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Dr.Cheddi Jagan

March 5, 2017 Source

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) will today commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of its founder, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.

Dr Jagan, Guyana 3rd Executive President, died on March 6, 1997. His life and works are celebrated annually with thousands flocking the Babu John Crematorium, Corentyne, Berbice, where his memorial is held.

Over the years, the month of March has been set aside to remember and reflect on the invaluable contributions he made to the development of Guyana and Guyanese.

Chairman of the Commemoration Committee and PPP Executive Secretary Zulfikar Mustapha said it is important that these events are held given the relevance of Dr. Jagan’s work today for both Guyana and the world at large.

He pointed out that the PPP will not relent from its responsibility in representing Guyanese to free them from oppression.

“Dr. Jagan led the struggle and it will continue by our party until Guyanese and Guyana can return to progress. They are some who are bent on distorting our history in a calculated effort to diminish the outstanding contributions made by this Guyanese hero but his work will live on and its relevance will remain firm in the hearts and minds of our people,” Mustapha added.

General Secretary and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo will deliver the feature address at Babu John today. Presentations will also be made by representatives of the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) among others.

A few cultural items are also slated. The event commences at 15::00 hrs.

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Prince posted:

Bla bla BS BS bla more BS.. Do you know you just stock a knife is a dead man's back?  

Sayyyy what? Trump should kick yo rass out for residing in white man country and not trying to speak English.


Only one Party capable of bringing progress to Guyana!!!  Dr jagan's Party. There were some mistakes BUT the PNC is 10000 times WORST. Time to reflect, reorganize and refocus towards to ideals, knowledge, intelligence and humanity of the  FATHER OF OUR NATION, THE HONORABLE DOCTOR CHEDDI BERET JAGAN!!


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