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Former Member

PPP MPs will not accept salary increases, they will challenge it – Jagdeo


Monday, October 19 2015, Source


A DEFINITIVE no was the position of former president and Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, in reiterating the position of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), when asked if PPP/C Members of Parliament would accept the salary increases approved by the new administration.


“PPP MPs will not be accepting the salary increases,” he stressed emphatically.

The salary increases were approved in September, but exposed two weeks later, in early October, by a media report.
Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday.

The September 25th edition of the Official Gazette confirmed that the Prime Minister and all Government Ministers have received a salary increase. Nagamootoo, at the top of the earning bracket, will now earn $20.6M, a 10 per cent increase from what former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was paid.


Senior Ministers have had their pay packets doubled from $6.9M to $10.5m. Junior Minister will now be paid $8.3M. House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland, will also benefit and his salary has been upped from $6.9M to $10.4M.

Laws passed a few years ago dictate that salary increases once approved apply across the board for a groups of public servants, for example, the Opposition Leader and certain top government officials constitute one group – making increases for all in that group compulsory. The same goes for Members of Parliament. The increase announced for all Members of Parliament in the House will now move the salaries from $2M to $2.4M annually.

President David Granger will also benefit from a salary increase of 5 per cent, equivalent to $1.2M more a year.


The administration continues to come under fire from several sections of society, even its own supporters, for the massive salary increases, which top government officials have told the nation is justified and fair – at time when public servants are benefiting from single digit increases.


The increased salaries will be charged to the Consolidated Fund, according to Guyana’s Constitution.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

doh fuh doh nah obeah

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

doh fuh doh nah obeah

This is the political philosophy that keeps us in poverty, poor governance, continued corruption and lawlessness. Say it is wrong if it is, do not excuse it with this tripe.

Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

the opposition party in our Assembly is a toothless tiger. It cannot do any thing. We saw that played out so many times with the PPP. This is all they have to prattle about and it is the reason I am so upset with the coalition for proposing this now. It is but a distraction from the greater problems to be solved.

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

you drink too much red wine u should drink some gramazone  for a change

Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

Bai, 32 PPP challenge 33 APNU+AFC in the National Assembly? Go bet pon PPP nuh.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

you drink too much red wine u should drink some gramazone  for a change

Another lovely quip, warria.

Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

the ppp thief so much money when they look at they salary now they laugh till they cry

Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Why the AFC members are silent about the salary increase?

The whole discussion began because the AFC insisted on a number of VPs, the PPP paid Anil Nandlall a huge salary, which Moses wants to get.


Why do you think that the AFC will deny this increase?  The PNC can toss them, or the PPP might win again.


Either way they need to grab while the grabbing is still good.


Too bad for the PPP MPs who werent able to steal.  Jagdeo doesnt care, as his pension=Granger's salary, so he will not lose a thing. 


Woe be to the PPP person who tells Jagdeo that its good for him to turn down money, but not every one stole as much as he did during the PPP era.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

the opposition party in our Assembly is a toothless tiger. It cannot do any thing. We saw that played out so many times with the PPP. This is all they have to prattle about and it is the reason I am so upset with the coalition for proposing this now. It is but a distraction from the greater problems to be solved.

Jagdeo will tell his MPs to donate the pay increase to a charity of his chosing.


If they dare defy him, they are out.

Originally Posted by Zed:

This is the political philosophy that keeps us in poverty, poor governance, continued corruption and lawlessness. Say it is wrong if it is, do not excuse it with this tripe.

The notion that the PPP pretends to hold the moral high ground, while its misdeeds are being revealed by the forensic audit is a laugh.


Dont defend them.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

The PNC/AFC thieves will say the PPP stole enough that they can do without the increase . They campaigned on PPP thievery and corruption and still have no evidence to support a major embarrassment they created.

doh fuh doh nah obeah

This is the political philosophy that keeps us in poverty, poor governance, continued corruption and lawlessness. Say it is wrong if it is, do not excuse it with this tripe.


the first and second divisions of the stomach of a ruminant, especially oxen, sheep, or goats, used as food.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

the opposition party in our Assembly is a toothless tiger. It cannot do any thing. We saw that played out so many times with the PPP. This is all they have to prattle about and it is the reason I am so upset with the coalition for proposing this now. It is but a distraction from the greater problems to be solved.

Jagdeo will tell his MPs to donate the pay increase to a charity of his chosing.


If they dare defy him, they are out.

I'll say this, based on my experience as a PPP member. As Leader of the Opposition, Cheddi Jagan never turned down pay increases for his MPs. From 1976 onward to 1992, PPP parliamentarians were required to surrender a percentage of their pay to the party. Logically, when there were pay increases the percentage inflow of money to Freedom house increased accordingly.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

Bai, 32 PPP challenge 33 APNU+AFC in the National Assembly? Go bet pon PPP nuh.

Interestingly Gilly, this is the same reason why the PPP behaved the way they did while they were the Government. Looks like no real change occurred after May 11th.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


They are consummate crooks who the guyanese people put to pasture and who will stay there until this generation of thieves are passed away.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Django:

"Jagdeo added that the Party will challenge the salary increases in the National Assembly, come Thursday."


Good move by the PPP.

Bai, 32 PPP challenge 33 APNU+AFC in the National Assembly? Go bet pon PPP nuh.

This is a smart play by AFC-APNU.

The have the numbers to defeat whatever the PPP brings before Parliament.


But the will draw Jagdeo out of his crease

to discuss how he was able to set himself up

with a super salary and still continue thiefing on the side.


AFC APNU will match him.... they can delay the pay increase .......

if Jagdeo returns his Super Salary & Pension + all the money stolen from the Guyana Govt.


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