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No start in trial of protesting rice farmers

Posted By Staff Writer On August 8, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Local News | No Comments

The case against the rice farmers who were arrested and charged with blocking the Land of Plenty Public Road and burning tyres during a protest, was adjourned on Tuesday.

The case was adjourned until August 19 after the prosecution advised that the file had been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in Georgetown for advice and had not been returned.

Those who were charged on July 8 at the Anna Regina Magistrate’s Court included Naith Ram, 53, of Bush Lot; Taij Persaud Seecharran, 55, of Devonshire Castle; Dhanniram Naipaul, 53, of Reliance; Chetlall, 57, of Reliance; Bridge Lall, 51, of Reliance; Nayeem Mohammed, 35, of Reliance; Ganesh Mootilall, 29, of Reliance; Bhim Singh, 67, of Reliance; Azrudeen Kamrudeen, 21, of Reliance; Seif Ally, 21, of Land of Plenty; Naresh Ramnauth, 21 of Three Friends; Persaud Ramnauth, 43 of Annandale; Ravindra Ramotar, 18, of Reliance; Poashon Gaylall, 36, of Land of Plenty; Dennis Raymond, 59, of Land of Plenty; Vishnu Raymond, 34, of Land of Plenty and Soolall Raymond, 47, of Land of Plenty.

On their arraignment before Magistrate Sunil Scarce, the charge read to them stated that on July 4, at Land of Plenty, they riotously assembled together and continued together after being lawfully required or commanded to disperse. They had all pleaded not guilty. Bail was subsequently granted to each man in the sum of $5,000 and they were all ordered to report to the sergeant-in-charge of the Anna Regina Police Station every Saturday at 9am and were also bonded to keep the peace until the hearing and completion of the matter.


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more examples of economic genocide by the PPP.


Coast Guard interdicts nine vessels for maritime breaches

Posted By Stabroek editor On August 8, 2014 @ 12:00 pm In Local News | No Comments

The Guyana Defence Force today said that operators of nine fishing vessels felt the brunt of law enforcement when its Coast Guard, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture’s Fisheries Division conducted a joint maritime patrol, along Guyana’s coast from Port Georgetown to Anna Regina in the Essequibo, on Wednesday.

A release from the GDF said that breaches of the law included not having a vessel registration and fishing licence on hand, operating a vessel that was not licensed for fishing, having an expired licence, and the illegal use of Anchor Seines.

The GDF said that those found to be operating a vessel not licensed for fishing had their fishing lines confiscated, while operators who hadn’t their licences on hand or were in possession of expired ones received warnings and were instructed to put their affairs in order. The illegal anchor seines were cut loose from the vessels of those operators using them and discarded in the sea.

Coast Guard Commander, Gary Beaton explained in the release that the joint patrol was undertaken following the receipt of information, which indicated that a number of operators of fishing vessels were using the illegal anchor seines. He added that drifting seines rather than anchor seines were permitted and use of the latter was in direct contravention of the Fisheries regulations.

β€œThe Coast Guard is an enforcement agency, and, once called upon by the relevant agencies to provide support, will collaborate to ensure that operators of vessels plying any of Guyana’s waterways comply with the laws and regulations in force. When Fisheries said they needed assistance to address the reported issues, I advised that it had to be a joint patrol,” he said. β€œThe Coast Guard does not have the authority to discard the seines of operators and therefore that was something that had to be done, by the Officer from the Fisheries Division of the Ministry of Agriculture. In instances where breaches of Maritime Laws occur, the Coast Guard will first issue a warning. Thereafter, transgressors are exposed to more severe penalties as the Law stipulates.”

During the patrol, the release said that no incidents of piracy were reported. Other exercises are being conducted in the waterways and along the coastland in order to ensure that maritime rules and regulations are being adhered to and that vessels are being operated in a safe manner.

One of the boats [GDF photo)

One of the boats (GDF photo)



PPP's Economic Genocide against the people of Guyana


"Genocide!!" Ofcourse, the Corrupt PPP/C is making sure that all old age Pensioners are being killed off, systematically by the meagre pension they

are receiving monthly, Can hardly by bread for one week.


Even regular workers are being paid slave wages and cannot make ends meet, compliment of the Corrupt PPP/C

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP's policies is resulting in genocide against the Guyanese people and in fact what they are doing is defacto ethnic cleansing of Guyana because they are forcing Guyanese to flee in record numbers.


The census figures that they have generated themselves have demonstrated this quite well.


The only demographic growing in Guyana are non Guyanese.


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