST. partybanana partybanana Bannas, I dont know which Planet you are from but I dont know anyone who would disgrace their entire Race the way you have done.
Amerinds are not a race you fool; they are nine peoples whose culture is being annihilated because some of their leaders like Pearson facilitates the PPP with dressing them up in PPP monkey suits as though that means their salvation. Actually, it means they got robbed of 5/6th of their lands to date. When the Amerind minister asks why should the Amerind be awarded that much land; she asked the wrong question. She should have asked who is responsible for invaders coming in that large numbers that their demands would mean robbing amerinds!
To the contrary, I and others like me are their salvation from cultural genocide. We give them the arguments, the lexicon and the language to define and articulate the thief of their lands and culture. We give them the tools to get it back; the ability to look at scumbags like yourself who detest them and tell you that you come from pedigree no better than theirs and any such claims is wasteful pretension.
Ever heard the expression, you are shit?
I happen to look good, dress well and is smart. Unlike you who cannot get the flow pattern of a forum thread in the right order per convention! I guess you want the reader to be confused as you are by forcing them to the rather stupid habit of incrementing the thread at the top of the post rather than at the bottom. Note you are the only ignoramus that does that. You are uniquely stupid that way!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FC:
Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. [QUOTE]

Well the AFC hasnt invested the time or the energy to tell them to do so so why should you expect them to. If the AFC disrespects them by not telling them why they should vote AFC then why act shocked when they dont.
Originally posted by D2:
only the mixed population daring to vote AFC. .

D2 most analysts in Guyana are unable to decipher who this mixed population is and whether it operates completely separate from the black population. Indeed Trotman says he is mixed, yet I suspect most Guyanese will disagree.

Better for you to say that the majority of their votes in 2006 came from the black/mixed vote, and leave it to others to figure out how to slice and dice these two groups.
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by FC:
Only if blacks can also follow the lead our Indian brothers & sisters and reject the APNU. [QUOTE]

Well the AFC hasnt invested the time or the energy to tell them to do so so why should you expect them to. If the AFC disrespects them by not telling them why they should vote AFC then why act shocked when they dont.
look man you talking bull,the AFC is all over region 4,talking to the people,mark is useing his program trying to reach the people.its just the black people in region 4 is not turning out in large numbers at the AFC rally.but they are listening and they will vote comparing the crowd with berbice.and that is wrong
[QUOTE]Originally posted by warrior:
[.its just the black people in region 4 is not turning out in large numbers at the AFC rally./QUOTE]

Because the AFC has started to talk to them very late in the day. Even GR admitted this. I suspect he knows a lot more about what the AFC has being doing. His logic was the AFc had the black votes in the bag so the Indian vote took priority.

Of course when the AFc meetings were empty panic set in and Nigel was recruited to be very aggressive.

So the AFC is now left hoping that they are indeed listening. It has already been forcasted that there is scant interest in this election, especially amongst the youth.

If teh AFC does poorly (20%) they ahve themselve sto blame. Dont want to hear any rant about how Guyanese are racist, etc. If the AFC cant give people a reason to vote for them its really their problem.
Originally posted by caribj:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by warrior:
[.its just the black people in region 4 is not turning out in large numbers at the AFC rally./QUOTE]

Because the AFC has started to talk to them very late in the day. Even GR admitted this. I suspect he knows a lot more about what the AFC has being doing. His logic was the AFc had the black votes in the bag so the Indian vote took priority.

Of course when the AFc meetings were empty panic set in and Nigel was recruited to be very aggressive.

So the AFC is now left hoping that they are indeed listening. It has already been forcasted that there is scant interest in this election, especially amongst the youth.

If teh AFC does poorly (20%) they ahve themselve sto blame. Dont want to hear any rant about how Guyanese are racist, etc. If the AFC cant give people a reason to vote for them its really their problem.

Because you are unable to make a decision, you feel that people will behave like you. You seem to be afraid of failure. The AFC is doing it's best with limited resources, it does not have time to worry about failure.

Better the incompetent PPP/C back in power than the destructive PNC, should the AFC come in third.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
The AFC is doing it's best with limited resources,

yes its best is focusing on Indian voters, but then some of its supporters beginning to blame blacks as it appears as if you are beginning to admit that an AFC victory is as likely as snow storm canceling the elections.

I see your support for the PPP is coming back. I guess you will rush back to "fix" it, leaving the AFC alone with its urban elites. You and the rest of your PPP gang.

I have begun to think that this was a deliberate attempt by the PPP to ensure that the AFc cant win, or be a big player. They know they can reason with the PNC more than they can with the NON-PPP elements in the AFC. So they are delirious with glee that the AFC has left APNU to do what it wants with its support base, minimally challenged by them, knowing full well that the vast majority of Indos have a congenital defect which prevents them from voting for parties other than teh PPP.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
The AFC is doing it's best with limited resources,

yes its best is focusing on Indian voters, but then some of its supporters beginning to blame blacks as it appears as if you are beginning to admit that an AFC victory is as likely as snow storm canceling the elections.

I see your support for the PPP is coming back. I guess you will rush back to "fix" it, leaving the AFC alone with its urban elites. You and the rest of your PPP gang.

I have begun to think that this was a deliberate attempt by the PPP to ensure that the AFc cant win, or be a big player. They know they can reason with the PNC more than they can with the NON-PPP elements in the AFC. So they are delirious with glee that the AFC has left APNU to do what it wants with its support base, minimally challenged by them, knowing full well that the vast majority of Indos have a congenital defect which prevents them from voting for parties other than teh PPP.

You are not a decision maker. All you do is gripe, gripe, gripe. Keep on pontificating and thinking. Actions talk louder than words.

I will not get dragged into your racist shit.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
The AFC is doing it's best with limited resources,

yes its best is focusing on Indian voters, but then some of its supporters beginning to blame blacks as it appears as if you are beginning to admit that an AFC victory is as likely as snow storm canceling the elections.

I see your support for the PPP is coming back. I guess you will rush back to "fix" it, leaving the AFC alone with its urban elites. You and the rest of your PPP gang.

I have begun to think that this was a deliberate attempt by the PPP to ensure that the AFc cant win, or be a big player. They know they can reason with the PNC more than they can with the NON-PPP elements in the AFC. So they are delirious with glee that the AFC has left APNU to do what it wants with its support base, minimally challenged by them, knowing full well that the vast majority of Indos have a congenital defect which prevents them from voting for parties other than teh PPP.

You are not a decision maker. All you do is gripe, gripe, gripe. Keep on pontificating and thinking. Actions talk louder than words.

I will not get dragged into your racist shit.
my brothers, my brothers keep it clean,no kicking and biting,you remember the ppp is the enemy

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