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Hicken apologises for rape remarks

Divisional Commander ‘A’ Division, Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken today apologized for controversial remarks in which he said that females’ mode of mode of dress contributed to rape.

A police statement issued today follows:

Divisional Commander ‘A’ Division, Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken, wishes to apologise to all members of the Guyanese society who have been negatively affected by his comments made in relation to the offence of Rape, during his presentation of the Divisional Christmas Policing Plan on Monday November 17, 2014.

The comments made were an unfortunate bad choice of words since, like every other member of the Force, the Divisional Commander understands Rape to be a violent act of power and aggression by the perpetrator on a weaker person.

Rapists are criminals who ought to be treated as such, and victims are certainly not responsible for the violence committed against them.

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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Hicken apologises for rape remarks

Divisional Commander ‘A’ Division, Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken today apologized for controversial remarks in which he said that females’ mode of mode of dress contributed to rape.

A police statement issued today follows:

Divisional Commander ‘A’ Division, Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken, wishes to apologise to all members of the Guyanese society who have been negatively affected by his comments made in relation to the offence of Rape, during his presentation of the Divisional Christmas Policing Plan on Monday November 17, 2014.

The comments made were an unfortunate bad choice of words since, like every other member of the Force, the Divisional Commander understands Rape to be a violent act of power and aggression by the perpetrator on a weaker person.

Rapists are criminals who ought to be treated as such, and victims are certainly not responsible for the violence committed against them.

The mentality of this moron is from the stone age. This is the same officer who was involved in the murder of the Linden protesters.


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