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PPP recount request will delay results; Nandlall insists its legal

May 13, 2015 3:13 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Radha Motielall


PPP Members, Dr Frank Anthony, Anil Nandlall and Priya Manickchand.

PPP Members, Dr Frank Anthony, Anil Nandlall and Priya Manickchand.




The request for a recount of votes by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic will delay the final declaration of the results of the 2015 Regional and General Elections, according to PPP Executive member, Anil Nandlall, who told the media that “one of the consequences of a recount would be to prevent the final declaration…yes.”

The PPP/C is requesting a recount of a number of boxes in all Ten Administrative Regions of Guyana and according to Nandlall, what they are doing is exercising a legal right which the laws offers to all political parties and which is part of the electoral process.

He told a news conference at Freedom House that the 2015 elections are not yet over. He explained that elections are a three pronged process, and one which is “voting” has been completed. However, a second prong which involves checking the veracity, integrity and accuracy of the results is not yet over.

When this is completed then the third prong will be done, which is declaring the results. Meanwhile, there have been many reports and rumours about the possibility of an injunction blocking the final declaration.

But the PPP/C today stated that such a move is not yet considered. According to the party, an injunction in court is unnecessary at this time. When asked what could force the PPP/C to go to the court, Nandlal responded that “a billion things could go wrong”, but said that he wish not to speculate on those at this time.

He made it clear that “if there is a legal wrong, then a remedy will be sought”.

At this time the Party is focused on getting GECOM to heed its call for a recount, because as the Party noted that unless you request a recount the declaration becomes final.

Asked whether the irregularities which warranted their decision for a recount are so great that it could impact the final results, PPP/C Member Priya Manickchand responded: “I am not sure if it could have an effect on it that would be for our stats people”. She further explains though, that it could have an impact in the awarding of seats for the regions.

Her colleague, Dr. Frank Anthony says given the high number of rejected ballots, it is possible that the votes for the PPP/C could increase.

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Quote "The whole country is so sick of these leeches…sucking the life blood out of Guyanese. People are going to get more and more livid as they try to buy time to manipulate the results." unquote

Originally Posted by Chris Ramsammy:
Lol it's just a moronic move by the PPP - it proves they lied over and over bare faced when they said they had a considerable lead

well they did fool some shit head ppp collie on GNI WITH RECYCLE VOTES 


PPP rying to buy time to cover the evidence.


Granger the military man, and Chris Ram the auditor, are on their tails, so I do not know what they think that they are doing.


Lizzy must be unconsolable after Moses told her that she cyant get back she wok. Bawling "wha I gun do now wid my stupid son legal bills?"

Last edited by Former Member

"Asked whether the irregularities which warranted their decision for a recount are so great that it could impact the final results, PPP/C Member Priya Manickchand responded: “I am not sure if it could have an effect on it that would be for our stats people”. "




Could someone let stat McFatti know dat REV already left and he done with stats wuk, he failed miserably thrice.





Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

"Asked whether the irregularities which warranted their decision for a recount are so great that it could impact the final results, PPP/C Member Priya Manickchand responded: “I am not sure if it could have an effect on it that would be for our stats people”. "




Could someone let stat McFatti know dat REV already left and he done with stats wuk, he failed miserably thrice.





Plumpie can collect her stats after the results are released.  Believe there will be indepth analysis of these results as it will determine Guyana's futire political behavior, starting with LGE.


The PPP will be wiped off the face of Gtown.


Sooba must be another howling wreck.


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