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Stolen AFC Region 10 seat in - 2011

Fake Statement of Polls - 2015

47 ballot boxes with missing statutory documents - 2020

Voter impersonation (in-person voter fraud) - 2020

Fighting tooth and nail to have the PETITIONS not heard in the courts

PPP GECOM caught red-handed hiring a registration clerk that was a former PPP polling agent

We watching y'all at PPP GRO with them new iffy registration practices now being employed


Fleeting aspiration for legitimate recognition by those that did not vote for them at the 2020 elections must be their reward for RIGGING

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Spugum posted:

Stolen AFC Region 10 seat in - 2011

Fake Statement of Polls - 2015

47 ballot boxes with missing statutory documents - 2020

Voter impersonation (in-person voter fraud) - 2020

Fighting tooth and nail to have the PETITIONS not heard in the courts

PPP GECOM caught red-handed hiring a registration clerk that was a former PPP polling agent

We watching y'all at PPP GRO with them new iffy registration practices now being employed


Fleeting aspiration for legitimate recognition by those that did not vote for them at the 2020 elections must be their reward for RIGGING

So what y’all doing to replace y’all PNC riggers Lolobai and Mingo? Complaining about ppp rigging strategy ain’t gona help to bring back Burnham glory days Yuh boi Norton promised. The problem is, with technology Burnham’s type rigging days is over. The big challenge fuh y’all is to beat the ppp at their own game - convince all dem jumbies [that is invisible to the observers] to vote pnc..hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

So what y’all doing to replace y’all PNC riggers Lolobai and Mingo? Complaining about ppp rigging strategy ain’t gona help to bring back Burnham glory days Yuh boi Norton promised. The problem is, with technology Burnham’s type rigging days is over. The big challenge fuh y’all is to beat the ppp at their own game - convince all dem jumbies [that is invisible to the observers] to vote pnc..hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Y'all teking mighty long with alyuh rigging "evidence" against Mingo dem in the courts. Get a move on....wuh happen?

We know y'all don't want the petitions heard....wuh happen?

@sachin_05 posted:

The 2015 election petition filed by the ppp is yet to be heard..tek wan number and wait in lineâ€Ķhahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Why is the PPP trying to get the petitions thrown out the courts? Focus clown!

Why are questionable characters being employed by GECOM?

Why the court cases against Mingo and others teking so long with the overwhelming evidence y'all claim to have. Thought this was a open and shut case?

Why the dodgy registrations for lD cards?

Clown, answer the questions

Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

Why is the PPP trying to get the petitions thrown out the courts? Focus clown!

Why are questionable characters being employed by GECOM?

Why the court cases against Mingo and others teking so long with the overwhelming evidence y'all claim to have. Thought this was a open and shut case?

Why the dodgy registrations for lD cards?

Clown, answer the questions

Dude, you suck you failed to even provide a laughter Cain was anticipating, you like dem robot from startrek movies repeating over and over “resistance isfutile you will be assimilated” find something new..

@Mitwah posted:

That's worst than you waiting in line for your goadee operation..... hahahaha [maniacal laughter]

@sachin_05 posted:

Hmmâ€Ķyou now have an obsession with man goadyâ€Ķseek out help, today’s technology might have a cure for your conditionâ€Ķ

Eh-eh Mitwah ...

Perhaps, you are fighting to prove that you have the biggest goadee.


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