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PPP pledges to bring back Amaila hydro project

, Source -- Amaila Fall Hydro Power (AFHP) project [Photo taken from Ministry of Public Infrastructure website]

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is banking on the Amaila Falls Hydropower project to solve the electricity woes of the country and has indicated it will put the project back on the table if it wins the impending general elections.

“Our plan is resuming discussions on Amaila, immediately starting to move forward on that project,” Bharrat Jagdeo, General Secretary of the PPP and Opposition Leader stated at a press conference Thursday at his Church Street, Georgetown office.

The hydropower project which was set to produce 165 Megawatts of power, was launched in 2009 but in 2013, its major investor, Sithe Global Inc. pulled out due to lack of consensus in Parliament.

In 2014, Norway, under its climate partnership with Guyana transferred US$80M to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to fund the project.

However, after assuming office in 2015, the current Government in partnership with Norway decided to conduct “an objective and facts-based” assessment of the project and subsequently, terminated the project.

Jagdeo said, “the plan was to bring in the hydropower which would have bring in 160 Megawatts of renewable power in the system, so immediately we would have had new capacity which should have been in place by mid-2017.”

The party will now be forced to start afresh with the project since only a road to the falls was completed at the time.

Given that this will take some years to reach fruition, the Opposition Leader said his party will continue to use fossil fuel to efficiently end blackouts in the interim.

This will be followed by a medium-term plan to set up a natural gas power plant from the resources from the oil and gas industry, after which the hydro project will come into play.

In July 2018, the Government announced that Norway has agreed to release US$37.2 million from the US$80M set aside for the hydro project and would put it into solar and other renewable energy projects in Guyana.

In June of this year, Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson announced that the Norwegian Government has approved the transfer of the entire US$80M to other renewable energy projects.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP nah see America backing the GDF.  Dem fuss gafuh bring demself back before dem tink bout bringing back anything else. 

Jagdeo need to get his skont to Washington and pledge alliance, bow and kiss Trump and promise America all Guyana oil at FMV!!

He should wear a red cap saying Make Guyana Great Again (MaGGA).   No more Magga dag story!!  And kyar Pretty Priya and handsome Irfaan suh Trump see wuh he get fuh he money! 

Last edited by Former Member

Base, that will work. I agree with you, he needs to go to Washington and say in simple words "  I AM NOT A COMMUNIST" sTAY AT tRUMP hOTEL AND bUY 1000 maga hATS FOR POOR CHILDREN IN gUYANA. dEM SKONT NAH GAT BRAINS LIKE ABEE


Promises promises. Election time coming up. Everybody promising anything and everything. But when they get into power, the only thing the Guyanese people gon get is laar. And plenty of it too.

Baseman posted:

Jagdeo need to get his skont to Washington and pledge alliance, bow and kiss Trump and promise America all Guyana oil at FMV!!

Eh eh -- well look at story here. 

According Baseman claiming intimate link with Strumpovalsky saying that Strumpovalsky loves to kiss men.   

Sheik101 posted:

Promises promises. Election time coming up. Everybody promising anything and everything. But when they get into power, the only thing the Guyanese people gon get is laar. And plenty of it too.

No yuh stupid coolie.  Priority in power and the key is America and today that is Trump.  Trump is transactional, so it’s easier. Mek a binding deal and tell him as soon as PPP win sign on.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo need to get his skont to Washington and pledge alliance, bow and kiss Trump and promise America all Guyana oil at FMV!!

Eh eh -- well look at story here. 

According Baseman claiming intimate link with Strumpovalsky saying that Strumpovalsky loves to kiss men.   

Banna you ***** out a juice Lang time!  Guh play wid yuhself!

Baseman posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:

Jagdeo need to get his skont to Washington and pledge alliance, bow and kiss Trump and promise America all Guyana oil at FMV!!

Eh eh -- well look at story here. 

According Baseman claiming intimate link with Strumpovalsky saying that Strumpovalsky loves to kiss men.   

Banna you ***** out a juice Lang time!  Guh play wid yuhself!

Ohhh my oh my ...

Baseman is extremely ingrained with the belief that others have his focused behaviour and preferences.

Nehru posted:

Base, that will work. I agree with you, he needs to go to Washington and say in simple words "  I AM NOT A COMMUNIST" sTAY AT tRUMP hOTEL AND bUY 1000 maga hATS FOR POOR CHILDREN IN gUYANA. dEM SKONT NAH GAT BRAINS LIKE ABEE

You wouldn't kiss up to Trump but you want Jagdeo to do it. Do what you do best and play music and get off the coolie bandwagon. Lol 


Why should the US be blamed for the PPP's loss at the 2015 Polls?  Why don't we blame Indian people who ran blindly behind the AFC and helped the PNC to get into power? Many of you on this forum were battling for the AFC/APNU parties. Kari, Ray, Mitwah, Stormy, Michael Muniram, Tola , and many others.  These people went to great lengths to convince Indos that the democratic system will not be compromised if David Granger wins. They were told Guyana can never go back to the days of rigged elections and corruption will disappear. They promised a utopia and many foolish people believed and drank the cool-aid. 

The PPP lost that election by just over thousand votes.  The PNC as incompetent as they are at running a government and growing the economy have not lost sight of the fact that in a free election the PPP will be victorious.  What they are doing today is a clever strategy of avoiding free elections .  They can run from elections but they cannot hide. And if they do hide they will have to come out of hiding someday.




Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why should the US be blamed for the PPP's loss at the 2015 Polls?  Why don't we blame Indian people who ran blindly behind the AFC and helped the PNC to get into power? Many of you on this forum were battling for the AFC/APNU parties. Kari, Ray, Mitwah, Stormy, Michael Muniram, Tola , and many others.  These people went to great lengths to convince Indos that the democratic system will not be compromised if David Granger wins. They were told Guyana can never go back to the days of rigged elections and corruption will disappear. They promised a utopia and many foolish people believed and drank the cool-aid. 

The PPP lost that election by just over thousand votes.  The PNC as incompetent as they are at running a government and growing the economy have not lost sight of the fact that in a free election the PPP will be victorious.  What they are doing today is a clever strategy of avoiding free elections .  They can run from elections but they cannot hide. And if they do hide they will have to come out of hiding someday.



Exactly. The mainly black PNC comprising of about 28% of the population undermined the other 72% of the population until 1992. It was very shortsighted of Indians to collude with that same wretched party and give them the license to undermine Indians who are still the largest segment of the Guyanese population.

antabanta posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP pledges to bring back Amaila hydro project


So Fip Motilall will be back with his collection box for more free money?

The PPP awarding that contract to a man who owns just a store in a stripmall in Boca was a terrible idea. They should been more detailed in researching him.

ksazma posted:
antabanta posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP pledges to bring back Amaila hydro project


So Fip Motilall will be back with his collection box for more free money?

The PPP awarding that contract to a man who owns just a store in a stripmall in Boca was a terrible idea. They should been more detailed in researching him.

Ksaz... your explanation is an attempt to mitigate the obvious. The PPP knew exactly who they were hiring and why.

antabanta posted:
ksazma posted:
antabanta posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

PPP pledges to bring back Amaila hydro project


So Fip Motilall will be back with his collection box for more free money?

The PPP awarding that contract to a man who owns just a store in a stripmall in Boca was a terrible idea. They should been more detailed in researching him.

Ksaz... your explanation is an attempt to mitigate the obvious. The PPP knew exactly who they were hiring and why.

You are right. I was more critical of the PPP back then over this contract but now that they are not the government my harshest criticisms are trained on the Coalition now.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why should the US be blamed for the PPP's loss at the 2015 Polls?  Why don't we blame Indian people who ran blindly behind the AFC and helped the PNC to get into power? Many of you on this forum were battling for the AFC/APNU parties. Kari, Ray, Mitwah, Stormy, Michael Muniram, Tola , and many others.  These people went to great lengths to convince Indos that the democratic system will not be compromised if David Granger wins. They were told Guyana can never go back to the days of rigged elections and corruption will disappear. They promised a utopia and many foolish people believed and drank the cool-aid. 

The PPP lost that election by just over thousand votes.  The PNC as incompetent as they are at running a government and growing the economy have not lost sight of the fact that in a free election the PPP will be victorious.  What they are doing today is a clever strategy of avoiding free elections .  They can run from elections but they cannot hide. And if they do hide they will have to come out of hiding someday.




The PPP are in your face brazen crooks and their tenure out of office has not seemed to have had any salutary effect on their behavior. Jagdeo still thinks he will do a putin by installing fat boy...a nasty crook himself. My hope is the PPP lose the plurality so good sense comes back after most of these parasitic fellows either die off or are supplanted by young people capable of transcending coolie/black politics and look to all of us.

Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.

On a larger scale; and at extremely more expensive costs; the proposals on the Mazaruni and Cuyuni rivers can serve the needs for Guyana plus primarily for export to Brazil.

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.

On a larger scale; and at extremely more expensive costs; the proposals on the Mazaruni and Cuyuni rivers can serve the needs for Guyana plus primarily for export to Brazil.

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

How come you and Burnham did not select Amalia falls ?

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.

On a larger scale; and at extremely more expensive costs; the proposals on the Mazaruni and Cuyuni rivers can serve the needs for Guyana plus primarily for export to Brazil.

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

This is one of your better posts. The PPP had a few good transformative plans for Guyana.  But then they peppered it with corruption.  This is partly why they got their asses kicked.  

Hopefully, if they form the next govt, Shuman holds the reins.  I had hoped this would be the role of the AFC, but cane cutters are cane cutters already!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.


 flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

What does its appropriateness to be a hydro source or your participation in the analysis have to do with it being a 2 billion dollars pork pie?


The PPP had some good and useful initiatives but did waste a lot of money on them as well as squandered even more on their friends and families. Thankfully the country had money back then. Now with the gross incompetence of the Coalition, all the money has been spent out and no new developments have been put in place to generate any new money stream.

Stormborn posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.


 flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

What does its appropriateness to be a hydro source or your participation in the analysis have to do with it being a 2 billion dollars pork pie?

Pork pie you say, eh ???    

PNCR were extremely critical of the proposal when it was the opposition party, but when they-PNCR came into power in 2015 they suddenly change their position and were firmly focused on exploring all options for the realisation of the project.

Demerara_Guy posted:

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

Oye Dem_Guy help my old brain out , what's an "Engineering Coordinator " duties ?

Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

Oye Dem_Guy help my old brain out , what's an "Engineering Coordinator " duties ?

Yo mannish .. break am up in two nah. 


Coordinator -

now you should know what both do. When you return to school Monday- sit in the front bench. 

You need to stop follow Balgobin . 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

Oye Dem_Guy help my old brain out , what's an "Engineering Coordinator " duties ?

Yo mannish .. break am up in two nah. 


Coordinator -

now you should know what both do. When you return to school Monday- sit in the front bench. 

You need to stop follow Balgobin . 

Plus Sundar, Chachundar, Muniram, Laggo-Baggo, etc., etc., etc..

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

Oye Dem_Guy help my old brain out , what's an "Engineering Coordinator " duties ?

Yo mannish .. break am up in two nah. 


Coordinator -

now you should know what both do. When you return to school Monday- sit in the front bench. 

You need to stop follow Balgobin . 

You r@ss jump in to answer, suh this is the Coordinator duties ?

Prashad posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Stormborn posted:

This is a graft opportunity project...nothing else

Amaila Hydro Project is the best location; from the over 100 sites; which were investigated as a source for electricity to meet Guyana's needs.

There are smaller sites/projects which serve immediate local needs.

On a larger scale; and at extremely more expensive costs; the proposals on the Mazaruni and Cuyuni rivers can serve the needs for Guyana plus primarily for export to Brazil.

As the Specialist Hydropower Engineer in Guyana, I was responsible for the feasibility studies for the two mentioned plus other proposals.

In Canada, I worked as the Engineering Coordinator, Hydropower, for projects which use the sources from other rivers; similar to the Amaila Hydro Project; to augment the flows on the main stream/river to meet the total needs for the projects.

Worldwide, there are projects with identical conditions for flows from other streams/rivers which are similar to the Amaila Hydro Project.

How come you and Burnham did not select Amalia falls ?

Still waiting for an answer.

ksazma posted:

The PPP had some good and useful initiatives but did waste a lot of money on them as well as squandered even more on their friends and families. Thankfully the country had money back then. 

Yeh you right. Thankfully the country ain't got nuff money for the Coalition to squander it on their friends and families nuh bai.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:

The PPP had some good and useful initiatives but did waste a lot of money on them as well as squandered even more on their friends and families. Thankfully the country had money back then. 

Yeh you right. Thankfully the country ain't got nuff money for the Coalition to squander it on their friends and families nuh bai.

Bai, that is because the Coalition wasted out all the money on their friends and framilies even before the Jubilee celebrations. Unfortunately their incompetence has stood in their way on generating new revenue. PPP has been moving the country forward since 1992 and since 2015 the hapless PNC and its coalition have sunk the country deep into the abyss. These are just some of PNC pride posted earlier by Dave.

Eight ‘blackouts’ per day in June to August period

Chairman of GPL’s Board of Directors Rawle Lucas addressing the gathering
Chairman of GPL’s Board of Directors Rawle Lucas addressing the gathering

From June 1st to August 31st, Guyanese customers experienced power outages an alarming eight times per day on average, according to statistics produced by electricity utility, the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) company, at a stakeholders’ forum yesterday.

“I wish to acknowledge that GPL’s management is not proud of the situation in which its customers find themselves,” Chairman of the utility’s board Rawle Lucas said, even as he once unintentionally called the company “GP Hell” – a moniker long bestowed on the utility by dissatisfied customers – much to the consternation of other GPL executives.

Water ‘smelling like urine’ flowing from Timehri taps


GWI to send trucks to affected residents

Water from a Timehiri tap

Something stinks at Timehri.
For the past two weeks, residents of that East Bank Demerara community have been expressing alarm over the discoloured and smelly water that is flowing through their taps.
Some residents said that the water is ‘rusty looking’, and is emanating a smell reminiscent of urine. They said that no amount of boiling removes the smell or makes the water any clearer.
The Timehri residents have been forced to purchase water to cook and do their chores.


Overpass elevator breaks down, operator, others trapped for over an hour


It was literally high drama at Eccles, East Bank Demerara yesterday after one of the recently commissioned overpass elevators broke down, with the operator and others inside.
The occupants were trapped for over an hour before another operator arrived to release them.


Cash Transfer to the Poor: I’d rather Clive Thomas’ economics than economics grounded in Social Prejudice -




Since Clive Thomas and the WPA announced their policy proposal for direct disbursement of a tiny fraction of the coming oil resources to the citizens of Guyana in the form of annual Cash Transfers, some members of the ruling class and others in the chattering classes have gone berserk.
Some immediately reached for their economic textbooks while others grabbed their Capitalism Handbook and other Anti-Socialist literature. Then there have been those who climbed into the dustbin of history and resuscitated the narrative of the “lazy African” and to some extent the “lazy Indian and Amerindian” whose purpose in life is to “sport, drink and smoke.”


Passengers forced to use tarmac despite million-dollar air bridge

Despite the millions of dollars in improvements being made at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), passengers on social media vented their frustration as they were forced to use the tarmac after one of the airport’s air bridges reportedly malfunctioned.
In a social media post, one such passenger complained about the fact that despite being forced to pay CJIA’s increased fees of $7500, he had no choice but to disembark and walk on the tarmac while the boarding bridges were inoperable.
Last month, CJIA had announced that as of April 1, arriving and departing passengers would have to pay an additional US$35… all to support the ongoing CJIA expansion project.

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...Mr uncle DG how much forest abie gat to flood up foh get de 65MW from Amaila? Hey hey hey...

Hey hey hey Monsieur Labba --- there are always flooding of lands when hydroelectric projects are developed in countries.

As it seems that you are in Guyana, perhaps you have visited or may visit the Tumatumari Hydroelectric project which is located on the Potaro River. Hydroelectric Project


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