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Gov’t walks out of Parliament as opposition refuses motion to have dialogue

For the first time in Guyana’s political history since independence, the governing party walked out of the parliament over disagreement with the opposition.
On Friday evening, during debate on a opposition-piloted motion to establish a National Heritage Commission, the governing PPP/C moved a motion to have dialogue with the opposition on the clauses of the motion.
However the opposition blatantly refused this motion and indicated that they have no interest in dialogue with the government, forcing the PPP/C MPs to walk out of the sitting as a form of protest.
PPP/C Chief Whip Gail Teixeira later told reporters that the actions of the opposition is unparliamentary and is an indication that they do not intend to compromise in the interest of the people of Guyana.
Earlier in the evening, the opposition used its one seat majority in the house to ‘ram-road’ a motion which seeks to reppeal the former president’s benefits and other facilities bill passed back in 2009, despite government’s objections.
INews Guyana will bring you more on the government’s position following the walk out.

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Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

inews is a PPP outfit...


I know. But what galls me is this unmanly need from our Mudheads for sympathy. They need it like a nymphomaniac needs regular round the clock sexin


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