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Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

You are incorrect on all three counts based on lack of knowledge.  The parents who protested the action by the school kept their children at home.

Your claim that “it looks like they were paid to do it” is obviously your own personal bias. As you have no evidence to support your assumption.

Lastly, it’s not the job of the Opposition to make schools pro PPP.  They don’t interfere with children’s education or waste time with preaching politics to those who are not eligible to vote.

Show your evidence that I am incorrect. 

Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

You are incorrect on all three counts based on lack of knowledge.  The parents who protested the action by the school kept their children at home.

Your claim that “it looks like they were paid to do it” is obviously your own personal bias. As you have no evidence to support your assumption.

Lastly, it’s not the job of the Opposition to make schools pro PPP.  They don’t interfere with children’s education or waste time with preaching politics to those who are not eligible to vote.

Show your evidence that I am incorrect. 

Are you saying that you would like me to re-post my post?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

You are incorrect on all three counts based on lack of knowledge.  The parents who protested the action by the school kept their children at home.

Your claim that “it looks like they were paid to do it” is obviously your own personal bias. As you have no evidence to support your assumption.

Lastly, it’s not the job of the Opposition to make schools pro PPP.  They don’t interfere with children’s education or waste time with preaching politics to those who are not eligible to vote.

Show your evidence that I am incorrect. 

Are you saying that you would like me to re-post my post?

Is me accent hard fa you to read ? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Tola posted:
Django posted:

President David Granger, this afternoon, attended the 15th Graduation Ceremony and Dinner of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan, located at the Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
In his address, President Granger praised the not-for-profit secondary school for its stellar academic achievements over the years and said that its emphasis on science education is commendable.
“SVN is moving along the correct path. It is emphasizing science education without de-emphasizing the humanities. The school’s decision to erect a science building, equipped with modern laboratories, is a recognition of the validity and urgency of science education,” he said. The school was later given a million dollars towards the completion of that building.
Of the eight-six CSEC graduands, twenty-eight attained at least eight Grade Ones. Also graduating were fourteen CAPE students.
Here are a few photographs:

If Indians feel that Granger is an illegal president, why don't they protest against the school for inviting him ? 

The school shows their students and future leaders, a lot of respect and dignity for Guyana unity.   

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

Show where the protest was against the school, the 'aarti girl' don't want to be there, or parents kept their children at home.  

Some protesters  don't even know why they were carrying black flags, so it looks like they were paid to do it, with little understanding.

If the school is anti-PPP, why don't the opposition  use some influence to make them pro PPP ? Or dem money done building mansions.   

You are incorrect on all three counts based on lack of knowledge.  The parents who protested the action by the school kept their children at home.

Your claim that “it looks like they were paid to do it” is obviously your own personal bias. As you have no evidence to support your assumption.

Lastly, it’s not the job of the Opposition to make schools pro PPP.  They don’t interfere with children’s education or waste time with preaching politics to those who are not eligible to vote.

Show your evidence that I am incorrect. 

Are you saying that you would like me to re-post my post?

Don't waste time with free loader.

cain posted:

Had this been in a black area/school there would have been remarks that Granger only cares for black people. Now the man visits an East Indian school he gets flack. 

Bai, he deserves to get flack wherever he goes because he is pretending to be president. He is not the president anymore.

Django posted:

The school is an NGO.

Link to website

If they are an NGO, they should avoid extending courtesies to the government. Especially an illegal one. I am sure there are a lot of people they could have chosen from instead of having Granger desecrate their graduation celebration.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

It is a denigration of the Hindu aarti ritual for that child to be coerced into performing aarti in front of Granger.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Are you saying that you would like me to re-post my post?

Don't waste time with free loader.

I agree. Tola has shown on many occasions that he is a hypocrite.

ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

It is a denigration of the Hindu aarti ritual for that child to be coerced into performing aarti in front of Granger.

No. Hindus are a tolerant and compromising philosophy.  Remember how Gandhi overcame the all-power Brits?  With love, tolerance and non-violence!   

The Afros of Guyana will realize that Indians are not their enemy.  In fact, Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana. Indians will make Guyana more competitive with LATAM and the rest of the world. 

Afros will get good jobs in an Indian administered Guyana. 

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The protest was against the Former President and the school.  Many parents kept their kids at home.  Clearly the parents of The child in the pic above performing the aarti ceremony which is sacred to Hinduism didn’t feel the same.  The Swami of this school is a known anti PPP protagonist who receives funding from the government despite the fact that it’s a private school.

It is a denigration of the Hindu aarti ritual for that child to be coerced into performing aarti in front of Granger.

No. Hindus are a tolerant and compromising philosophy.  Remember how Gandhi overcame the all-power Brits?  With love, tolerance and non-violence!   

The Afros of Guyana will realize that Indians are not their enemy.  In fact, Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana. Indians will make Guyana more competitive with LATAM and the rest of the world. 

Afros will get good jobs in an Indian administered Guyana. 

I disagree. Blacks will always vote almost 100% for the PNC. Whether they get to eat is secondary. Don't you see how dem people duz forsake food and opt fuh lil Zulu masquerade instead?

Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP

ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP

The Hindus in Guyana are around 35% of the population, not all supporting the race ideologies.

It's the thought of the Indo-Guyanese , they are superior to Afro-Guyanese in intelligence of managing the affairs of Guyana, regardless they are frauds.

Django posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP

The Hindus in Guyana are around 35% of the population, not all supporting the race ideologies.

It's the thought of the Indo-Guyanese , they are superior to Afro-Guyanese in intelligence of managing the affairs of Guyana, regardless they are frauds.

i do not speak of the majority of Hindus in Guyana who like their brother Guyanese of other races and faiths are routinely victimized by cynical political elites

the Hindus supporting and propagating the race ideologies i speak of know who they are 

Django posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP

The Hindus in Guyana are around 35% of the population, not all supporting the race ideologies.

It's the thought of the Indo-Guyanese , they are superior to Afro-Guyanese in intelligence of managing the affairs of Guyana, regardless they are frauds.

That is not what it is. It is mostly the scars of all those years when the PNC with less than 30% support racially marginalized the other 70% of the population which was mostly Indians.

That is why I don’t feel obligated to worry about the plight of some people. I am confident that they would behave similarly or even worse than the people who are currently marginalizing them.

ksazma posted:

I don’t feel obligated to worry about the plight of some people. I am confident that they would behave similarly or even worse than the people who are currently marginalizing them.

twisted but interesting

ksazma posted:

In Florida, the vast majority of politicians getting into trouble for corruption are blacks. Places like the City of Opalocka are revolving doors for corruption.

Well in my home State, it's the opposite.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

In Florida, the vast majority of politicians getting into trouble for corruption are blacks. Places like the City of Opalocka are revolving doors for corruption.

Well in my home State, it's the opposite.

My guess is the ratio of whites to blacks politicians in your state is heavily white populated while in Florida is sparsely black populated. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

Afros will come to realize their interest is better served to have Indians control Guyana.

every so often the true you fights its way through the camouflage, the fakery and the 'flattery' into sunlight

it's a good thing for Afro and other non-Indian Guyanese to be clear-eyed in assessing the race ideologies they are confronted with from the Hindu fascists ascendant in the PPP

The Hindus in Guyana are around 35% of the population, not all supporting the race ideologies.

It's the thought of the Indo-Guyanese , they are superior to Afro-Guyanese in intelligence of managing the affairs of Guyana, regardless they are frauds.

That is not what it is. It is mostly the scars of all those years when the PNC with less than 30% support racially marginalized the other 70% of the population which was mostly Indians.

That is why I don’t feel obligated to worry about the plight of some people. I am confident that they would behave similarly or even worse than the people who are currently marginalizing them.

APNU-AFC rule notwitstanding

according to Ksazma, Florida's 1st black face klansman applicant, Indo-Guyanese are busy (JUSTIFIABLY) marginalizing Afro-Guyanese

something about "scars"

anybody else know this?


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