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Lall and reporter meet cops on complaint against AG

Posted By Staff Writer On November 2, 2014 @ 5:24 am In Local News | No Comments

Despite fears of a cover-up, Kaieteur News owner Glenn Lall and senior reporter Leonard Gildarie yesterday met with police to clarify the complaint about threats allegedly made by Attorney-General (AG) Anil Nandlall.

Attorney Christopher Ram, who accompanied both men, later told Stabroek News that the police have enough material in their possession to proceed with an investigation, while saying it was shocking that there appeared to be no immediate intention to interview Nandlall. “We were astonished to learn that there is no immediate plan to interview Nandlall. That is completely mind boggling,” Ram stressed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.
Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

So why are the various organizations going after him?


Isn't he da same critter who said he knew of certain bad people he does have to hold back...he also said he did something with money not belonging to him...for some surgery...for fambly an so on. But he say he put it back.


All dat the dam man admitted to, not a rass happening but one lil faggy arsehole made up story about gettin buggered by others an big story buss out by de other faggy arse holes dem, not true?.... HEHEHEHE

Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

The criminality is in his knowledge that his Uncle is a homicidal maniac and whose hands he was force to stay on at least one occasion. The police can also check if he paid back the money he pilfered for his wife's fertility treatment. After all,  he said he was a rich man so if he took the money then it was not because he needed it as a short term loan. He took it because he could.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

unbelievable shyte . . .!


banna, u must have missed a sitting attorney general admitting on tape that he 'appropriated' taxpayer funds for personal use, but oh, he seh he pay it back


this same sitting attorney general airily warns of impending death squad visit to Kaieteur News, a newspaper that not so long ago had 4 of its pressmen gunned down in cold blood during that orgy of bloodletting we can call the jagdeo/RK/fineman era


but for u, anything falling short of a "criminal" smoking gun from a "purely jurisprudence standpoint" means this mafiya wannabe should hold on to his job as chief legislative law officer in poor ole Guyana


i suppose "the context of things" u are reaching for here is the thoroughly criminalized PPP state facilitated by race and racism


that you and your ilk have normed the murderous vulture politics of jagdeoite misrule this past decade+ [for all the OBVIOUS reasons] should not surprise anyone paying close attention . . .


what a disgrace

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

unbelievable shyte . . .!


banna, u must have missed a sitting attorney general admitting on tape that he 'appropriated' taxpayer funds for personal use, but oh, he seh he pay it back


this same sitting attorney general airily warns of impending death squad visit to Kaieteur News, a newspaper that not so long ago had 4 of its pressmen gunned down in cold blood during that orgy of bloodletting we can call the jagdeo/RK/fineman era


but for u, anything falling short of a "criminal" smoking gun from a "purely jurisprudence standpoint" means this mafiya wannabe should hold on to his job as the chief legislative law officer in poor ole Guyana


i suppose "the context" u are reaching for here is the thoroughly criminalized PPP state facilitated by race and racism


that you and your ilk have normed the murderous vulture politics of jagdeoite misrule this past decade+ [for all the OBVIOUS reasons] should not surprise anyone paying close attention . . .


what a disgrace

Redux, I'm just keeping it real. Why do you think the general Guyanese populace is not moved by any of this. We may rail and rant over all these shenanigans from our overseas standpoint, but the Guyanese public is inured to all this, hence the use of "context of things".


I'm not here to litigate anything the AG said on the tape, I'm merely trying to explain why all the noise is irrelevant and that only the law counts. The court of public opinion goes about its business (except those who write on GNI from the diaspora, tsk...tsk), and keeping it real means what can be done in the court of law. Basically my answer is nothing ad for that you went into what is expected of Redux. I'm happy you're happy for chastising know what I'm going about mah business. How 'bout you?


Sase Narain was Speaker of the National Assembly for 20 years. He is a lawyer by profession. This is what he told Kaieteur News:

“I want to ask Nandlall, lawyer to lawyer, if you commit a crime, as in, you thief money, but you give back the stolen funds, does that mean you didn’t commit the crime? That you should be pardoned? You committed a crime that attracts a penalty,” Narain said.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

unbelievable shyte . . .!


banna, u must have missed a sitting attorney general admitting on tape that he 'appropriated' taxpayer funds for personal use, but oh, he seh he pay it back


this same sitting attorney general airily warns of impending death squad visit to Kaieteur News, a newspaper that not so long ago had 4 of its pressmen gunned down in cold blood during that orgy of bloodletting we can call the jagdeo/RK/fineman era


but for u, anything falling short of a "criminal" smoking gun from a "purely jurisprudence standpoint" means this mafiya wannabe should hold on to his job as the chief legislative law officer in poor ole Guyana


i suppose "the context" u are reaching for here is the thoroughly criminalized PPP state facilitated by race and racism


that you and your ilk have normed the murderous vulture politics of jagdeoite misrule this past decade+ [for all the OBVIOUS reasons] should not surprise anyone paying close attention . . .


what a disgrace

Redux, I'm just keeping it real. Why do you think the general Guyanese populace is not moved by any of this. We may rail and rant over all these shenanigans from our overseas standpoint, but the Guyanese public is inured to all this, hence the use of "context of things".


I'm not here to litigate anything the AG said on the tape, I'm merely trying to explain why all the noise is irrelevant and that only the law counts. The court of public opinion goes about its business (except those who write on GNI from the diaspora, tsk...tsk), and keeping it real means what can be done in the court of law. Basically my answer is nothing ad for that you went into what is expected of Redux. I'm happy you're happy for chastising know what I'm going about mah business. How 'bout you?

kari, u say you are "not here to litigate anything the AG said on tape" . . . what is this then?:


kari: "Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording"


i guess that's GTspeak for "just keeping it real"


u further have the nerve to come here with a straight face and boldly state that [in PPP Guyana yet] "only the law counts"


how many ways can i say: get freakin serious dude!



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:

kari, u say you are "not here to litigate anything the AG said on tape" . . . what is this then?:


kari: "Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording"


i guess that's GTspeak for "just keeping it real"


u further have the nerve to come here with a straight face and boldly state that [in PPP Guyana yet] "only the law counts"


how many ways can i say: get freakin serious dude!



That's why Redux we'll keep seeing your rants form here to eternity and nothing will change. Work with what's real to change things not rant over the unreal. Maybe you have a pathological need to keep on trucking.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:

kari, u say you are "not here to litigate anything the AG said on tape" . . . what is this then?:


kari: "Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording"


i guess that's GTspeak for "just keeping it real"


u further have the nerve to come here with a straight face and boldly state that [in PPP Guyana yet] "only the law counts"


how many ways can i say: get freakin serious dude!



That's why Redux we'll keep seeing your rants form here to eternity and nothing will change. Work with what's real to change things not rant over the unreal. Maybe you have a pathological need to keep on trucking.

karimullah, it's all good when i EXPOSE you and u call it a "rant"


btw, there are many PPP nostradamuses on GNI . . . you're not unique

Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

Kari I guess every government official should be allowed to steal and lets be pellucidly clear about that, STEAL tax payers monies and use it for sperm placement on their respective wives?


Yes? this is legal and ok?


This thread is about this - Kaieteur News owner Glenn Lall and senior reporter Leonard Gildarie yesterday met with police to clarify the complaint about threats allegedly made by Attorney-General (AG) Anil Nandlall.



When a case is brought in the courts about this and other matters brought against the AG then you can go to town. Until then moralizing, while a useful exercise, doesn't do the tango with reality. That's what I caution about. Negative energy is inefficient. Focus the energy on getting Guyanese society to be outraged. While overseas Guyanese may exercise this outrage, those at home want to know what all the fuss is about.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Come to think of it from a purely jurisprudence standpoint there is nothing criminal in that recording. That kind of language, unfortunately,  is a common occurrence.

In the context of things it's not surprising that the PPP chosen to rally around the AG.

Kari I guess every government official should be allowed to steal and lets be pellucidly clear about that, STEAL tax payers monies and use it for sperm placement on their respective wives?


Yes? this is legal and ok?

He probably took it in the form of an advance. Advances are repayable. This is quite common in government and other private employers. 


How is the fact that a Minister a high ranking government official none the less responsible for Legal affairs and is the sitting attorney General who admits on tape that he stole tax payers money - "moralizing"?


Say what? In which civilized country can a public official admit to stealing tax payers money and still continue to work as a government official?


If the minister should not face trial for stealing tax payers money why are we charging any citizen for stealing money? the government should move to the courts to make stealing money legal right?



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

How is the fact that a Minister a high ranking government official none the less responsible for Legal affairs and is the sitting attorney General who admits on tape that he stole tax payers money - "moralizing"?


Say what? In which civilized country can a public official admit to stealing tax payers money and still continue to work as a government official?


If the minister should not face trial for stealing tax payers money why are we charging any citizen for stealing money? the government should move to the courts to make stealing money legal right?



The AG did not admit to stealing the money, he admitted to using the government money. You are misquoting the man. At least that part of the tape was auduble.

If there is a finding that the tape recording was done illegally, everything in the tape recording is inadmissable.


Misquoting? the man said he took government money and he paid it back.


What bullshit is that? does every public servant charged for stealing government money have those options? 


What section of the law can you point me to that allows for this kind of activity?


Spermgate seems to have all of you fools confused. The problem is not one of comprehension but an embrace of criminality, many of you cannot seem to distinguish what is illegal and corrupt versus what is not.


there is a prima facie case for misconduct in a number of areas . . . not the least being (knowledge of/participation in?) tampering by the executive in a case pending before the court


what is wrong with you people? . . . this is the Attorney General for crying out loud!


get a grip

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I do not have a monopoly or morality. Do you?

No but I have common sense do you?

You are loosing it Redux. You are too angry and this issue is consuming you. Go take your medication and go to bed.


TIGI urges the government to abandon its hasty defence of the AG on the basis of non-existent privacy laws, and instead ensure that his revelations of financial impropriety and other abuses of his office are immediately investigated and prosecuted if necessary. In this regard, it said that the government would do well to remember the UK Privy Council’s caution that the ‘maintenance of public confidence in the administration of justice requires that it be, and be seen to be, even-handed,’ TIGI declared.

Originally Posted by Kari:
When a case is brought in the courts about this and other matters brought against the AG then you can go to town. Until then moralizing, while a useful exercise, doesn't do the tango with reality. That's what I caution about. Negative energy is inefficient. Focus the energy on getting Guyanese society to be outraged. While overseas Guyanese may exercise this outrage, those at home want to know what all the fuss is about.

what a confused, cornered lameass . . .


is anyone making sense of this 'important sounding' stream of contradictory balderdash from karimullah?


Google translate crashed @ first attempt

Originally Posted by Kari:

This thread is about this - Kaieteur News owner Glenn Lall and senior reporter Leonard Gildarie yesterday met with police to clarify the complaint about threats allegedly made by Attorney-General (AG) Anil Nandlall.



When a case is brought in the courts about this and other matters brought against the AG then you can go to town. Until then moralizing, while a useful exercise, doesn't do the tango with reality. That's what I caution about. Negative energy is inefficient. Focus the energy on getting Guyanese society to be outraged. While overseas Guyanese may exercise this outrage, those at home want to know what all the fuss is about.

And that's what it's all about! The people back home can't find out what is going on. The government controlled media is not reporting anything useful, whilst the independent media is being threatened with crimes against the press. So how are the people back home to find out what's going on? It is us abroad who can kick up stink and raise the subject.


Something similar happened with the Jim Jones' murders in Jonestown. It was massive news around the world within hours. It took Guyanese days to find out about it though. I remember a relative of mine calling home to find out what is going on in Jonestown and the family in Guyana said it was not true that anything had happened. The same is happening now. Many Guyanese don't even know till today that Jagdeo is no longer president. That even includes people in government! Just ask Sattaur.


"T", Guyanese live in the 21st century. I can assure every Tom, Dick, and Beharry knows what we all here know. Yet, they go ho-hum, while you guys flail away like Bourda market fish vendors, with Redux carrying the biggest bull horn. The thing is he sells the least fish.

@Former Member posted:

Yuh meen tuh seh Anus dint hav no spurm? If ee did tell me ah kood hav giv myn dureklee tuh ee wife an ee woodnt hav tuh steel enny guvmint munee!

Direct transfer, no commission.

@kp posted:

Looking for sperm.

@kp posted:

Mitwah tek sperm and run. He resurrect dead dick story about Anil.

Admin can see he doctored the post.

Mitwah ,doesn't have  gifted authority to doctored the post .

Last edited by Django

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