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PPP predicts tough period ahead in 2017, urges Guyanese to be vigilant

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) extends greetings to all Guyanese on the New Year of 2017.

“Regrettably, the year 2016 ended on a depressing note as a consequence of several vindictive and misguided actions by the (President David) Granger administration,” the PPP said in its New Year’s message.

“These include but, not limited to, the decision to revoke the lease granted to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, the closure of the Wales Estate and the impending closure of several other estates, the failure to grant wage increases to sugar workers and to public servants  and by no means least, the introduction of slew of new taxation measures including the unconscionable application of Value Added Taxes on water and electricity.”

According to the PPP, the cumulative effect of these unpopular measures would inevitably result in greater hardships on the Guyanese people, in particular the working class.

The above notwithstanding, it is the wish of the Party that the spirit of resilience and hope for a better life would “not be dampened by the unpopular policies and programmes of the current APNU-AFC regime”.

For its part, the PPP resolves to intensify the struggle to protect the economic, social and democratic gains of the Guyanese people which is now under threat by an uncaring and heartless regime.

The PPP, in wishing all Guyanese all the best for the New Year, also took the opportunity to call on everyone to be vigilant and mobilised in what from all indications appears to be a tough period ahead.

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