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Originally Posted by Nehru:


You notice how quickly they tried to suppress Odinga's revelation of the truth?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


You notice how quickly they tried to suppress Odinga's revelation of the truth?

Bhai, That is expected of natural and long standing CROOKS!!!!!!


Nothing will change the Truth.

Odinga Lamumba is a Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Clement Rohee


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Manzoor Nadir


Odinga Lamumba was given

Prime State Property by Jagdeo and

a Top Position at Office of the President

when Jagdeo became President after Dr Jagan Death


Odinga Lamumba is a thief

who was Involved with others

at the Office of the President

in the Dolphins Smuggleing Scandal.


Odinga Lamumba arranged Safety and Top Jobs

for other Black PNC House of Israel Thugs

at Office of the President & Freedom House.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Nothing will change the Truth.

Odinga Lamumba is a Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Clement Rohee


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Manzoor Nadir


Odinga Lamumba was given

Prime State Property by Jagdeo and

a Top Position at Office of the President

when Jagdeo became President after Dr Jagan Death


Odinga Lamumba is a thief

who was Involved with others

at the Office of the President

in the Dolphins Smuggleing Scandal.


Odinga Lamumba arranged Safety and Top Jobs

for other Black PNC House of Israel Thugs

at Office of the President & Freedom House.


All of what you stated above still doesn't take away from the fact that many agree with what he presented to the House, which is; the PNC/APNU's opposition to various Gov't financial interventions for GUYSUCO  is based on the notion that those who stand to benefit are mostly of Indo-Guyanese ancestry and support the PPP. What is sad is that despite professing to have the interest of sugar workers at heart the AFC has allowed itself, whether consciously or not, to become a willing partner in the PNC's ethnically driven economic marginalization campaign.

Originally Posted by albert:

All of what you stated above still doesn't take away from the fact that many agree with what he presented to the House, which is; the PNC/APNU's opposition to various Gov't financial interventions for GUYSUCO  is based on the notion that those who stand to benefit are mostly of Indo-Guyanese ancestry and support the PPP. What is sad is that despite professing to have the interest of sugar workers at heart the AFC has allowed itself, whether consciously or not, to become a willing partner in the PNC's ethnically driven economic marginalization campaign.

And the PPPs attitude towards the bqauxite industry and Linden is based on the notion that these are black people wso dont matter.  Guymine was privatized because it was a burden.  The result was 80% of the bauxite workers losing their jobs, and the impoverishment of Linden. 


Guysuco is a burden to the taxpayers, so why shouldnt it be privatized?  Is it because the PPP fears that Indians, its core base, will suffer, and are terrified that this will result in mass defection to some other party?


Please dont babble about any PPP initiative for Linden.  Most of the socalled projects were awarded to PPP supporters, who hired their fellow ethnics, leaving Lindeners out in the cold. Despite the fact, as revealed in the 2002 census, that Linden has the highest concentration of skilled workers, with over 40% of its laborforce falling into this category.'


In addition no incentives have been provided to assist Linden to develop an alternate economic base and source of employment.  Linden has a skilled workforce.  It is the main gateway to the interior.  It has the cheapest, and most reliable supply of electricity in Guyana.  Why didnt the PPP implement a plan to take advantage of Linden's assets before threatening to remove the subsidy?   Instead you make harsh demands on a town where many only survive through roaming around the interior, no thanks to the PPP.


Nothing will change the Truth.

Odinga Lamumba is a Black PNC House of Israel Thug


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Clement Rohee


Odinga Lamumba is a Black Thug who beatup Manzoor Nadir


Odinga Lamumba was given

Prime State Property by Jagdeo and

a Top Position at Office of the President

when Jagdeo became President after Dr Jagan Death


Odinga Lamumba is a thief

who was Involved with others

at the Office of the President

in the Dolphins Smuggleing Scandal.


Odinga Lamumba arranged Safety and Top Jobs

for other Black PNC House of Israel Thugs

at Office of the President & Freedom House.

According to Kwame

although everything above is true

PPP now... depend on Lamumba ......

fuh convince Guyanese

and win votes

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:

All of what you stated above still doesn't take away from the fact that many agree with what he presented to the House, which is; the PNC/APNU's opposition to various Gov't financial interventions for GUYSUCO  is based on the notion that those who stand to benefit are mostly of Indo-Guyanese ancestry and support the PPP. What is sad is that despite professing to have the interest of sugar workers at heart the AFC has allowed itself, whether consciously or not, to become a willing partner in the PNC's ethnically driven economic marginalization campaign.

Guymine was privatized because it was a burden.  The result was 80% of the bauxite workers losing their jobs, and the impoverishment of Linden. 


Of course it became a burden. US$500M in bail out by the previous PNC government did nothing to save it so by then it had become a burden. You should at least watch the video where Odinga presented all the facts which went unchallenged by your PNC(now APNU) before you spout your usual racist verbiage. Your PNC colleagues in Parliament only rose to challenge what it felt was a suggestion that Granger is a racist. Why didn't they challenge Odinga's contention that the PNC government bailed the Bauxite industry out to the tune of US$500M?   

Originally Posted by albert:


Of course it became a burden. US$500M in bail out by the previous PNC government did nothing to save it so by then it had become a burden. You should at least watch the video where Odinga presented all the facts which went unchallenged by your PNC(now APNU) before you spout your usual racist verbiage. Your PNC colleagues in Parliament only rose to challenge what it felt was a suggestion that Granger is a racist. Why didn't they challenge Odinga's contention that the PNC government bailed the Bauxite industry out to the tune of US$500M?   

I see that you refuse to admit that YOU are the racist for screaming that Guysuco should be saved, even though it is a burden.  Why?  Because Indians will be hurt.


You had no concerns when the majority of the bauxite workers lost their jobs though.


If Guymine was a burden and so was sold, then SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:
 I am sure Uncle Bobby would love to buy it.


Of course it became a burden. US$500M in bail out by the previous PNC government did nothing to save it so by then it had become a burden. You should at least watch the video where Odinga presented all the facts which went unchallenged by your PNC(now APNU) before you spout your usual racist verbiage. Your PNC colleagues in Parliament only rose to challenge what it felt was a suggestion that Granger is a racist. Why didn't they challenge Odinga's contention that the PNC government bailed the Bauxite industry out to the tune of US$500M?   

I see that you refuse to admit that YOU are the racist for screaming that Guysuco should be saved, even though it is a burden.  Why?  Because Indians will be hurt.


You had no concerns when the majority of the bauxite workers lost their jobs though.


If Guymine was a burden and so was sold, then SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!



And furthermore equating a subsidy for light bills when the PPP was quite happy when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs is a sick joke.


How can you be serious when you equate a couple of dollars saved on light bills with the loss of employment.  Not only did bauxite workers lose their jobs, but bauxite areas fell into DEPRESSION when the purchasing power of these peoploe declined.


How can the PPP accuse APNU of being racist when they did exactly the same thing to black people in Linden!

Originally Posted by Nehru:


now what does the bible and its words has to do with that charlatan?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by albert:


Of course it became a burden. US$500M in bail out by the previous PNC government did nothing to save it so by then it had become a burden. You should at least watch the video where Odinga presented all the facts which went unchallenged by your PNC(now APNU) before you spout your usual racist verbiage. Your PNC colleagues in Parliament only rose to challenge what it felt was a suggestion that Granger is a racist. Why didn't they challenge Odinga's contention that the PNC government bailed the Bauxite industry out to the tune of US$500M?   

I see that you refuse to admit that YOU are the racist for screaming that Guysuco should be saved, even though it is a burden.  Why?  Because Indians will be hurt.


You had no concerns when the majority of the bauxite workers lost their jobs though.


If Guymine was a burden and so was sold, then SELL GUYSUCO!!!!!

And just like the 'Same old PNC' the US$500M bauxite bailout by the PNC government before privatization escaped you. No one is equating the current electricity subsidy, only highlighting it. I am however highlighting the amount of subsidy you guys were happy to give Bauxite before it was finally sold off by the PPP. In fact the PPP ensured the industry's survival by privatizing it. The PPP subsidy to GUYSUCO hasn't even reached US$200M and the "Same old PNC" is happily screaming sell 

Originally Posted by albert:

And just like the 'Same old PNC' the US$500M bauxite bailout by the PNC government before privatization escaped you. No one is equating the current electricity subsidy, only highlighting it. I am however highlighting the amount of subsidy you guys were happy to give Bauxite before it was finally sold off by the PPP. In fact the PPP ensured the industry's survival by privatizing it. The PPP subsidy to GUYSUCO hasn't even reached US$200M and the "Same old PNC" is happily screaming sell 

The PNC poured money into Guymine, just as the PPP pours money into Guysuco.  The PPP sold Guymine as it was a burden, so why don't they also sell Guysuco?  Why the difference?


Reality is that the PNC did not sell Guysuco, nor did the bulk of the sugar workers lose their jobs.  Indeed sugar production is now back to where it was at the end of Hoyte's administration.  Clearly the PPP, despite massive expenditures in sugar (WHY DID YOU NOT INCLUDE THE MONEY SPENT ON THE SKELDON Factory?), they have not shown to be any more capable than the PNC was!



So clearly the PPP took a more ethnically poisonous approach to how they treated each industry.  And they attempted to stigmatize Linden about the electricity, even as they know full well the tremendous financial stress that Linden is in.  Indeed the same adverse impact that people predict for sugar workers if it is sold HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO THE BAUXITE WORKERS.


You just need to stop babbling nonsense and admit that the PPP has no respect or regard for Region 10!


Last edited by Former Member

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