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Former Member

Ok folks,

The first appearance of a crack in the AFC/PNC coalition has widened and it was only a matter of time before both parties clash heads. After all, the honeymoon is over.

Ramjattan is demanding a better share of seats at the recently held LGE and will lock horns with the PNC over this matter.

In all fairness to the PNC, they are the real force behind this coalition and is rightfully seeking a larger share. This will be the real argument and statements of facts that they will use if and when both parties sit down to settle this major rift.

There is no mention of LGE in the Cummingsburg accord and Granger will use that as his argument in defence of his party and members. Moses and Ramjattan should have thought of this long before contesting the LGE under the APNU banner.

In politics, you cannot trust anyone and Moses and Ramjattan forgot this golden rule and were stabbed in the backs. While Ramjattan appears to be fighting back, Moses appears to be silent so far.

The PPP needs to keep all options open.

The PNC fought at the PNC Congress place amid allegations from PNC stronghold supporters about rigging by Granger and his faction. Swords were drawn and debates were heated but in the end they all kissed and made up. 

Moses and Ramjattan left the PPP over major disagreements and formed the AFC which eventually dethroned the arrogant PPP. They had their revenge but it was not all sweet since Moses had to resign himself as PM until the maker decides to make his call. Moses dream of Presidency is dead. 

The PM position is a ceremonial in accordance with the constitution of Guyana with the President holding most of the power.

PPP can use another ceremonial PM and that is the reality of Guyana's politics. 

Ramjattan has higher aspirations and he is currently limited in how far he can go with the PNC which is an Afro based party and which may never appoint an Indo as President. Ramjattan has to ponder on this reality. 

Poster Gil has correctly indicated that the PPP needs to have an open line of communication with the AFC even though it is a low level one. This is not a time for swords to clash over old grievances but the PPP needs to look at the bigger picture and egos must stand out of the way.

Lord Jesus taught us to forgive and forget and the PPP must also ponder on this. Lord Krsna acted as an ambassador of peace of the Pandavas when the Kauravas wanted war. The Kauravas refused the peace accord and lost the war. The PPP needs to remember history.

Can't we all get among ? Time to bring home our brothers if they see it fit to return home. The older and retired members of the PPP need to work out a peace deal.

Many many disagree with me but peace is better than defeat.

Who knows, we might be headed to the polls before 2020.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Yuji you are a funny guy. You screamed that no one voted for Moses.  So why then will Moses leaving the coalition help the PPP?

If as I suspect the Trotman faction owns the AFC list, they will dispense of Moses if they suspect that he is going to fling them to the PPP.  He serves at the pleasure of the AFC list.  Embedded within the President's office I am sure that Trotman and Granger get on very well.

This is about keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer.  When Moses boast about how powerful he would by in the coalition, he alarmed not only APNU, but quite likely the Trotman faction.

yuji22 posted:

Thanks for confirming what I have been saying about the PNC being a "Black Brother" Party, feeding scraps to Indos and using them and then discarding them in the trash bin.

Things will heat up. 

APNU AFC is a party of Africans, mixed, Amerindians, urban Indians, and according to your fellow brown bai KKK, Christian Indians as well.

The PPP "consolidates its (rural Hindu) East Indian support base".

yuji22 posted:

Only in your sick and distorted mind. PNC is a Black Brother party.

Indos in the PNC need to sit close to the trash bin and feed on scraps.

Hmmm.  Jagdeo screams that he "consolidated the (rural Hindu) East Indian support base". This was out of Jagdeo's lips. This after Rohee screamed that Jagdeo was right when he called the PPP, the "coolie people party".  And of course we had Rohee's daughter exhibiting PPP KKK behavior.

redux posted:

Those in the PPP leadership - Central Committee & Exco - now find themselves without a Big-fat state pay check and opportunity to thief.

So Jagdeo cannot provide for them any more....

nuff of them complaining

PPP supporters are waking up

and asking why do we need Jagdeo?


Dem who were thiefing with Jagdeo....

Realize de Valve shut off...


Why do we need friends who are

Jihaji Drug Dealers? To do what?


PPP lost the Majority

because of Jagdeo & The Black House of Israel Thugs

Kwame, Lamumba, Hamilton, Edgehill, Witicka

Who brought these dutty sperm

in Freedom House & Office of the President...



Many PPP supporters refuse to Vote

for Jagdeo & The Professional Ballot Box Riggers

How Nascimento, McClean & Jerry Gouviea

get in Freedom House & Office of the President....

How did they replace the Indians as Leaders of the Private Sector?


Reality.....Now PPP

Is a Minority Party...

after it was destroyed by Jagdeo......


Many in the PPP Leadership

are Demanding Jagdeo must go now

are Rallying behind Luncheon



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