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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about time a Coolie woman stand up for her RIGHT. I know how you like to sell ypour soul to your White Masters.

Is that disgraceful behavior and language "standing up" for rights?  If she is, then she standing in a cesspool.

Baseman she is saying what you say.  Just in a crude and vulgar way.  Forgive her as she lacks your education so cannot disguise her disdain for any involvement of AfroGuyanese in providing leadership for Guyana as you are so able to.


What I find interesting is she uses that infamous insult that she obviously learnt from her African sisters, bending over and showing her rear.  This in addition to speaking Africanized English....most likely her sole form of verbal communication.


No wonder the folks from India despise their Africanized distant cousins from the Caribbean.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is about time a Coolie woman stand up for her RIGHT. I know how you like to sell ypour soul to your White Masters.

Is that disgraceful behavior and language "standing up" for rights?  If she is, then she standing in a cesspool.

Baseman she is saying what you say.  Just in a crude and vulgar way.  Forgive her as she lacks your education so cannot disguise her disdain for any involvement of AfroGuyanese in providing leadership for Guyana as you are so able to.


What I find interesting is she uses that infamous insult that she obviously learnt from her African sisters, bending over and showing her rear.  This in addition to speaking Africanized English....most likely her sole form of verbal communication.


No wonder the folks from India despise their Africanized distant cousins from the Caribbean.

She is reflecting a reaction to the sentiment coming from Afro supremist like you, Redux and the rest.


Where did I ever say an "Afro" is not competent to rule Guyana?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Base, Do you know what started it?? Did you hear what the other side was saying. Maybe someone was trying to molest or Rob her. Or she could have mental problems.

Does not matter.  If you see one of your female relatives displaying such behavior, you would be embarrassed and caution them.


I understand the molestation, denigration and oppression Afros brought onto Indians for decades, but one must hold themselves to a certain standards.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Base, Do you know what started it?? Did you hear what the other side was saying. Maybe someone was trying to molest or Rob her. Or she could have mental problems.

Does not matter.  If you see one of your female relatives displaying such behavior, you would be embarrassed and caution them.


I understand the molestation, denigration and oppression Afros brought onto Indians for decades, but one must hold themselves to a certain standards.


which Afro molestered you?


Show us where those bad black people touched you

Originally Posted by baseman:

Where did I ever say an "Afro" is not competent to rule Guyana?

In the days when you used to call us subhuman savages, lazy, dirty and uneducated and you boasted that you had to feed these improvident black people.


You can run away from your history but I will not let you forget it.


Any way you support the PPP which does its best to ensure the exclusion of blacks from leadership positions.  In fact if one were to compare Burnham's PNC and the current PPP Burnham had MORE Indians in serious decision making positions than there are blacks in similar positions under the PPP.


Note that the civil service was majority black even during the 19th century so please dont beat that tired drum now unless you wish to confirm that today's Indo leadership is as racist as were the British over 150 years ago.  The PPP did what the colonials did and that is limit blacks to low and mid level positions where they had to do as they were told...or else. If the blacks resented that in 1913 why will they not similarly resent it in 2013.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I understand the molestation, denigration and oppression Afros brought onto Indians for decades, but one must hold themselves to a certain standards.

Of course you ignore that Indians were no better, demonizing blacks as inferior monkeys, seconds after they disembarked from their rat and feces infested ships from India. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I understand the molestation, denigration and oppression Afros brought onto Indians for decades, but one must hold themselves to a certain standards.

Of course you ignore that Indians were no better, demonizing blacks as inferior monkeys, seconds after they disembarked from their rat and feces infested ships from India. 


Baseman's family traveled first class


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