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PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects in the works for cross-border trade that is vital to Guyana's economy and developments. With the prospect of oil and gas, there will be a need for accommodation for investors, which takes us to the Marriott hotel project. The PPP is known for their futuristic vision like the Romans to build empires of wonders.


Are there any objections with faint at heart?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

All these projects might well be for trade, but where are the jobs that people need? Once a hotel is built the workforce is dismissed. There is no continuity.

Similarly with a bridge. Whatever trade that is generated consists of importing stuff into Guyana. Our export is limited to mainly drugs, gold and rice. We even import chicken.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

All these projects might well be for trade, but where are the jobs that people need? Once a hotel is built the workforce is dismissed. There is no continuity.

Similarly with a bridge. Whatever trade that is generated consists of importing stuff into Guyana. Our export is limited to mainly drugs, gold and rice. We even import chicken.

HEHEHE Deh huitel ah clean heself, cook heself, serve dem guest heself. LAAD AH MERCY. Overseas Guyanese PRAPR PRITe LAKA TIDE.


T, what is your idea of a successful Guyana like what you see? Every proposed project that is being discussed are long-term employment for thousands of people. Guyana will then afford to invest in machinery to plant and reap harvest like the United States and cane cutters may have a chance to go back to school and get skilled jobs.


I don't see any long term export drive type projects. It looks all like import orientated and service industry. Those are the same type of visions that has turned most of Europe and the US into net importers rather than net exporters. In the current economic climate to generate wealth you need to bring in foreign currency and export goods. Building bridges to import more from Brazil ain't gonna cut the ice. There is no way that these few projects will produce work for thousands or increase our balance of trade.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

All these projects might well be for trade, but where are the jobs that people need? Once a hotel is built the workforce is dismissed. There is no continuity.

Similarly with a bridge. Whatever trade that is generated consists of importing stuff into Guyana. Our export is limited to mainly drugs, gold and rice. We even import chicken.

Imagine Guyana importing Chicken ! Both the PNC and PPP used to sell the world that Guyana will become the bread basket of the caribbean. I dont care what people say but Guyana 's future is in diverse agriculture, eco tourism coupled with the rice sugar and mining industries. The country needs to import people who are willing to go agri , new inland distribution of land to  encourage agri minded people and create revenue or the deep sea harbor wont serve anything other than imports. We need a railway from Lethem to the coast so goods can be transported at a low cost for export . These guys are pulling the wheelbarrow rather than pushing it.


A railroad is a good idea but slow in delivery of food products-spoilage.


Small airfields and regional airports could provide quick deliveries of agri products and move human resources around quicker.


Then comes the qusetion about the mega storage facilities for international shipments.


I saw the other day on here a picture of a huge farm in the hinterlands. I wonder how they store ship their produce.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects . . .

ahmmm . . . what does "in the works" mean?


apparently, once the PPP illiterates verbalize a wish list, a magical reality descends . . .


paddling resolutely into jackassland . . . de boat full full

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

These are old proposals that were resurfaced three days ago and discussed in details. If these projects were not important why do you think they emphasize on them so much?

indeed . . . these ARE "old [common sense] proposals" that have been on Guyana's wish list since before independence.


So . . . other than PPP blow blow to take people's mind off de lawlessness, drug trafficking, poverty and massive tiefing of taxpayers' money, what exactly does "in the works" mean?


"resurfaced" is actually a good word . . .


These Guys need to get on the food train before they get left behind. Like I said Guyana is moving forward while they keep talking and before you know it every proposed project will become a reality, and they will still be talking. I put it as talking buy actually they're crying over progress and development that I find strange.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

yaaawn . . .

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

Deh man need to grow a bloody Brain. brainless Twit!!!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

yaaawn . . .

If you come here to vent for frustration Nehru can recommend something for you.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

yaaawn . . .

If you come here to vent for frustration Nehru can recommend something for you.

explain again how i "vent[ing] frustration" if U putting me to sleep with empty (albertesque) sloganeering

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

You mean thriving drug exporter.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

before you know it every proposed project will become a reality [soooomeday] . . .

. . . deep in jackassland

That attitude will take you no where. Some day was before 1992. Post 1992 Guyana took shape for the better. Today, Guyana has transformed itself into a modern day thriving nation. All that has been done ever since is not by talking trash.

yaaawn . . .

If you come here to vent for frustration Nehru can recommend something for you.

explain again how i "vent[ing] frustration" if U putting me to sleep with empty (albertesque) sloganeering

Take two of anything and call back on Monday. If you don't wake up it's even better.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects in the works for cross-border trade that is vital to Guyana's economy and developments. With the prospect of oil and gas, there will be a need for accommodation for investors, which takes us to the Marriott hotel project. The PPP is known for their futuristic vision like the Romans to build empires of wonders.


Are there any objections with faint at heart?

 We already owe four hundred percent of our gdp so how further in debt we must go before these came to realization?


Those corruptocrats do not care as long as they get the opportunity for a good graft.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects in the works for cross-border trade that is vital to Guyana's economy and developments. With the prospect of oil and gas, there will be a need for accommodation for investors, which takes us to the Marriott hotel project. The PPP is known for their futuristic vision like the Romans to build empires of wonders.


Are there any objections with faint at heart?

 We already owe four hundred percent of our gdp so how further in debt we must go before these came to realization?


Those corruptocrats do not care as long as they get the opportunity for a good graft.

Really, I think you in a time warp.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects in the works for cross-border trade that is vital to Guyana's economy and developments. With the prospect of oil and gas, there will be a need for accommodation for investors, which takes us to the Marriott hotel project. The PPP is known for their futuristic vision like the Romans to build empires of wonders.


Are there any objections with faint at heart?

 We already owe four hundred percent of our gdp so how further in debt we must go before these came to realization?


Those corruptocrats do not care as long as they get the opportunity for a good graft.

Really, I think you in a time warp.

 Nothing I said is off base. We have never balanced one budget in 60  years on our productive capacity. We already owe 2 billion and is out to borrow another two.  We are not a mega industrial society as the US and here the protestations are about borrowing beyond the already 100 percent of GDP. Here we are told that growth has to be in the 3 to  5 percent in decades to meet the need. We build nothing, are essential an agrarian society with a cap on productive capacity there. We are not made of gold and the only way we can service that heavy a debt burden is by giving away our natural resources.


Bridging the rivers was proposed back in the 1930's.

Mega deep sea wharves with container conveyors was one of John Fernandes' goals.

Hydro Electric was proposed way back in the 1960s.

Trans Guyana Railroad was proposed back in the 1950s.

Eco Tourism was supposed to have been one of Guyana's big revenue earners.

Diversification of agri industry was tabled back in the 1950's .


There are a few things which are monkey wrenches in Guyana progress :

1) After 20 years the Govt has not given the public a plan - short term nor long term . Give the people a plan so they know what is the target and get political parties in on it.

2) Make local govt really work and function as it should.

3) Outlaw corruption vertically and horizontally .

4) Create immigration programs for useful people to migrate to Guyana.




Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:

Post apicture of the house jagdeo built with stolen taxpayer money. That nice too.

Since then then banns saw through Jagdeo.

This is a good retrospective. Elections are in the works soon so by then we will see all sorts of promises of what is to come. Thankfully Conscience and them only need to go and dredge up the old 2011 threads and recreate them. I do not see any creative capacity to invent other areas of supposed big plans to make us all rich and hire Brazilian maids.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

PPP Mega Projects in the Works:

There are proposals within the PPP of the importance of a Deep Water Harbor in Corentyne, a paved road from Lethem to Linden, the Corentyne River Bridge, and a "new" Demerara Harbor Bridge, perhaps a suspension bridge rather than a floating bridge. These are mega projects in the works for cross-border trade that is vital to Guyana's economy and developments. With the prospect of oil and gas, there will be a need for accommodation for investors, which takes us to the Marriott hotel project. The PPP is known for their futuristic vision like the Romans to build empires of wonders.


Are there any objections with faint at heart?

Paved road to Lethem yes.  New dem harbor bridge yes. Corentyne bridge No.  Deep water harbor on the you building a harbor and bridge for Suriname because anything beyond high tide is not in Guyana waters!


Brazil already offered to build the road so why hasn't Guyana taken up on that offer....not enough bribe money for the PPP guys, or the Brazilians don't plan to use PPP cronies?  I guess they suddenly found "Chinese" money.


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