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Former Member


As elections slowly approach, Guyanese will be reading about and hearing of the policies the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has in its manifesto, and that will be implemented immediately should they return to office. The reversal of taxes – back to status quo or to a lower level – is one such policy.
These were among some of the assurances given by Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the party Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday at a press briefing held at his office.
Primary focus, according to Jagdeo, will be given to the reversal of tax measures implemented by the APNU+AFC government.
“In that regard you will see, for example, VAT on building material…they put the Value Added Tax on sand, stone, cement, etc. We want people to build more. We don’t want them to pay taxes on these issues. We will remove taxes on those.”
“Exporters are going to benefit also from the removal of taxes on their exports…Who taxes exports? You want your country to export more, earn more foreign currency and your people to work more,” Jagdeo said. “More jobs will be created with the increase in exports.
Jagdeo said that VAT will be removed from farming, mining and forestry equipment.
Farmers also stand to benefit from the removal of land rent, drainage and irrigation fees. Farmers, miners and loggers can look forward to an improvement in operations, he posited.
Reversal of taxes on miners is also promised by a PPP government.
“Guyanese can also look forward to using their phones more with the reversal of VAT on data services offered. The age limit on imported vehicles will be reversed,” Jagdeo said.
“You can take at least 1.2 million off the price of a vehicle simply by changing this policy; this would see car ownership a bit more easy and affordable for persons.
The reversal policy also deals with VAT on water and electricity.
Jagdeo also highlighted the PPP’s plan to ensure that some 20,000 persons will benefit from online scholarship programmes and this will be offered in addition to what is being done at the University of Guyana. An office would be constructed that would facilitate persons coming to apply for online courses.
This policy is aimed at helping persons to access programmes that aren’t being offered at UG.
“The online scholarships is a programme for how people can apply. This will be 20,000 online scholarships, so there will be an office that allows people to apply and this will be in addition to what is being done at the University of Guyana.
“So this would help private education but also help a large number of people to work and to get scholarships in professions that may not be offered by the University of Guyana.”
PPP also plans to have free university within the 4-year period should they be in office. Mr. Jagdeo said, “We’re looking at running the numbers that maybe year two or three we can move into this policy.”
Additional measures are being considered that would see improvement in the education sector. A plan is also being devised that would see measures being put in place to help University students with outstanding fees.
Joint Services will not be forgotten, and this will manifest itself with the restoration of the joint services bonus “and this is a done deal” according to Jagdeo.
Small businesses are to benefit also from grants that would be distributed and this would be done on a larger scale.
“This is our plan for all Guyana, for all our people,” Jagdeo said.
The General Secretary told the media that the party has already begun highlighting its promised courses of action in the form of posters on social media and informative flyers countrywide.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I don’t see a single reference to the forgotten people, the poorest of the poor, how to break the cycle of intractable poverty.  I see a lot here for those already finding some traction to make it better.  That’s good, but 30% of Guyanese live in rural abject poverty with no access to proper nutrition, health services and schools for their kids. 

And how about crime. The disciplined services received their bonuses under the PPP but then did not cooperate and even aided and abetted crime.  Today crime is rampant!  what are the plans?

There are a few nuggets in the plan however, I don’t see any ground breaking new ideas to deal with the bane of Guyanese society:  poverty, illiteracy, crime and corruption!

The PPP would do good to look at some of Shuman’s proposals!

Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

I say start a new thread and don’t derail Jagdeo less than impressive promises!

At least give it a decent half-life before derailing it!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

I don’t see a single reference to the forgotten people, the poorest of the poor, how to break the cycle of intractable poverty.  I see a lot here for those already finding some traction to make it better.  That’s good, but 30% of Guyanese live in rural abject poverty with no access to proper nutrition, health services and schools for their kids. 

And how about crime. The disciplined services received their bonuses under the PPP but then did not cooperate and even aided and abetted crime.  Today crime is rampant!  what are the plans?

There are a few nuggets in the plan however, I don’t see any ground breaking new ideas to deal with the bane of Guyanese society:  poverty, illiteracy, crime and corruption!

The PPP would do good to look at some of Shuman’s proposals!

Bai...abie want remove de 2AM curfew so abie can suck likka, eat poke cuttahs till 2AM and mek noise and get bassidy soh abie political boss dem can full up dem family pocket...hey hey hey...

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians needs to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

Hey hey PPP is de labaria but de PNC is de bush master snake...hey hey hey. We bai Reflux ronan is we colourful coral resting until he bite...hey hey hey. 

ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

May be his chimney didn’t went up last nite  

@base, yo en tek the kapadulla bhai. 

Dave posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

May be his chimney didn’t went up last nite  

@base, yo en tek the kapadulla bhai. 

Bai me want some kapadilla meh self.... Pavi know how foh find dem tings...

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I was thinking the same...But at least its good to know at least (last count) 40% of the population is being catered for 

He covering all bases. Here is another 40% of the population being catered for.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

Bai, that is a newspaper's report that listed "These were among some of the assurances given by Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the party Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday at a press briefing held at his office."

ksazma posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I was thinking the same...But at least its good to know at least (last count) 40% of the population is being catered for 

He covering all bases. Here is another 40% of the population being catered for.

Bull shit.  He catering for the 40% of business people, civil servants, Discliplined service, etc.  He is not catering to the 30% Indian, Afros, mixed living in abject poverty whose children don’t attend schoo.  And the 50% Amerindians who fit that category!

Those proposals lack ingenuity, vision and any out of the box thinking!  Pure stale mauby!

And all Ayuh cheerleaders here on GNI just like he.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

Bai, that is a newspaper's report that listed "These were among some of the assurances given by Opposition Leader and General Secretary of the party Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday at a press briefing held at his office."

Pure bull shit again.  I would assume you highlight the key ingredients and those not worthy of mention are the icing on the cake, nice to haves.  

But this has been the way the PPP ran things for 15 years.   The weakest, poorest invisible people are simply gap fillers!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I was thinking the same...But at least its good to know at least (last count) 40% of the population is being catered for 

He covering all bases. Here is another 40% of the population being catered for.

Bull shit.  He catering for the 40% of business people, civil servants, Discliplined service, etc.  He is not catering to the 30% Indian, Afros, mixed living in abject poverty whose children don’t attend schoo.  And the 50% Amerindians who fit that category!

Those proposals lack ingenuity, vision and any out of the box thinking!  Pure stale mauby!

And all Ayuh cheerleaders here on GNI just like he.

Eh Eh what’s up with you now.. like U on the fence again. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I was thinking the same...But at least its good to know at least (last count) 40% of the population is being catered for 

He covering all bases. Here is another 40% of the population being catered for.

Bull shit.  He catering for the 40% of business people, civil servants, Discliplined service, etc.  He is not catering to the 30% Indian, Afros, mixed living in abject poverty whose children don’t attend schoo.  And the 50% Amerindians who fit that category!

Those proposals lack ingenuity, vision and any out of the box thinking!  Pure stale mauby!

And all Ayuh cheerleaders here on GNI just like he.

As Taylor Swift said, you need to calm down. 

Now about promises, how did that fully loaded AFC manifesto and APNU/AFC promise from 2015 work out for Guyana?

Yuh think black people chastising PNC supporters for being cheerleaders? Y'all too decent fuh y'all own good bai.

Black people never have tuh seh "we de reason PPP in powah"? Oney crabdaag coolie can mek de claim dat dem help PNC get in powah. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I was thinking the same...But at least its good to know at least (last count) 40% of the population is being catered for 

He covering all bases. Here is another 40% of the population being catered for.

Bull shit.  He catering for the 40% of business people, civil servants, Discliplined service, etc.  He is not catering to the 30% Indian, Afros, mixed living in abject poverty whose children don’t attend schoo.  And the 50% Amerindians who fit that category!

Those proposals lack ingenuity, vision and any out of the box thinking!  Pure stale mauby!

And all Ayuh cheerleaders here on GNI just like he.

Yuh ever taste stale sorel drink? Or smoke stale Congo pump leaf? Hey hey we bai Irfaan drinkin zebgrass tea...hey hey hey hey.


Me want wine up and down and drink likka. Me want dem remove de curfew soh dem party peopkle can play loud music all nite. Me wan PPP gee all dem Indo village more rum shops dan what Jagdeo dem already give out. Nuff rum and noise foh we when PPP win...hey hey hey. Doh is culture and abie powah...hey hey hey. 


I would like to see full transparency with the OIL revenue, how it will be spent, eg: infrastructure , education, health care, fair pension for all retired and the paying off of the national debt.

 There should be The Peoples Manifesto, if those elected and promises not fulfilled within a certain time frame, they must resign or face some discipline measure, Fine or Jail.

 So don't over promise and under deliver.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

It's lot more than what the PNC gave for 32 years. They even F'ked up the mathematical percentage calculation.

Prince posted:

Some of the PPP changes or promises include free university education in five years and no VAT on water. 

There should be no VAT on food, water, children's school supplies, and clothing

Prince posted:

Some of the PPP changes or promises include free university education in five years and no VAT on water. 

Banna get with it!  There’s nothing innovative here. This is run of the mill thinking by BJ and low hanging fruits, given the fact that oil revenues will start flowing anyway. 

There was no VAT on water under the PPP so it’s just a reversion to what was.  Under Burnham rule UG was free but there was GNS, a cost center not a profit center.  Under debt relief, it was implemented, now its time for reversion.   This should have been done prior to 2015 as the economy was much better. 

As I said, I don’t see anything new and out of the box as it relates to the poorest of the poor, which is around 30% on average across the ethnicities!

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

It's lot more than what the PNC gave for 32 years. They even F'ked up the mathematical percentage calculation.

There you go, just like a run of the mill PPP devoid of independent and innovative thinking. Ayuh benchmark for how well you do is the other mediocre to abject failure!

This is why Guyana is destined for Shithole status under the PPP and PNC.  Ayuh racing fuh last position!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

It's lot more than what the PNC gave for 32 years. They even F'ked up the mathematical percentage calculation.

There you go, just like a run of the mill PPP devoid of independent and innovative thinking. Ayuh benchmark for how well you do is the other mediocre to abject failure!

This is why Guyana is destined for Shithole status under the PPP and PNC.  Ayuh racing fuh last position!

You should think about this before you get into a personal discussion of other peoples' lives on GNI.


Hey hey see pon facebook PPP seh dem removin de 2AM votin foh PPP foh dat reason alone. Gee dem Indos mo opportunity foh mek noise till 6AM...lewe drink and wine up and down...hey hey hey. 

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

It's lot more than what the PNC gave for 32 years. They even F'ked up the mathematical percentage calculation.

There you go, just like a run of the mill PPP devoid of independent and innovative thinking. Ayuh benchmark for how well you do is the other mediocre to abject failure!

This is why Guyana is destined for Shithole status under the PPP and PNC.  Ayuh racing fuh last position!

It looks like someone is using your handle. According to the real Baseman in his own words “ PPP is the best thing for Guyana “ 

This is one Fck up place. 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:

How are these pics relevant to the thread?

don’t wanna start a new thread. At least the PPP Presidental Candidate is their. 

BTW, don’t we deal with lots of irrelevant stuff on other threads.. just asking 

The Base just lil cranky this morning. 

Well, I read the entire thing and was sorely disappointed. 

This is exactly why politicians need to move on and let new people with new ideas take center stage.  

What Jagdeo promise there is more of the same we saw for 23 years, zero-sum politics.  PNC no better!  It’s all about check-mate politics!

Guyanese screwed with these two rattlesnakes!

It's lot more than what the PNC gave for 32 years. They even F'ked up the mathematical percentage calculation.

There you go, just like a run of the mill PPP devoid of independent and innovative thinking. Ayuh benchmark for how well you do is the other mediocre to abject failure!

This is why Guyana is destined for Shithole status under the PPP and PNC.  Ayuh racing fuh last position!

It looks like someone is using your handle. According to the real Baseman in his own words “ PPP is the best thing for Guyana “ 

This is one Fck up place. 

Not sure when I said that however, given the choices at it probably is, but does not mean they’ll doing the best. 

It could be I was dating a PPP gyaal.  

I have always criticized the PPP for neglecting the most vulnerable.  I’m on record on that.  In fact it was a reason I joined the AFC, but they were a disappointment.  

I hope Shuman takes control from them both and control their decisions.  


@Former Member You're on 🔥bro. You see faults on both sides. I've never hated the PPP only Jagdeo and what's he's made the party become, and would never vote PNC. I'd say the average age on this board is early 50s and considering how young the Guyanese population is and wanting a better, brighter forward thinking future for these young ones I really hope Shuman holds the balance, when I come back from home last month I was so proud of my Guyanese how  theiy interact, bright,smart and deserving of a future that we failed to deliver. I hope we can bury these two dinosaurs . 

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member You're on 🔥bro. You see faults on both sides. I've never hated the PPP only Jagdeo and what's he's made the party become, and would never vote PNC. I'd say the average age on this board is early 50s and considering how young the Guyanese population is and wanting a better, brighter forward thinking future for these young ones I really hope Shuman holds the balance, when I come back from home last month I was so proud of my Guyanese how  theiy interact, bright,smart and deserving of a future that we failed to deliver. I hope we can bury these two dinosaurs . 

I don’t hate BJ however, I believe he should let others take over and bring fresh ideas.  He had his time.  It’s time others get the opportunity.  I don’t see anything new in his ideas.  Why is it not coming from Irffy?

I don’t see them doing anything different that they did before!


Jagdeo mekking promises but nutten to do wid oil

Anybody can mek a promise. Some promise people does tek seriously and some of de people who mek de promise does change dem mind as soon as dem get wha dem want.
Dem boys know people who promise dem gyal how dem would marry dem if only dem gyal give dem something. Nuff women does be stupid enough to give up and dat is when de promise does disappear.
Soulja Bai promise nuff thing, but only some he fulfill, because he had to overcome problems wid some of de others.
Jagdeo use to mek promises too. He did promise to mek de Skeldon sugar factory wuk even if he had to use he own hands. He come out of office and Ramotar tek over. Jagdeo couldn’t seh he didn’t have time. Ramotar come out of office and de factory still not working.
Now Jagdeo mekking odda promises. Yesterday he seh if de PPP get into power, he gon mek sweeping changes. Dem cleaners get excited. Dem feel dat Jagdeo gon do away wid de brooms and bucket. But dem gon be disappointed. De man mean something else.
Dem boys want to know ‘bout some of de changes. Of course he gon change all dem Permanent Secretaries and dem Ministers. He gon promote some of he friends and bring back people like Kwame. But what about de changes wid dem oil contract?
Of course, if he was in power, de people of Guyana woulda never see de present contract, suh dem never would have had anything to complain about. Jagdeo never release dem contract, he always claiming confidentiality clauses.
He now promising free university education. He was de one dat introduce fees in de first place. He promising 20,000 scholarships. Dat mean everybody gon get a scholarship and any oil money would pay for it.
De man ain’t promise to change dem oil contract. De Hess boss man actually tell de media dat Jagdeo tell him dat dem contract gon remain. De promise dem boys want hear is one dealing wid dem oil contract.
Talk half and wait fuh de real promise from Jagdeo.


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