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The new PPP has just started!  A lot more was discussed between BJ and Granger at their recent summit!

The PPP will walk home with total victory in April!  The new PPP Govt will look like a unity govt headed by the PPP!  APNU will be dissed, as in APN(dis)U.

Granger has admitted to someone close to me that they have lost leadership of the message and national agenda.  BJ and the PPP are driving and they are playing catch up and wait and see, then react.  They have never had such a formidable opponent!

You guys too caught up and spinning over Irfaan.  There is much more at stake than Irfaan.  Focus on the Grand Guyatolla!!

Baseman posted:

The new PPP has just started!  A lot more was discussed between BJ and Granger at their recent summit!

The PPP will walk home with total victory in April!  The new PPP Govt will look like a unity govt headed by the PPP!  APNU will be dissed, as in APN(dis)U.

Granger has admitted to someone close to me that they have lost leadership of the message and national agenda.  BJ and the PPP are driving and they are playing catch up and wait and see, then react.  They have never had such a formidable opponent!

You guys too caught up and spinning over Irfaan.  There is much more at stake than Irfaan.  Focus on the Grand Guyatolla!!

Hey hey hey...Granger and he posse of ole narrow mind retired army blackmen + two selfish AFC coolieman mek Bharrat formidable. Bharrat is low hanging buxton spice mango. Granger dem mek he winning dis round of de battle...hey hey hey. 

kp posted:

Mark Phillips might be a good choice to balance one bad pick.

Who is he and what does he bring to the table?  A nice quiet negro who isnt going to rock the boat?  Sitting down in a nest of vipers so that they can pretend that they are upstanding people of high moral character?

I suggest that he stays out of this. Let Juan Edghill take the job.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:


Granger has admitted to someone close to me that they have lost leadership of the message and national agenda!

And only now Granger realized this? He lost the agenda the minute that he pandered to Nagamootoo for that 50% pay increase. Granger in fact did NOT get a 50% pay increase but lost the message even then so let Guyana Times lie.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Granger has admitted to someone close to me that they have lost leadership of the message and national agenda!

And only now Granger realized this? He lost the agenda the minute that he pandered to Nagamootoo for that 50% pay increase. Granger in fact did NOT get a 50% pay increase but lost the message even then so let Guyana Times lie.

That 50% was a problem!

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Mark Phillips might be a good choice to balance one bad pick.

Who is he and what does he bring to the table?  A nice quiet negro who isnt going to rock the boat?  Sitting down in a nest of vipers so that they can pretend that they are upstanding people of high moral character?

I suggest that he stays out of this. Let Juan Edghill take the job.

The man was a high-ranking GDF.

Would you take up an offer to be part of the PPP?  You are certainly not a "quiet negro", though you may be nice.  You will rock the boat and kick ass!!

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Granger has admitted to someone close to me that they have lost leadership of the message and national agenda!

And only now Granger realized this? He lost the agenda the minute that he pandered to Nagamootoo for that 50% pay increase. Granger in fact did NOT get a 50% pay increase but lost the message even then so let Guyana Times lie.

That 50% was a problem!

Yuh notice how it is the coolie man Nagamootoo who "made" saintly Granger do something sinful. 

Black people always get excused for their actions. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Mark Phillips might be a good choice to balance one bad pick.

Who is he and what does he bring to the table?  A nice quiet negro who isnt going to rock the boat?  Sitting down in a nest of vipers so that they can pretend that they are upstanding people of high moral character?

I suggest that he stays out of this. Let Juan Edghill take the job.

The man was a high-ranking GDF.

Would you take up an offer to be part of the PPP?  You are certainly not a "quiet negro", though you may be nice.  You will rock the boat and kick ass!!

The man was chief of staff. 

It doesn't which blackman PPP pick, non good for Caribj


Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Mark Phillips might be a good choice to balance one bad pick.

Who is he and what does he bring to the table?  A nice quiet negro who isnt going to rock the boat?  Sitting down in a nest of vipers so that they can pretend that they are upstanding people of high moral character?

I suggest that he stays out of this. Let Juan Edghill take the job.

The man was a high-ranking GDF.

Would you take up an offer to be part of the PPP?  You are certainly not a "quiet negro", though you may be nice.  You will rock the boat and kick ass!!

And being a high ranking GDF? And?  

Henry Greene was a high ranking policeman.

kp posted:


It doesn't which blackman PPP pick, non good for Caribj


Now you could have gone about describing the good works that the man has been involved in and explaining why blacks should trust him.

Because you know the selection of a non Indo is only so that the PPP can pretend not to be what even Jagdeo admits that it is. An East Indian party.

ksazma posted:


Yuh notice how it is the coolie man Nagamootoo who "made" saintly Granger do something sinful. 

Black people always get excused for their actions. 


It is a FACT that Granger did NOT get a 50% pay increase!  Simple Sam Hinds never got paid properly (being the loyal negro slave that he was) and Moses didn't see why others in cabinet should be paid more than he was.

Now run along and chat with all of those Indians who used to spend their lives wailing about how Moses was a traitor who refused to identify as an Indian, merely because he asserted that he is a Guyanese.

Your sudden pretense and concern for him is hilarious.

Last edited by Former Member


November 18, 2018

Mr. Adam Harris


Kaietuer News

24 Saffon Street, Charlestown


Dear Editor,

I refer to article by Lincoln Lewis, which appeared in Kaieteur News, Sunday, November 18, 2018, under the caption “Local Government Elections, though disappointing to some, were not unexpected”. Ordinarily, I would have read the article and moved on – this being a very busy time in the calendar of the Ministry of Finance. But Mr. Lewis’ article contained a number of assertions that warrant an immediate response.

Mr Lewis claimed, “The administration should not forget that the 50 percent and other increases paid to the President, his ministers and all the parliamentarians, in less than six months coming to office, â€Ķ” This claim has been made before, on several occasions, and has been refuted by the Government, repeatedly. That it continues to be said by none other than a seasoned labour leader, convinces me of the triumph of propaganda and ‘fake news’ over truth. Here are some simple facts:

Fact 1: President David Arthur Granger has not benefited from any salary increase since coming to Office.

Fact 2: The Prime Minister (PM) benefited from a one-time, very small (5%) increase in salary in 2015. When the Coalition Government acceded to Office, it found that the salary of the Attorney General (AG) was not only tax-free, but it was also higher than the Prime Minister’s salary. To correct this anomaly, the Prime Minister’s salary was adjusted slightly above the AG’s salary. Please note however, that unlike the AG, the PM pays income tax.

Fact 3: The salaries of Cabinet Ministers, Speaker of the National Assembly and Leader of the Opposition were increased by 50 percent; those of junior Ministers by a lesser percentage; and those of the other Parliamentarians by an even lesser percentage.

I wish to reiterate that the increases granted in 2015 were one-off increases. No further increase in the salaries of Parliamentarians is contemplated for this term of Office of the Coalition Government.

The second erroneous assertion of Mr. Lewis is the following: “Taking away the subsidies in water and electricity from this vulnerable constituent, that lives on significant reduced income (pension), remains heartless.”

Fact: On entering Office in May 2015, we found the following discriminatory situation: only 30 percent and 62 percent of 42,397 pensioners were benefiting from the electricity and water subsidies, respectively. This is because the pensioner had to have both electricity and water metres in his/her name – a problem for many, especially those in indigenous, hinterland and rural areas. After 23 years of encountering discrimination of all kinds, under the previous government, the Coalition Government decided to bring a swift end to this policy. The decision was that all pensioners must benefit from the subsidies. So, the subsidies were incorporated (not removed) into the pension, which was increased by 30 percent, from $13,125 to $17,000. Today, old age pension stands at $19,500 and will be increased again, in the upcoming budget.

The next assertion of Mr. Lewis that caught my attention was the following: “I note the date designated for the Disciplined Services to vote recorded low turnout. I have written before about the error on the part of the coalition in removing the year-end bonus (i.e. one-month salary) this category of workers enjoyed for several years.”

Fact: For many years, the previous administration had adopted the practice of paying less to public sector workers, so as to retain an amount to pay year-end bonus to workers of the Disciplined Services, only. Recall that the standard wage increase was 5 percent per annum, resulting in the paltry minimum wage of $39,570, in 2015. But a higher percentage would have been budgeted to pay increases to all workers across-the-board. The difference in the two percentages was used to finance the one-month bonus to the Disciplined Services. Even in cases where funds remained after paying the bonus, the previous administration refused to use them to pay the other public sector workers, preferring to return them to the Treasury.

I do not recall Mr. Lewis condemning this practice. In fact, I do not recall any labour leader vociferously and consistently voicing their objection to this naked attempt to divide the workers. Instead of being condemned in the strongest possible terms by Mr. Lewis, yet another discriminatory practice of the previous administration is being heralded by him.

The Coalition Government has clearly enunciated that all workers must benefit, if there are excess resources that can be shared. Hence, in 2015 and 2016, all workers benefited from the payment of bonuses of $50,000 and $25,000, respectively. Since 2017, we have had to grapple with financial challenges that have precluded the payment of bonus. However, we have paid salary increases beyond the “5 percent”, such that the minimum wage has rapidly increased by nearly 52 percent in 2 years, from $39,570, in 2015, to $60,000, in 2017. It took the PPP/C Administration 9 years to move the minimum wage by a similar percentage, or from $26,070, in 2006 to $39,570, in 2015. All workers can expect salary increases, going forward, especially in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Editor, I found particularly nauseating, Mr. Lewis’ attempt to connect the lower voter turnout by the Disciplined Services to the ending of the one-month bonus. I firmly believe that our hard fought right to vote cannot be so easily and callously sacrificed for the proverbial “40 pieces of silver”.  Workers need to know that robbing them of their rightful increase in wages, in order to pay them a bonus, robs them of a higher pension and gratuity since those are calculated based on your gross salary, which does not include a bonus.

Yours faithfully,

Hon. Winston Jordan, MP

Minister of Finance


No regrets in offering salary increases to Ministers’ – President Granger


President David Granger, on Friday, indicated that the 50% salary increases that were given to Minister’s of the APNU-AFC Administration immediately after the Coalition came into office in 2015 was “prudent” and he has no regrets about the decision.

“Well we have dealt with the issues of the Ministers’ salariesâ€ĶIt was felt prudent at that time to have a one-off review of ministerial salaries so that the Ministers could pay attention  to their dutiesâ€Ķ.It is not beneficial to revisit that, [they are] not going to have another salary increase. [I have] no regrets,” he told media operatives today (Friday) during his third press conference in three years.

According to Granger, when his administration came into power, there were a number of public servants who were being paid more than Ministers.

The question was raised on the heels of teachers countrywide opting to strike since Government has refused their demands for a hike in their salaries, saying it cannot afford to meet such demands at this time.

Teachers are seeking increases of 40 per cent under a multi-year arrangement up to 2020.

However, Government is maintaining that it just cannot afford this proposal.

Classes are scheduled to open from Monday, September 3 but it is unclear how many teachers will be present in the classroom.

Most recently, the GTU General Secretary, Coretta McDonald has disclosed that the nationwide strike remains enforced since the third round of conciliation at the Social Protection Ministry’s Labour Department on Thursday did not attain the desired outcome, as both the Education Ministry and the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) held steadfast to their positions.

The GTU had earlier expressed no confidence in this labour team since it comprised Government officers who were advocating on the Education Ministry’s behalf.

Meanwhile, Education Minister Nicolette Henry, while speaking to teachers and parents at the Hope Secondary School, East Bank Demerara, said that during the negotiations held between the Ministry of Education and the GTU, the government had agreed to proceed with the seven non-salary agreements, even as the two parties continued the negotiations on salary increases.

Henry has also stated that Government intends to move full steam ahead with its contingency plan which will see striking teachers being substituted with recent Cyril Potter College Education (CPCE) graduates, trainees and retired teachers. However, some parents are of the view that their children could be shortchanged by the government’s decision. (Ramona Luthi) 


Why is President Granger’s salary tax free?

Dear Editor,
In an incontrovertible period of economic slowdown in Guyana, the new Granger led APNU-AFC government’s decision to increase their salaries by over 50% while other public servants got less than 5% has in one fell swoop converted itself from “the incompetent” to “the incompetent and heartless”.
In an effort to provide some clarity I believe the more important question is: what is the cost of the new Granger led APNU-AFC government to the treasury?

Salaries – Total

TOTALMonthlyPer Annum

Salaries – Monthly Breakdown



Prime Minister

Attorney General

Vice President

Senior Minister

Junior Minister






$579,951 (18 Ministers)

$1,800,750 (TAX FREE)



$1,800,750 (TAX FREE)

$927,922 (3 V.P.’s)

$869,927 (10 Ministers)

$695,541 (11 Junior Ministers)

With reference to the forgoing, I pose the following simple questions to the President Granger and the APNU-AFC government on behalf to aLL of the people of Guyana:

  1. Will your increase mean higher productivity? (if the answer is ‘yes’ then it means that for the last 6 months you have not been working as hard as you could have been and if the answer is ‘no’ then you do not deserve an increase
  2. Are you saying that the only way a country can have ministers who are not corrupt is by having a large salary or a salary that is more than eleven times the average salary? If the answer is yes please show me where this was posted in your manifesto and contract with the electorate.
  3. Can you account for your failure to deliver on your manifesto promise of 20% increase to public servants, police, teachers, nurses while giving yourself a 50%+ increase?
  4. Since “public service” is intended to be a “service” to the “public” can the President and all the Ministers publish their previous declared taxable income which will show how many of them ever earned more than their current salary?
  5. How do you justify the President and the Attorney General’s salaries being tax free?
    Charles Ramson
    Member of Parliament (PPP/C)

“Well we have dealt with the issues of the Ministers’ salariesâ€ĶIt was felt prudent at that time to have a one-off review of ministerial salaries so that the Ministers could pay attention  to their dutiesâ€Ķ.It is not beneficial to revisit that, [they are] not going to have another salary increase. [I have] no regrets,” he told media operatives today (Friday) during his third press conference in three years.

According to Granger, when his administration came into power, there were a number of public servants who were being paid more than Ministers.



What's your take on President Granger statement ?

Regarding your other post, can you tell why the Presidential Pension are TAX FREE ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

“Well we have dealt with the issues of the Ministers’ salariesâ€ĶIt was felt prudent at that time to have a one-off review of ministerial salaries so that the Ministers could pay attention  to their dutiesâ€Ķ.It is not beneficial to revisit that, [they are] not going to have another salary increase. [I have] no regrets,” he told media operatives today (Friday) during his third press conference in three years.

According to Granger, when his administration came into power, there were a number of public servants who were being paid more than Ministers.



What's your take on President Granger statement ?

Regarding your other post, can you tell why the Presidential Pension are TAX FREE ?

This is old. Let dem boys enjoy dem munny fuh now. Lang time gaan; shart time leff. Dem guh start eat dry coconut soon and dance widout music. They better save some for legal fees.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuh notice how it is the coolie man Nagamootoo who "made" saintly Granger do something sinful. 

Black people always get excused for their actions. 


It is a FACT that Granger did NOT get a 50% pay increase!  Simple Sam Hinds never got paid properly (being the loyal negro slave that he was) and Moses didn't see why others in cabinet should be paid more than he was.

Now run along and chat with all of those Indians who used to spend their lives wailing about how Moses was a traitor who refused to identify as an Indian, merely because he asserted that he is a Guyanese.

Your sudden pretense and concern for him is hilarious.

Where did I state that I am concerned for Nagamootoo. I was just pointing out that you were blaming him for Granger's actions.

ksazma posted:


Where did I state that I am concerned for Nagamootoo. I was just pointing out that you were blaming him for Granger's actions.

Well it is indeed a fact that this was triggered because Naga was upset that the simpleton Sam Hinds was too much a House Negro to demand a proper salary for the PM slot so demanded more and this triggered all sorts of other adjustments. Granger not bein a significant beneficiary of this, given that Jagdeo ensured that he Jagdeo was well paid.


Ow me gaad, look what you reduced yourself to. The man is a hapless and complete idiot and you are on his bandwagon. Bai Carib, you are a lot smarter than that. 

Imagine Carib is now backing a bunch old old, hapless, visionless, fighting for their pensions old men !

It’s ok Carib, I sympathize with you. That all that the PNC can offer the young generation of Guyanese. 

yuji22 posted:

Imagine Carib is now backing a bunch old old, hapless, visionless, fighting for their pensions old men !

yes jagdeo being one very concerned about his lavish presidential pension.

Now run off and support President Duffus.  He really is going to need help.

Listen tell the PNC to put Volda as their candidate and then we can watch this reality show.  Volda slapping up Duffus who runs bawling to Daddy Bharat for comfort. 

I hear poor Irfaan now.  "Daddy is not fair dat big black woman Volda cuss me out again and mek me look chupid, beat she up nuh".

Jaggy/  "You deh pun you own as I frikken she too.  I shoulda pick Anil as he would know how to handle she!"

Last edited by Former Member

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