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Former Member

PPP names Parliamentarians; 13 are new and 5 are Amerindian leaders


The People’s Progressive Party has named the 33 persons it has nominated to sit in the National Assembly.

See below full statement from PPP.

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) on August 19, 2020, submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) names of candidates, extracted from its List of Candidates, to be Members of the National Assembly, as well as its lists of names of candidates extracted to be members of the ten (10) Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs).

The thirty -three (33) Members of Parliament include twelve (12) from the Geographic List and twentyone (21) from the National Top-Up List. Our 2020 Parliamentary team demonstrates that the PPP/C is truly a national party representing the diversity of Guyana, with all ethnic groups, geographic regions, and a broad range of skills and knowledge of our country represented.

Included in the 33 Members of Parliaments (MPs) are six (6) medical doctors, 4 attorneys at law, economists, administrators, as well as activists from the labor movement, practitioners in broadcasting and the media, and the business community.

There are thirteen (13) new Members of Parliament, comprising of young women and men, as well as those who will bring more extensive experience with them. The Interior regions are well presented with four (4) strong leaders from the Amerindian communities.

The 2020 team of 33 is comprised of new, young, and seasoned leaders, as follows:

  1. Prime Minister, Brigadier Mark Anthony Phillips
  2. Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
  3. Mohabir Anil Nandlall
  4. Gail Teixeira
  5. Dr. Frank Christopher Stanislaus Anthony
  6. Vickram Outar Bharrat
  7. Zufikar Mustapha
  8. Colin Croal
  9. Nigel Dharamlall
  10. Sonia Savitri Parag
  11. Joseph Linden Fitzclarence Hamilton
  12. Deodat Indar
  13. Charles Shiva Ramson
  14. Pauline Rose Ann Sukhai
  15. Priya Manickchand
  16. Dr. Vindhya Vasini Harshkumari Persaud
  17. Juan Anthony Edghill
  18. Hugh Todd
  19. Susan Rodrigues
  20. Warren Kwame Eusi Mc Coy
  21. Alister Charlie
  22. Dr. Vishwa Mahadeo
  23. Yvonne Pearson Fredericks
  24. Faizal M. Jaffarally
  25. Sanjeev Jaichandra Datadin
  26. Seepaul Narine
  27. Anand Persaud
  28. Dr. Bheri Sygmond Ramsaran
  29. Dharamkumar Seeraj
  30. Bhagmattie Veerasammy
  31. Dr. Jennifer Reginalda Ann Westford
  32. Dr. Tandika Smith
  33. Lee Gendre Hakkim William

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Sanjeev Datadin should have been given a ministry to handle Police affairs. He would have been a great Home Affairs Minister. I am not criticizing the President but I think I should have my say.


I thought Datadin was going to be Speaker. I am very impressed with Datadin's displayed legal knowledge and composure. I thought he would make an excellent Speaker. I am not second guessing President Ali though since he has a better view of the chessboard.

Last edited by Former Member

I would have to agree. Persaud badmouthed the PPP in 2015 and is a hapless individual. I think that the PPP doesn't want another Moses or Ramjattan so they threw some scraps at him.



@Former Member posted:

The only questionable appointment is Robert Persaud. 


Robert Persaud is well qualified to become a Minister in the Government.

He has quite a lot to offer.   If you look back at the last PNC government, the Ministers couldn't perform their duties, but instead, they helped themselves by emptying the treasury, and then claimed that the Ali government wouldn't last two weeks.

@Former Member posted:

I would have to agree. Persaud badmouthed the PPP in 2015 and is a hapless individual. I think that the PPP doesn't want another Moses or Ramjattan so they threw some scraps at him.

Then, why did they even offered him the job, due to relationship ?  A person sitting on the fence could be another Charrandass. 

Last edited by Django
@Tola posted:

Then, why did they even offered him the job, due to relationship ?           A person sitting on the fence could be another Charrandass. 

That is why they have to be cautious. Ali is not stupid. 

@Ramakant-P posted:


Robert Persaud is well qualified to become a Minister in the Government.

He has quite a lot to offer.   If you look back at the last PNC government, the Ministers couldn't perform their duties, but instead, they helped themselves by emptying the treasury, and then claimed that the Ali government wouldn't last two weeks.

Government’s appointments over the past two weeks are upsetting people

Dear Editor,

Clearly, reviewing the oil contract and renegotiation is not a priority for the big boss. The concern does not seem to increase oil wealth for country or to enrich the poor. Is this all about making money for the core group that ran the PPP post Jagan? Only KN has the mettle to block the core group on corruption and to increase revenue sharing from oil. The nation depends on KN to expose the deals. Thank you for publishing our views.
Nothing changed from five years ago when PPP was chased out of office. The objective of the royal group is maintaining the status quo for self-enrichment and to keep the experts, professionals, and people of competence out to clear the way to fill pockets. The boss man (the real boss, eh, not the surrogate) has appointed a Cabinet maneuvering for absolute control. The bulk of ministers are young, green, inexperienced, and powerless. They naturally will have to turn to the boss and toe the line or face the axe.
Has anyone noticed that the key positions have been retained for the royal crooks who will be enriched at the expense of the nation? The top brass is held together by an agenda of greed setting their eyes on the newly found oil wealth and a life of immorality in dissonance from the rest of the nation.
Siphoning off wealth requires the right people in key positions. A man who knows nothing about foreign policy or international relations has been turned into a specialist in the field. That person is needed to jet set around the world to set up business deals for the core group. Deal making requires a person of special skill. And this person, gold bar man, has special expertise acquired from the gold bar fiasco and land giveaway deals. That person is amply qualified, the best skilled and best experienced in the business. He is the right choice and face of the country on behalf of the royal crooks in making deals with big foreign companies. He will cut the corrupt deals for the top brass.
Just two weeks and people are already upset with the government over appointments and expected deal makings. How long will it take before PPP supporters begin to openly rebel? The boss man should realize that the PPP was only accepted by its supporters because of the racist tenor of the other side. And even with that, the government barely scraped past 50%.
Trying to force down the throat again the character of the gold bar man and some of the political appointees at the UN, NICIL, and Presidential Secretariat will surely accelerate the unraveling of the government.
Yours truly,
Srimattie Gangadeen

Here you go ,Uncle Rama.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

The only questionable appointment is Robert Persaud. 

At first I too questioned his appointment but like I mentioned earlier, President Ali has a better view of the chessboard than I do. It is too early to start judging their actions.


Why is no one from the AFC questioning the exclusion of Moses from the main opposition's parliamentary team?  Moses is a veteran politician who rattled the PPP and brought them down in the 2015 general election.  Why would the PNC and AFC just ignored him as if never existed?  

Billy Ram Balgobin

Why is no one from the AFC questioning the exclusion of Moses from the main opposition's parliamentary team?  Moses is a veteran politician who rattled the PPP and brought them down in the 2015 general election.  Why would the PNC and AFC just ignored him as if never existed?  

Mitwah is silent.


You don't expect changes to made in just two weeks.  It is not the appointments that you should look at, but the actions taken by them to improve the lives of all Guyanese.  Making wild statements like making money for the core group is just plain ignorance and stupid.  When did KN block the core group on corruption? AS the article said that they didn't look ar the deals yet. KN is wrong to say that nothing changed from 5 years ago.  A more experience Government with a proven track record is the change.  A manifesto that clearly states the Programs that would be implemented with precision. The PPP does not have an agenda of greed. It was the Granger government who made the deal with a foreign company. Making suppositions about things that didn't happen and probably never will, is that many failures happen because people assume that a problem has been taken care of, or that someone else has done something. 

The PPP will make this country great again.  They will make this country safe again form the crooks on the other side.  KN must be more specific when he calls anyone the boss. He must say who he is.


Why is no one from the AFC questioning the exclusion of Moses from the main opposition's parliamentary team?  Moses is a veteran politician who rattled the PPP and brought them down in the 2015 general election.  Why would the PNC and AFC just ignored him as if never existed?  

Moses is happy doing, what he is doing at the moment.                        Life is not only about politics for some, just like any other job. 

@Former Member posted:

What specifically is he doing now ???

Moses, as well as other legal professionals, are involved with volunteer projects that they would rather not earn public brownie points. Not everyone would like to broadcast what they do for the needy.  

@Tola posted:

Moses, as well as other legal professionals, are involved with volunteer projects that they would rather not earn public brownie points. Not everyone would like to broadcast what they do for the needy.  

You lie!

@Tola posted:

Moses is happy doing, what he is doing at the moment.                        Life is not only about politics for some, just like any other job. 

I doubt that very much. The man is an attention hog. He s probably depressed and stresses out.

@Tola posted:

Moses, as well as other legal professionals, are involved with volunteer projects that they would rather not earn public brownie points. Not everyone would like to broadcast what they do for the needy.  

Is this breaking news? Never heard of Moses doing any charity work.

@Tola posted:

Moses, as well as other legal professionals, are involved with volunteer projects that they would rather not earn public brownie points. Not everyone would like to broadcast what they do for the needy.  

looks like they are obsessed with Moses.   they sit in their rocking chairs in Canada & USA with nothing to do but write crap all day on social media.time for their walk with the dog  


Moses doesn't do anything unless it benefits Moses. He failed to take the people of Whim to the promised land.

The difference between this Moses and the original Moses is that the original Moses was never a neemak haram. 

@Former Member posted:

Moses doesn't do anything unless it benefits Moses. He failed to take the people of Whim to the promised land.

The difference between this Moses and the original Moses is that the original Moses was never a neemak haram. 

This video will be proof for eternity that Moses is a Namakharam.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I heard that the neemak karam shit his pants when he looked at the tape. 


Berbicains are allegedly calling Moses "Shyte a Pants" 

Last edited by Former Member

WOW !! What hate and its known how it destroys the mind. 

Its obvious that some posters are hell bent in destroying, instead of building. In their minds only the PPP are good at doing things, but little do they  know that they are all being treated like dumb Indians.  While the PPP elite live off the trough and laugh all the way to their mansions and bank accounts.

But they are good at attacking without information and destroy when a black guy like Warrier comes here to show a house he built for an Indian family, they still knock him down.  

Why does some Indians dea so ?  Why does Indians  mercilessly kill each other, while Africans  support their own ? 

@Former Member posted:

Tola, provide proof that Moses was involved in charity work na bai. Good for him if he did. 

What will you do with the proof, ridicule and knock it down like you did with Warrier's house ?   

@Tola posted:

WOW !! What hate and its known how it destroys the mind. 

Its obvious that some posters are hell bent in destroying, instead of building. In their minds only the PPP are good at doing things, but little do they  know that they are all being treated like dumb Indians.  While the PPP elite live off the trough and laugh all the way to their mansions and bank accounts.

But they are good at attacking without information and destroy when a black guy like Warrier comes here to show a house he built for an Indian family, they still knock him down.  

Why does some Indians dea so ?  Why does Indians  mercilessly kill each other, while Africans  support their own ? 

Don't lie.  The 'Choke and robbers' are being revived.  They are going to kick your butt.   Thank god the Police would be doing their jobs now. Are they afraid of Jagdeo?  Tolabhai! Eh!

@Tola posted:

What will you do with the proof, ridicule and knock it down like you did with Warrier's house ?   

Provide proof na bai.  Moses lacks credibility. 

Good for him if he did but he is not trustworthy and it's only fair that proof of any such charity work is done.

Yes, warria built a house without foundation. That put people and their lives at risk. A house without foundation will fall.    

Last edited by Former Member

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