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December 3 ,2021


Arrest of Jordan despicable – AFC

The Alliance for Change (AFC) today condemned the arrest yesterday of former Minister of Finance Winston Jordan as “despicable”.

A statement from the AFC follows:

The unlawful and vulgar arrest of Winston Jordan has cemented the position that the PPP regime is now a naked dictatorship. This arrest comes mere weeks after Bharrat Jagdeo publicly expressed disappointment in the Special Organised Crime Unit’s sloth in not going after political targets. This public chiding was meant to literally whip SOCU into action, and act it did.

The nation needs to be reminded that Winston Jordan was, at all material times, a gazetted Minister, with responsibility for Finance, within the President David Granger constitutionally appointed Cabinet of Ministers.

As per the Constitution of Guyana, and established Commonwealth practice, Ministers operate under the doctrine of “collective responsibility” and are answerable to the National Assembly of the Parliament.

At all times, Minister Jordan acted within the strict parameters of the Constitution and Financial Management and Accountability Act (FMAA). No decision was personal or without Cabinet approval. To charge and prosecute a former Minister for taking actions pursuant to a decision(s) of Cabinet is vulgar, abusive, unlawful and unconstitutional, and as the PPP recognised when it withdrew false charges against Dr. George Norton, an individual should not be singled out and persecuted while acting on behalf of the collective of the Constitutional body known as the Cabinet.

It is no coincidence that SOCU has slithered into action following the biting and justified criticism leveled against the regime for doling out a paltry 7% increase for public servants and for mismanaging the public debt in particular, and economy, in general. This action is meant to silence Winston Jordan who has been very vocal on PPP mismanagement of the economy, and all who like him, are crying out for fairness and justice.

It is important to recall that in December 2006 the PPP government entered into a 20 year lease arrangement with an option to purchase, between NICIL and BK Inc. This agreement was signed by former head of NICIL Winston Brassington and witnessed by Marcia Nadir Sharma. In 2009 BK Inc. exercised their option to purchase. This matter subsequently engaged the courts from 2013 long before Mr. Jordan was Minister of Finance and through to 2017 when it was finally settled.

The AFC joins with those who consider themselves as patriots, right-thinking and law abiding to condemn in its loudest voice, this latest act of atrocity and violation of the human rights of a citizen – Winston DaCosta Jordan.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Absolutely no Justification for Mr. Jordan's Arrest
May be an image of 1 person
Winston Jordan
December 2 ,2021
Today all of Guyana witnessed yet another vile, malicious and vindictive act of political witch hunting by the PPP regime.
The arrest of former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, is not evidence based, but is rooted in depravity. The PPP is bent on harassing and tormenting the lives of coalition members and supporters.
There is absolutely no justification for Mr. Jordan's arrest other than the fact that he continues to expose the PPP's mismanagement and misuse of the treasury since they were installed into office. His recent remarks that the PPP has already borrowed more money than what we have received thus far from oil has clearly upset the PPP. What we see here today is a clear case of excess use by the state in an attempt to silence those who seek to expose them.
Attorneys at law Roysdale Force SC and Darren Wade were at the side of Winston Jordan throughout this process. Mr. Jordan has been released from custody after needing medical attention due to the psychological and mental stress brought on by agents of the state. I can assure you that we will not allow this to go unanswered. The PPP must know that this will not be accepted
Hon. Joseph Harmon
Leader of the Opposition
May be an image of 1 person and sitting
Dr. Richard Van West Charles
Dr. Richard Van West Charles warns Guyanese that the PPP/C is deliberately provoking racial confrontation.
The campaign to elect Dr. Richard Van West-Charles Leader of the People's National Congress Reform (PNCR) endorses the Party's statement on the arrest of former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, by SOCU.
The former Minister served several governments in the Ministry of Finance before being appointed to a ministerial portfolio in the David Granger/ Moses Nagamootoo administration (2015-2020).
Jordan like several others, both holding political and non political office, have since the change of government become the target of People's Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) vindictiveness and aggression. There is no question that these acts are intended to drive fear and humiliate the party's supporters and increase ethnic tension.
This society, since the last Elections were concluded, is still showing signs of deep wounds and division that the PPP/C government seems bent on exploiting. No doubt they are aware of the hindrance this poses to development and the peaceful coexistence of the citizens of Guyana.
All Guyanese are hereby advised that continuous silence in light of such provocative behaviour will take us further away from realising our motto of "One People, One Nation, One Destiny." As Martin Carter said, "All are involved. All are consumed."
It is clear the PPP/C is provoking confrontation and Guyanese must be wary.
Supporters of the PPP/C must not be fooled into believing that these acts, approved and sanctioned by their leaders, are not without consequences for all Guyanese.
Only a united people with an astute Leader can overcome this evil unleashed, for now on one ethnic group, but which will not stop there if not confronted by a united resistance to oppression.
We wish the former Minister a speedy recovery.

Former Finance Minister arrested over sale of Kingston wharf

– released, then hospitalised

– BK owner also questioned

Dec 03, 2021 News -- Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...e-of-kingston-wharf/

Kaieteur News – Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan was on Thursday arrested and later released on a series of allegations relating to irregular transactions of public funds and state properties, estimated to value billions of Guyana dollars.

Jordan at a private hospital yesterday. [PC: Christopher Jones]

Kaieteur News understands that Jordan was yesterday morning invited to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) Headquarters, a branch of the Guyana Police Force (GPF). Upon his arrival the allegation was put to him and he was arrested.

Yesterday around 13:35hrs while speaking with the Head of SOCU, Faizal Karimbaksh, he related to Kaieteur News that Jordan was still in custody and presently being questioned.

According to him, Jordan was arrested for misconduct in public office, while serving in public office as the Minister of Finance. “This is in relation to the vesting of State lands in 2020 in relation to the Kingston water front properties and other transactions” Karimbaksh added.

According to the police, the first transaction that he was interviewed about is in relation to the alleged sale and vesting of the state’s largest wharf facilities located at Kingston, Georgetown, valued approximately US$40,000,000 but was reportedly sold for US$500,000.

It is alleged that the purchaser BK Marines Limited, only paid US$100,000, which is 10 percent of the purchase price, and Jordan issued a vesting order passing Title to the purchaser, without the payment of any further sum of monies.

Former Finance Minister, Winston Jordan.

It was further stated that the vesting order stated that the property is being sold free from encumbrance and liabilities and no further sum of money is owed by the purchaser. Also, the transport was subsequently reportedly issued for the property and the value stated on the transport was US$2,000,000. It was noted however, that the agreement of sale stated that title must only pass upon full payment of purchase price.

The police also reported that investigators have evidence to establish that a facility which is a mere fraction of the size of the state property that is under investigation and located seven miles upriver was sold by a private company for US$17 million.

Jordan being escorted by his attorneys Roysdale Forde, SC (left) and Darren Wade, from the Plaisance Health Centre. [PC: Christopher Jones]

It was noted in the GPF’s statement that while Jordan was being escorted to Sparendaam Police Station for further questioning, he complained of feeling unwell and he was rushed to a Sparendaam Health Centre. It was disclosed that he was subsequently placed on his own recognizance and sent away with instructions to return today.

Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General (AG), Anil Nandlall, had announced that legal action will be taken against Jordan and others. The legal proceedings are grounded in the contention that Jordan allegedly played primary roles in the giveaway of prime state lands, said to be worth billions of dollars.


In reacting to the arrest of Jordan, Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon, said there was no justification for the action by the police and noted that the arrest is another vile, malicious and vindictive act of political witch hunting by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) regime.

In fact he stated “The arrest of former Minister of Finance, Winston Jordan, is not evidence based, but is rooted in depravity. The PPP is bent on harassing and tormenting the lives of coalition members and supporters.”

Harmon went on to state that Jordan’s recent remarks that the PPP/C has already borrowed more money than what was received thus far from oil has clearly upset the party. It was further stated that “What we see here today is a clear case of excessive use force by the state in an attempt to silence those who seek to expose them.”

According to the statement, attorneys-at-law, Roysdale Force SC and Darren Wade were at Jordan’s side throughout the process yesterday and Jordan was released from custody after needing medical attention due to the psychological and mental stress brought on by agents of the state.

BK’s principal, Brian Tiwari.

For its part the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) also issued a statement in which they condemned Jordan’s arrest and called it a witch hunt by the current administration. The party assured Jordan and his family that they have its full support against the tyranny of the PPP/C administration. It was also mentioned that the current administration ought to be scared of the statements that are being made by Jordan surrounding the nation’s finances and its oil revenues. Consequently, it was stated that the current administration has resorted to body violence, health threats and psychological intimidation against the former Minister.

Meanwhile, businessman and principal of BK Inc., Brian Tiwari was also called in for questioning at SOCU Headquarters. This was confirmed by the Head of SOCU, who also related that the businessman was questioned in relation to prime waterfront properties in Kingston, Georgetown, in which BK reportedly breached its contractual obligations.

Karimbaksh noted that Tiwari was questioned and released on his own recognizance.


All koolies give other koolies is a bill or a bag full of trouble. Just ask young Harish Singh when you meet him in Heaven. He paid with his life for trouble started by others. Mr. Jordan should be released from the charges. He is a sick diabetic.

Ali Khan Azad

Desperate attempt to tarnish Gov’t, BK

…transaction for Kingston property acquisition started under PPP

By Lisa Hamilton

KNOWN critics of the government have been called out for seeking to create controversy, where none such exists, in the recent transfer of property by the Government to BK Marine Inc., owned by Brian Tiwari.

An Order gazetted on March 28, 2020, made its rounds on Facebook, and, later, in the media where the government was accused of selling prime waterfront property to BK, on February 26, just days before the March 2, General and Regional Elections. The Order was signed by Finance Minister Winston Jordan and saw the title of the immovable property of National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) which amounts to 2.553 acres of land being transferred to BK Marine Inc.

The land includes: Mudlots 1 and 2, Cummingsburg, Georgetown; Lot ‘F’, a portion of Mudlot 3; and Lots ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘D’ portions of North Cummingsburg, Georgetown.
The likes of Attorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram, called for an investigation to be launched into same and the Order was shared by a People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Facebook page alleging illegality on the government’s part.


Proof of some of the payments made in 2014 provided by Tiwari

In a release on Thursday, NICIL denied involvement in any shady deal and labelled reports suggesting otherwise as “absurd and crass”. The release stated that the properties were vested to NICIL via Order No. 43 of 2003 and 42 of 2003. On December 4, 2006, a lease was entered between NICIL and BK International Company Inc. for 20 years, with an option to purchase the property for $110,000,000.

The option to purchase was dependent on the Lessee obtaining approval from the Mayor and City Council for its intended construction works. NICIL said that this agreement was signed by former Head of NICIL, Winston Brassington and BK Inc. and witnessed by Marcia Nadir Sharma.

On November 19, 2009, BK Inc. exercised its option to purchase and ceased paying rent but NICIL rejected the offer to purchase. Years later, in June 2013, a legal action was instituted against BK International Company Inc. for rental arrears and accrued interest. The matter engaged the attention of the Court from 2013 to 2017 and sometime during 2017, BK Inc submitted an amended offer.
In August 2017, the matter was set down by the court pending settlement, and, in October 2017, NICIL made a counter offer to BK Inc. that included the original purchase price, all outstanding rent, and 50 per cent of the accrued interest. BK Inc. accepted the counter offer.
Then, in November 2017, NICIL submitted to Cabinet, a request for approval for transfer by sale. However, NICIL was informed that an objection was raised by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure on behalf of Transport and Harbours Department and, as a result, Cabinet’s approval was deferred.
In October 2019, NICIL received approval, following which the Vesting Order was prepared, signed and gazetted. Speaking briefly on the matter on Thursday, Minister Jordan confirmed that said matter was before Cabinet over two years ago and Tiwari is under the agreement of a lease which gives him the right to exercise a purchase should he so desire.
“He has the lease and the lease gives him the option to purchase and he tried to exercise his options and we had been investigating that,” Jordan said. The minister believes that no matter the time that the transfer was made, whether before or after the elections, the Opposition would have made it its duty to raise contention. However, he made it clear that Tiwari did not receive any favours from the government as the said agreement began under the PPP/C and represents a fair transaction.
Correspondence between Tiwari and former Minister of Finance and Chair of NICIL Board, Dr. Ashni Singh, on a loan approval from the Bank
Contacted on the matter, Tiwari, on Thursday, told the Guyana Chronicle that BK has been pursuing the transfer for over 12 years. “This thing wasn’t done with this government. This thing was done since in the days of the PPP. It was a tender and the tender clearly says what you had to do and we complied with whatever we had to do and we were waiting all the time for the transfer; that’s all,” he said.
He said the agreement involved was a Rental-Purchase Agreement for which three persons submitted tenders — inclusive of late realtor, Tony Reid. However, Reid died and the other person could not come up with the money so he won the tender and entered into the agreement on December 4, 2006. The agreement was signed between Tiwari and former Executive Director of NICIL, Winston Brassington. It detailed the requirements needed to be met before one became eligible to purchase the property.
Tiwari said these requirements were fulfilled but the agreement also mandated that a letter from a bank proving that one had the finances to purchase the property and that was provided. However, Tiwari was denied the purchase and possession of the property, took the matter to court and was ordered to pay the sum of $22M to be eligible for the purchase. Even though these payments were made, Tiwari said he was still denied ownership of the property. In 2017, a further agreement was signed with NICIL for the purchase of the property.
He said, even so, he had to wait years to see the realization of the transfer. Asked what he believed was the reason behind that, he stated: “That’s how the PPP operates. If they want to keep you behind the bars, they put you behind the bars; that’s how the PPP do it. You either be with them or you’re not for them.”
Recounting the years, he said that himself, Former Private Sector Commission (PSC) President, Edward Boyer, and businessman and close friend of Jagdeo, Bobby Ramroop had applied to the government for land but he was the only one who faced challenges. “The PPP hold this thing back from me,” he said. “The two got their transport and they shocked me out. I didn’t get but the two get; Bobby Ramroop and Eddie Boyer.”
Correspondence between former Minister of Finance and Chair of NICIL Board, Dr. Ashni Singh and Brian Tiwari in 2011 regarding the property
Adding this position to the matter was former Trade Union Representative to the then Privatisation Board (PB), Lincoln Lewis.
In a public statement Lewis said he was in representation at the time of the bids for the property and what the government has done is merely complete a transaction intentionally stalled by the PPP government.
He said that Brassington had recommended at the meeting that a company registered at Phagoo Store in Regent Street, which had no track record with any business, be given the property in question. Lewis objected on the grounds that BK’s proposal was superior and satisfied the requirements demanded by PPP/C government. The entire PPP/C-appointed Board eventually agreed with the Trade Unionist who hadn’t known Tiwari at the time.
“What is instructive about the PPP is that that government took time in making sure the final and legal transfer of these properties were never brought to finality. The reason behind this behaviour, is that if for any reason whenever one wants to approach the bank or third party to be involved in any business it will require permission from the government to do so. As such, if the person to whom the property is given should take a position that conflicts with the government, the owner will never be able to get the support or comfort to do any business with a bank or third party,” Lincoln said.
He added: “What the coalition government has done is complete what the PPP government started- but for whatever reason failed to do- in moving to give legal transfer to the owner.”

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