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Former Member

After 20 yrs of corruption, tokenism, cronyism and marginalization people are fed up.  The PPP is the chief promoter of racism in Guyana.  Their platform is based on playing indos against afros to win elections and then use this victory for the benefit of the PPP elite.   They run the country as as private club and even those people who voted for them are ignored.  Greed and corruption has reached new heights.  Every day a new scandal is uncovered.  People are seeing on a daily basis what is going on.  Afros have been largely ignored except for the tossing of a few crumbs.  You see the ethnicity of the people running the country may have changed but there is an errie resemblance of the mindset/politics of the regime they replaced.  Guyana is multi ethnic society and you cannot ignore minorites just because you can use the fear of the blackman to stay in office.  


Guyana has never had a leader that has demonstrated inclusiveness.  No effort has been made to make people feel that their voices are being heard.  The PPP has had 20 years to do this yet we see the same old failed policies of the past.  It is all about "abee on tap" and who gives a rats ass about black people.  So why are the PPP postitues surprised that people are protesting?  You reap what you sow.  The chickens are coming home to roost. 



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The government needs to investigate funding of the AFC and arrest the trouble makers and instigators when they visit Guyana. The AFC is hellbent on overthrowing a democratically elected government. This is treason.


They tried to hijack this BB to promote their agenda but was met with fierce opposition. A few die hard hard stooges are still lurking around. They are quite visible.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I hope you go to Agricolla and dem Pungpang yuh.

Bhai Nehru,

It was said that "The strength of a negro(the 'N' word was used) lies in a single match". We have seen this in Guyana since the 60's and still continues today. Go back to all the riots in Guyana and check that the common element is burning of buildings by the negroes.


Funny.  Few grass roots black people voted for the AFC.  Before elections they called it the Red Man/Potagee party......and yet suddenly AFC can go to the poor black youths and get them to riot?


This is hilarious.


The PPP is seen as an Indo Nazi racist party.  The black masses do not trust either the PNC, nor the AFC to represent them.  So we have this drama.


So continue to attempt to destroy the AFC as you blame them, and not the PPP itself, for your loss of control over the parliament.


If the PPP doesnt learn its lesson of 2011, as its core base continues to shrink in size, and as many from this base tire of them, their performance will get worse and worse and worse.


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