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Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections

- but a number of measures still not in place before elections can be held

GENERAL Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, yesterday declared the PPP as standing ready to embrace the electorate whenever local government elections are called.
Speaking at that party’s weekly press conference at Freedom House in Georgetown, Rohee said the party prefers that a number of measures be put in place before the elections are held.

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held,” Rohee told reporters.

“The PPP wishes to state categorically that it is not opposed to the holding of local government or general and regional elections. The party has always championed the cause of free and fair elections, both at the national and local levels.

“Contrary to what is being peddled in Opposition quarters, the party has never shied away from the electorate. Rather, it has always embraced the electorate, and has the proud and enviable record of never losing a democratic election since the 1950s.

“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll.” – Rohee

He said the PPP’s optimism is based on the supreme confidence which the people have reposed in it since the 1950s.
Rohee said the PPP is calling on Guyanese to be vigilant and not allow themselves to be duped by the political calls made for local government elections by Opposition Leader, David Granger and his APNU when that party has “consistently violated the democratic rights of the Guyanese people, both in and out of office”.

“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll,” Rohee declared.

(By Telesha Ramnarine)


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

More bull. It is over two decades into their regime. What were they doing, sitting on their brains? These crooks will keep local elections until after the general elections.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

More bull. It is over two decades into their regime. What were they doing, sitting on their brains? These crooks will keep local elections until after the general elections.



Elections will be held. What a dunce you are.


The Guyanese populace would be very eager not to support the A.P.N.U/A.F.C with their sinister motives in the event of local government elections, the razor thin majority of the joint opposition in the National Assembly has shown their true colors.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace would be very eager not to support the A.P.N.U/A.F.C with their sinister motives in the event of local government elections, the razor thin majority of the joint opposition in the National Assembly has shown their true colors.

 A majority awaits the PPP. AFC will be wiped off the political map and end up in the garbage bin like ROAR.


The Amerindian votes is approx. 10 - 12 percent and the PPP has secured those votes. 


Another 100 years of PPP rule. 


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace would be very eager not to support the A.P.N.U/A.F.C with their sinister motives in the event of local government elections, the razor thin majority of the joint opposition in the National Assembly has shown their true colors.

Just go back and cull from among the hundreds of post you made during the past elections about your massive crowds, your land slide etc. The posts are still here. Imagine you fools capped off your campaigning by bribing the young people with a music fest at national park!


I told you then you would lose the majority and I told you why. This time the numbers are even more clear. The census showed a real deep wound in your base. No amount of bead trading with Amerindians ( half of whom will not be bought out this time) or depending on your contract worker slaves will help.


Remember the 120 thousand who did not will you get them to your side when they make up the 40% in deep poverty an know your greed at stealing from the treasury is part of the reason for their destitution. The other part is your incompetence.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

More bull. It is over two decades into their regime. What were they doing, sitting on their brains? These crooks will keep local elections until after the general elections.

They are sitting on their illegal wealth that  they accumulated since 1992.


Look at the beautiful PPP dancing. Only dirty Indians allow their wives and sister to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.


Shame on the dirty and rotten Indians who support the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

More bull. It is over two decades into their regime. What were they doing, sitting on their brains? These crooks will keep local elections until after the general elections.



Elections will be held. What a dunce you are.

ha ha ha! do you think braying dunce will make it so? Anyone looking in can grasp immediately the difference from me to you.  


Wishful thinking will not make the elections happen. The PPP does not want it least it show their sullied petticoats!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Look at the beautiful PPP dancing. Only dirty Indians allow their wives and sister to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.


Shame on the dirty and rotten Indians who support the PNC.

You do live in a peculiar world all by your lonesome.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

  Since the P.P.P/C  came to office in 1992 always the party always fought for the causes of all Guyanese, especially those of the working class.

Let us remind Guyanese who fought for Sugar workers and the Amerindian. It was the PPP. The racist AFC/PNC tried to demoralize the Sugar workers and Amerindians.


PPP for another 100 years.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

  Since the P.P.P/C  came to office in 1992 always the party always fought for the causes of all Guyanese, especially those of the working class.

 Is the marriott and its give away a working class project? Remember the PPP contractually removed the working class from working here. I presume the Chinese will have a similar clause on the airport with minor adjustments for cosmetic reasons.


Is the Berbice river crossing a working class project? It has the working class on their knees and the irony is the government and therefore them, paid 90 percent of the cost.


The only thing working class in the PPP is their mouthing of the words.


Every year the A.F.C/A.P.N.U literally attempts to take bread out of the mouths of the hundreds of working class Guyanese through the budget cuts, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every year the A.F.C/A.P.N.U literally attempts to take bread out of the mouths of the hundreds of working class Guyanese through the budget cuts, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

 Cutting the graft in the sugar industry is not taking money from sugar workers. The PPP has been doing that on their own. The industry is back at 1964 productions level! Are those sugar workers bread winners?

The reality is there is not one of our traditional industries that is healthy. Rice is being pimped for oil and the PPP and any with any economic sense knows if you barter there is no money in the deal. Poor rice farmers...the ponzy strategy demands delays in payments and that is now up to six months after their product has left their hands! Then there is the gouging on seed paddy. The PPP and working class means serfs and their liege lords!




Guyana is recording the highest rice crop yield in it's history. You are such a dunce to understand facts.


Your heroes Burnham and Hoyte destroyed the rice industry. PPP brought back the rice industry to life. What a dunce you are.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Guyana is recording the highest rice crop yield in it's history. You are such a dunce to understand facts.


Your heroes Burnham and Hoyte destroyed the rice industry. PPP brought back the rice industry to life. What a dunce you are.

 I think you need to go back to middle school. What does high yields have to do with anything I said above?  We use to plant  some 500 acres but it is a waste of time. The margins are not worth it. I can park the tractor because I do not depend on the earnings there but the poor farmer with his 3 acre cannot. It matters not if his yield has doubled over the last decade. He still gets shafted in the rice for oil scheme, seedling cost and his subsidy of the miller production costs. The farmer is the last paid

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Guyana is recording the highest rice crop yield in it's history. You are such a dunce to understand facts.


Your heroes Burnham and Hoyte destroyed the rice industry. PPP brought back the rice industry to life. What a dunce you are.

 I think you need to go back to middle school. What does high yields have to do with anything I said above?  We use to plant  some 500 acres but it is a waste of time. The margins are not worth it. I can park the tractor because I do not depend on the earnings there but the poor farmer with his 3 acre cannot. It matters not if his yield has doubled over the last decade. He still gets shafted in the rice for oil scheme, seedling cost and his subsidy of the miller production costs. The farmer is the last paid



Guyana is recording the record crops in the rice industry. You are too dunce to understand.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Guyana is recording the highest rice crop yield in it's history. You are such a dunce to understand facts.


Your heroes Burnham and Hoyte destroyed the rice industry. PPP brought back the rice industry to life. What a dunce you are.

 I think you need to go back to middle school. What does high yields have to do with anything I said above?  We use to plant  some 500 acres but it is a waste of time. The margins are not worth it. I can park the tractor because I do not depend on the earnings there but the poor farmer with his 3 acre cannot. It matters not if his yield has doubled over the last decade. He still gets shafted in the rice for oil scheme, seedling cost and his subsidy of the miller production costs. The farmer is the last paid



Guyana is recording the record crops in the rice industry. You are too dunce to understand.

Dude...lil abc economics....large production output does not mean large profits if costs are overwhelming as well!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Look at the beautiful PPP dancing. Only dirty Indians allow their wives and sister to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.


Shame on the dirty and rotten Indians who support the PNC.

isn't time you get off the racist bandwagon?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

Independent candidates also has to be identified that are eligible to run for office. The PPP seems to be in good stead and appears to be ready for those elections went its called...



“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

on one hand you say there are ready, then you present excuses for not being ready

Stop peddeling false headlines

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Look at the beautiful PPP dancing. Only dirty Indians allow their wives and sister to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.


Shame on the dirty and rotten Indians who support the PNC.

isn't time you get off the racist bandwagon?

With all due respect, where did I use a racist word ?


You must learn to respect free speech. When did the words dirty and rotten become racist ?


Stop being biased. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Look at the beautiful PPP dancing. Only dirty Indians allow their wives and sister to dance with vulgarity at PNC meetings.


Shame on the dirty and rotten Indians who support the PNC.

isn't time you get off the racist bandwagon?

With all due respect, where did I use a racist word ?


You must learn to respect free speech. When did the words dirty and rotten become racist ?


Stop being biased. 


A dude just lost his NBA franchise for being a racist  with words no less than you use here habitually. One lost his job as police chief and another, a mayor is about to have his head handed to him for being sexist. All of that this month! It is about telling toxic people like you there are bounds to free speech.


Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

He said it.  Where it is illegal to record another without their permission varies from state to state. He can sue for being illegally recorded if he has cause but that will not avoid the rules of the NBA franchise.


Again, free speech does not mean careless speech. There all sorts of legal constraints to free speech.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

He said it.  Where it is illegal to record another without their permission varies from state to state. He can sue for being illegally recorded if he has cause but that will not avoid the rules of the NBA franchise.


Again, free speech does not mean careless speech. There all sorts of legal constraints to free speech.

Again, this is for the courts to decide.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Every year the A.F.C/A.P.N.U literally attempts to take bread out of the mouths of the hundreds of working class Guyanese through the budget cuts, many of whom are the sole bread winners for their families.

I said you are a dumb ass. Don't go around proving me right.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

please, he will be voted out by the NBA and the courts can't do anything about it...

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The populace has to be educated first about the system that would be used for the local government elections, both first-past-the-post, and proportional representation, they have to be cognizant of their electoral boundaries.

And don't you think its ironic that they haven't had local gov't elections in a generation to the extent that the people might have forgotten how to vote in it.


Yet they are brazen enough to complain about "28 years". 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The Amerindian votes is approx. 10 - 12 percent and the PPP has secured those votes. 


Another 100 years of PPP rule. 




I see that the PPP has already "secured" the votes of the Amerindians even though the first ballot hasn't been cast yet.


I see that Kit Nascimento has been very active in instructing the PPP how to rig.


AFC/PNC are already preparing for defeat as they are now throwing around the word "rigging". It was your beloved PNC that rigged and frigged every election.


Every election under the PPP has been certified free and fair.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

please, he will be voted out by the NBA and the courts can't do anything about it...

This aint over yet. His comments were unacceptable but it was a private conversation.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Freedom of speech was violated in the case of the NBA. He had a private conversation, this matter must be decided by the courts and the courts will have the final say.


We just cannot make up rules as we go along. Free speech is enshrined in the U.S constitution. 

please, he will be voted out by the NBA and the courts can't do anything about it...

This aint over yet. His comments were unacceptable but it was a private conversation.

You are a congenital racist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 It was your beloved PNC that rigged and frigged every election.


With the help of Kit Nascimento and others who are now bringing their expertise to the PPP.


Guess what.  Now you all know that you aren't guaranteed majority rule rigging is now fully part of your repertoire, hence your use of the SAME characters who rigged in 1973.


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