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May 5, 2016 Source

…He has brought the National Assembly into disrepute with his actions –Govt. MP
It appears that it is too late now for Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), Juan Edgehill, to say he is sorry

Opposition Member of Parliament, Juan Edghill

Opposition Member of Parliament, Juan Edghill

for his alleged misrepresentation of the facts. His failure to correct certain statements made last year led to a motion being brought against him to go before the Committee of Privileges.
It was brought before the National Assembly yesterday by Government MPs, Charrandas Persaud and Jermaine Figueira. It was successfully passed.
Read by Charrandas, the motion said that on December 17, 2015 at the 18th Sitting of the National Assembly, Edghill made statements which pertained to the increases of salaries for Ministers of Government, Members of Parliament and other Constitutional Office holders.
Charrandas said that during Edghill’s presentation, he said, “…I would, moderately, put to the people of Guyana, that is not including other benefits. It is just adding to the salary moving it from before July 1, 2015 to what it is now. It is a minimum of an additional $18M per month which represents close to $200M per year, and in the term of office, it will represent almost $1B.”
The Government MP noted that at the same sitting, Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan called on Edghill to withdraw the statement after explaining that the correct and total annualized sum of salary increases would be $67.9M.
Charrandas said that on December 28, 2015, the Government’s Chief Whip and Minister of Social Protection, Amna Ally, wrote to the Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland raising a complaint about the words used by Edghill.
He stated that despite repeated requests and demands, Edghill has failed and/or refused to recant his statements.
The Parliamentarian said that the erroneous words spoken, together with Edghill’s subsequent actions violate the privilege of a Member of the National Assembly and the Standing Orders of the House. He said that Edghill’s actions have also brought the entire National Assembly into disrepute.
It is upon the aforementioned basis that Charrandas recommended that Edghill be referred to the Committee of Privileges for the matter to be considered and an appropriate response recommended.

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