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PPP’s historic 30th Congress begins today - under the theme: ‘Strengthen the Party, Build Unity and Advance Democracy"


Written by Nadine Sanchara, Thursday, 01 August 2013 23:19, Source - Guyana Chronicle


THE historic 30th Congress of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) opens today at the JC Chandisingh Secondary School in Port Mourant, Berbice under the theme


President Cheddi Jagan


President Janet Jagan

“Strengthen the Party, Build Unity and Advance Democracy.”

The three-day congress, which concludes on Sunday, is expected to be one of the largest ever, and is being attended by delegates and observers from across the country.

In addition, members of overseas support groups such as the Association of Concerned Guyanese in New York, Canada, Pennsylvania, PPP UK Group in London, Miami, etc, will also participate at the Congress.

The congress is expected to provide ample opportunity for those in attendance to deliberate on various matters of a topical nature, especially during different workshops that are planned.

A much-anticipated element of the congress is the election of a new central committee for the party, while the highlight is the report of the party’s General Secretary, President Donald Ramotar.

At a PPP press conference on Monday last, Chairman of the National Congress Committee and Home Affairs Minister Clement said that preparations for the Congress were almost complete and the final touches to the report from the





Central Committee were being done.

This report is the primary document that will evaluate the work of the party over the last five years since the 29th PPP Congress.

Persons who have been supporting the party for 25 and 50 years will be honoured at the event, and members will be allowed the opportunity to exercise their right to express their views internally and make suggestions which will be open for discussion and consideration.

At 13:00 hrs today there will be a public session where reputable persons and the media are invited for the opening session which will be followed by the official business session of the Congress, involving delegates and observers and the report of the central committee which will be delivered by the general secretary.

The report will be discussed tomorrow in six workshops which will focus on economic, political and government matters along with the international situation.

There will also be a youth forum that will address issues on youth in the party and the young people will also gather to discuss the work and future of the PPP/C. At the end of the sessions, reports will be issued to the plenary for discussions.

On Sunday, the final day of the congress, there will be discussions on amendments to the constitution and programmes of the party, a political declaration and  the election of a new 35-member Central Committee.

A commemorative service would also be held in remembrance of Balram Kandhai, who was shot and killed on the final day of the last Congress held in Berbice.

This 30th Congress of the PPP will be the first not attended by founding members of the party, Cheddi and Janet Jagan. While former President Cheddi Jagan died in 1997, his wife and also former President Janet Jagan was still alive and was present at the last congress which was held in Diamond, East Bank of Demerara in August, 2008.

Meanwhile, the only person alive today that is associated with the founding of the PPP is Mr. Ashton Chase, and he is expected to attend the congress.

The PPP was founded in 1950 and its first congress was held in April, 1951. It has been in government since 1992 and currently holds 32 of the 65 seats in the National Assembly,

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by JB:

Is Mr Jagdeo taking over the party?

Some folks seem to think that he will try to wrestle control of the party from Ramouthar. This will be Ramouthar's last opportunity to establish control of the party. He has done a poor job so far and I don't expect an improvement in his performance as both general secretary and president...


Democratic Centralism is not a predicate for democracy but nepotism and its attendant subservient offspring, kin ascendancy, ethnic nepotism, patronage and cultured handpicked slot fillers. The PPP is not reorganizing itself. It is consolidating democratic centralism. That system broke no digression from the ideological dogma hence no independent thinking hence no chance for merit to succeed. It is still int he model of the old Marxist Leninist creed with its template as a vanguard party taken from the Third Leninist communist congress.


PPP seeking to reinvigorate their fighting spirit

The People’s Progressive Party [PPP] congress commenced with a commitment “never to deviate” from the core of their being, and that is a party for the working class.


Chairman of the proceedings, Irfaan Ali said, “It is here we will invigorate our fighting spirits and collectively charter the way forward”.


He told the delegates that they must resolve to guard against threats to Guyana’s democracy and development, adding that the party will defeat all forces that seek to destroy the PPP.


Noting that the congress is being held at Port Mourant, the birth and final resting place of its founder, the PPP Ali says re-commits itself to the Jagans’ struggles, ideas, ideals and philosophy.

The congress continues with messages from the GAWU, PYO, WPO, GRPA and the main address by President Donald Ramotar


General Secretary [GS] of the People’s Progressive Party Donald Ramotar has given a personal commitment not to relent in the face of challenges from the opposition.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the PPP’s 30th congress at JC Chandisingh Secondary School in Port Mourant today August 2, Ramotar said the Party and Guyana as a whole cannot afford to relent to an opposition which has proven by their own doing, that they are unfit to run the country.

He told the Party’s membership that they must be resolute in the face of struggles as the progress made so far is not invincible and has to be defended everyday and reinforced.

Speaking to the parliamentary impasses, he said, “This is a wound on the body politic of this nation”.

He said the opposition is cutting the PPP nose to spite the face of Guyana.

He noted also that they have nonsensical stance that growth can be achieved by cutting investments.

Ramotar told congress the opposition has made it clear that they do not care for the people of Guyana or even their own supporters.

In this regard, he said it is up to the PPP to work harder and take care of everyone’s needs, adding that to do this; the Party must rise and re – organise.

He charged the PPP’s membership to be the party of understanding and empathy and to stand up and be that light which the people can turn to.

He stressed that they must press on and re – new the people’s commitment in the PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

PPP seeking to reinvigorate their fighting spirit

The People’s Progressive Party [PPP] congress commenced with a commitment “never to deviate” from the core of their being, and that is a party for the working class.


Chairman of the proceedings, Irfaan Ali said, “It is here we will invigorate our fighting spirits and collectively charter the way forward”.


He told the delegates that they must resolve to guard against threats to Guyana’s democracy and development, adding that the party will defeat all forces that seek to destroy the PPP.


Noting that the congress is being held at Port Mourant, the birth and final resting place of its founder, the PPP Ali says re-commits itself to the Jagans’ struggles, ideas, ideals and philosophy.

The congress continues with messages from the GAWU, PYO, WPO, GRPA and the main address by President Donald Ramotar

 The PPP are as stale as a year old bread and as palatable. How long can it run lacking ideas but selling jagan's fictive utopia instead?  They can be addressed by organizations from an alphabet soup consisting of every permutation of English letters  but none of that can rise the dead.  Jagan is dead. Get dreams of your own. And when he was alive his was insubstantial so what swill are you trying to sell to the gullible?


He said the opposition is cutting the PPP nose to spite the face of Guyana.

He noted also that they have nonsensical stance that growth can be achieved by cutting investments.

Ramotar told congress the opposition has made it clear that they do not care for the people of Guyana or even their own supporters.

In this regard, he said it is up to the PPP to work harder and take care of everyone’s needs, adding that to do this; the Party must rise and re – organise.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

He said the opposition is cutting the PPP nose to spite the face of Guyana.

He noted also that they have nonsensical stance that growth can be achieved by cutting investments.

Ramotar told congress the opposition has made it clear that they do not care for the people of Guyana or even their own supporters.

In this regard, he said it is up to the PPP to work harder and take care of everyone’s needs, adding that to do this; the Party must rise and re – organise.

 The face of Guyana is not Indian or as the PPP alone defines it. It is a multicultural state and it is supposed to be a democracy in transition.


Cutting graft opportunities and leech enterprise is not cutting investment. It is seeking to bring some accountability to the process or rampant waste and the PPP rent seeking culture.


It was predictable that PPP leaders would use the congress pulpit to preach fire and brimstone, to cry out that the party is being attacked from north, south, east and west.

It was predictable the PPP's top dogs would raise the war cry and rally the chosen to confront the duly elected parliamentary opposition.

All of that is not news.

After the three-day evangelism crusade, the Freedom House preachers will return to their super-salaried government posts and dole out more goodies to their fat-cat friends and relatives. This is predictable too. Wait and see.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

General Secretary [GS] of the People’s Progressive Party Donald Ramotar has given a personal commitment not to relent in the face of challenges from the opposition.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the PPP’s 30th congress at JC Chandisingh Secondary School in Port Mourant today August 2, Ramotar said the Party and Guyana as a whole cannot afford to relent to an opposition which has proven by their own doing, that they are unfit to run the country.

He told the Party’s membership that they must be resolute in the face of struggles as the progress made so far is not invincible and has to be defended everyday and reinforced.

Speaking to the parliamentary impasses, he said, “This is a wound on the body politic of this nation”.

He said the opposition is cutting the PPP nose to spite the face of Guyana.

He noted also that they have nonsensical stance that growth can be achieved by cutting investments.

Ramotar told congress the opposition has made it clear that they do not care for the people of Guyana or even their own supporters.

In this regard, he said it is up to the PPP to work harder and take care of everyone’s needs, adding that to do this; the Party must rise and re – organise.

He charged the PPP’s membership to be the party of understanding and empathy and to stand up and be that light which the people can turn to.

He stressed that they must press on and re – new the people’s commitment in the PPP.

My God! My President is intellectually barren. 

At 30th Congress …. : President Donald Ramotar promises to continue on pathway to progressPDFPrintE-mail

EVERY PPP/C President since 1992 has had a baptism of fire and not one has been able to concentrate energies, time and resources toward engineering the nation’s future according to the developmental path charted in successive PPP manifestos and the Poverty Reduction and National Development Plans drafted by the Cheddi Jagan-led Government.

The Opposition has been like the albatross riding on the backs of the nation’s progress; but despite this cross to bear, the transformation of Guyana’s socio-economic and infrastructural landscape within a short time-span of two decades is nothing short of miraculous.; but in all those years development and progress were allowed to continue and escalate because the PPP/C had a parliamentary majority.
And this is President Donald Ramotar’s greatest challenge, in that, for the first time ever, the PPP/C Government’s developmental trajectory is embattled in the National Assembly, with every developmental initiative being shot down by the joint Opposition. That, coupled with the opposition’s customary extra-parliamentary destructive escapades, has tested the President’s fortitude to the limit.
But it is at the 30th Congress of the PPP, which had its opening ceremony at the JC Latchmansingh Secondary School in Berbice yesterday, that one can recognise where that spirit to endure and prevail over the obduracy and negative dynamics of anti-developmental and anti-national forces bent on circumventing progress under a PPP/C Government, even at the cost of the welfare of their own supporters, has its genesis; because that spirit is and has been shaped by the heroism of Guyana’s freedom-fighters who braved and endured much to position this country on a pathway to peace, progress and prosperity; and foremost among those who carved a destiny for this nation is the Founding leader of the People’s Progressive Party, the Father of the Nation, Dr. Cheddi Jagan.  There are many laying claims to him; but it is in the party that encapsulates all that he represented and strove for that his spirit resides, and this was the inherent message of the General-Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party and the Head-of-State of the Guyanese nation under a PPP/C governmental construct, President Donald Ramotar.
The party’s General-Secretary recalled the years of struggle against colonialism and undemocratic forces, in which he played an integral role, until elections of 1992 heralded the dawn of a new era of freedom and progress for the Guyanese people.  He spoke of the tireless struggle to build and strengthen the party and shape a better future for the country.
During the dark years when all Guyanese were shackled by under-development and abuse, recalled Ramotar, there was always the enduring hope by the party of shaping a better and brighter future; and he listed landmark anniversaries that mark significant episodes in the country that link all the people of the country in a collective endeavour for freedom and progress.  Struggle, he posited, marked character and identity.
The patriots and martyrs were many, he said, and spoke movingly of young Balram Kanhai, who was ruthlessly gunned down when violence was visited upon delegates attending the party’s Congress of 1994.  As a father, he said, he could only try to condole with the parents in their unfathomable grief; but this is a life-long pain that time cannot erase. However, he averred that the sacrifices of the patriots have not been in vain, because the PPP has endured over the years and achieved much in the re-establishment of democratic norms and freedoms, and what he termed the visible improvements in the country’s landscape; the re-energising  of the economy, revitalisation of  social development that has put the nation on an upward trajectory; despite the obstructionist actions of the joint opposition.  Listing some of the achievements within sectors, and initiatives that have impacted the lives and living standards of Guyanese and enabled upward mobility of individuals and communities, Ramotar warned that these gains were not invincible and could be reversible if the joint opposition prevails in their obstructionist actions.
Recalling days of pre-PPP governance that began in 1992, the President reminded the gathering of teachers having no chalk to write with, blackouts for two weeks duration, long lines for basic foodstuff, and a multiplicity of other ills negatively affecting the peoples’ lives, and the quality of their lives.
But this is where the spirit of Cheddi Jagan is encapsulated in the heart of the PPP because, as the President promised, the PPP/C Government would leave no stone unturned to continue the progress and consolidate the gains achieved over the past 20 years of PPP at the helm of the nation’s leadership, and he committed all his efforts toward ensuring Guyana remains a blossoming country with a crop of greater things.
Alluding to extra-national linkages where partnering with international bodies and neighbouring countries are enabling and facilitating various aspects of national growth, i.e. Mercosur, Petrocaribe, Ramotar said that these linkages have enabled great strides to achieving many of the PPP/C’s objectives, for instance bridging Brazil and Guyana, and in the near future Suriname and Guyana, for instance; and he made reference to the relationship that was forged with the late Hugo Chavez, which opened trading opportunities with Venezuela.
The PPP/C Government’s achievements have been lauded by many international bodies, said Ramotar, and he noted the recognition by the UN/FAO of Guyana achieving its first Millennium Development Goal three years ahead of schedule; as well as the recognition by the UN of Guyana being one of 17 countries that have reduced poverty and achieved food security.  
The hard work has been for the people, for the children, and for the future of the country, stated the President, who iterated that the party has always put people first, and this is the basis on which it was founded.  He urged that the party continue to be the light of the people, the hope of the people – understanding and empathetic of the people’s needs.
Lamenting the undemocratic and anti-developmental actions of the joint opposition, the President said that their actions have caused suffering for everyone, including their own supporters; and he spoke movingly of the pain of the families of the victims killed at Linden.
He promised that despite the actions of the joint opposition, the party in Government will continue to press on with its developmental plans, and that it is the people of Guyana that will own the progress achieved; the investments are in the future of the people, he averred and promised that the only hope of the people, which is the PPP, will continue to work hard to win the battle, “…not only to battle, but to win, and we can and will win”.
The PPP, he promised, will continue to be the light of the people and will continue with the plans to reinforce the principles of the party and regain the confidence of the people.  “If I could have one wish”, averred the President, “it is that all my efforts leave a place for my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren to live the dream that unites us with Cheddi Jagan as the golden thread;  and the process starts right here, right now.”


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