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PPP’s phantom bloggers exposed – paid by NCN

May 31, 2015
0 1

Ten individuals were paid by the National Communications Network (NCN) to anonymously attack government critics and promote the PPP/C through social media as part of a politically directed unit operating out of the Office of the President (OP).

Three of them are related to senior PPP members. According to records seen by this publication, Renata Rohee, a daughter of the General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee, was paid along with eight others, the sum of $22,000 every fortnight for a job specified as “monitor and works processor”. They were on the state-funded NCN payroll but worked out of OP. Also on the payroll were Dikisha Cumberbatch, the sister-in-law of former Office of the President Press and Publicity Officer Kwame McCoy, and Javed Mustapha, a family member of Zulfikar Mustapha, Executive Secretary of the PPP/C.

Other persons listed as having contracts up to as recently as March 31, 2015 are Carl Howes, Dana King, Orland Smith, Dellon La Rose Carlyle Softly, and Nayland Walker (monitor operator/video specialist) . Waheeda Saheed earned $60k per month with gratuities as a media monitor.

McCoy, under the watch of then Head of the Press and Publicity Unit at the Office of the President, Prem Misir had established the New Media Unit around 2008 to monitor and respond to the rise in online criticisms of the PPP, particularly on such fora as the Guyana Message Board and from sites such as LivingGuyana. Among those involved was Bassu Dwarka the current Protocol Officer to the President at Office of the President who was an administrator for the slander site LiveinGuyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

PPP’s phantom bloggers exposed – paid by NCN

May 31, 2015
0 1

Ten individuals were paid by the National Communications Network (NCN) to anonymously attack government critics and promote the PPP/C through social media as part of a politically directed unit operating out of the Office of the President (OP).

Three of them are related to senior PPP members. According to records seen by this publication, Renata Rohee, a daughter of the General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee, was paid along with eight others, the sum of $22,000 every fortnight for a job specified as “monitor and works processor”. They were on the state-funded NCN payroll but worked out of OP. Also on the payroll were Dikisha Cumberbatch, the sister-in-law of former Office of the President Press and Publicity Officer Kwame McCoy, and Javed Mustapha, a family member of Zulfikar Mustapha, Executive Secretary of the PPP/C.

Other persons listed as having contracts up to as recently as March 31, 2015 are Carl Howes, Dana King, Orland Smith, Dellon La Rose Carlyle Softly, and Nayland Walker (monitor operator/video specialist) . Waheeda Saheed earned $60k per month with gratuities as a media monitor.

McCoy, under the watch of then Head of the Press and Publicity Unit at the Office of the President, Prem Misir had established the New Media Unit around 2008 to monitor and respond to the rise in online criticisms of the PPP, particularly on such fora as the Guyana Message Board and from sites such as LivingGuyana. Among those involved was Bassu Dwarka the current Protocol Officer to the President at Office of the President who was an administrator for the slander site LiveinGuyana.

Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

Originally Posted by Franky:
Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

ok klown, remind us again which line item in the Guyana Budget covered PNC/APNU/AFC paid posters "blogging" on GNI and other social media


take your time arsehole . . . no rush

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Franky:
Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

ok klown, remind us again which line item in the Guyana Budget covered PNC/APNU/AFC paid posters "blogging" on GNI and other social media


take your time arsehole . . . no rush

You are a fool if you think this does not happen all the time.


Javed Mustapha... [and Jagdeo's sidekick Zulfikar] more animosity for the Mustapha family at Whim.   

From dislike to hate. They better leave Guyana, because Berbice grieving families  might never forgive them.   

Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Franky:
Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

ok klown, remind us again which line item in the Guyana Budget covered PNC/APNU/AFC paid posters "blogging" on GNI and other social media


take your time arsehole . . . no rush

You are a fool if you think this does not happen all the time.

i don't know what that means


answer my bloody question u klown!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

God help PPP...imagine Rohee's daughter charged with promoting PPP social media.

anybady know what her GNI handle was/is?

I want know dat myself .

Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

PPP’s phantom bloggers exposed – paid by NCN

May 31, 2015
0 1

Ten individuals were paid by the National Communications Network (NCN) to anonymously attack government critics and promote the PPP/C through social media as part of a politically directed unit operating out of the Office of the President (OP).

Three of them are related to senior PPP members. According to records seen by this publication, Renata Rohee, a daughter of the General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee, was paid along with eight others, the sum of $22,000 every fortnight for a job specified as “monitor and works processor”. They were on the state-funded NCN payroll but worked out of OP. Also on the payroll were Dikisha Cumberbatch, the sister-in-law of former Office of the President Press and Publicity Officer Kwame McCoy, and Javed Mustapha, a family member of Zulfikar Mustapha, Executive Secretary of the PPP/C.

Other persons listed as having contracts up to as recently as March 31, 2015 are Carl Howes, Dana King, Orland Smith, Dellon La Rose Carlyle Softly, and Nayland Walker (monitor operator/video specialist) . Waheeda Saheed earned $60k per month with gratuities as a media monitor.

McCoy, under the watch of then Head of the Press and Publicity Unit at the Office of the President, Prem Misir had established the New Media Unit around 2008 to monitor and respond to the rise in online criticisms of the PPP, particularly on such fora as the Guyana Message Board and from sites such as LivingGuyana. Among those involved was Bassu Dwarka the current Protocol Officer to the President at Office of the President who was an administrator for the slander site LiveinGuyana.

Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

These people were being paid with taxpayer money to specifically promote PPP propaganda. Some right here on GNI. Don't you see anything wrong with this?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Franky:
Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

ok klown, remind us again which line item in the Guyana Budget covered PNC/APNU/AFC paid posters "blogging" on GNI and other social media


take your time arsehole . . . no rush

I do not think that there are many governments not doing this. To say that the coalition will not do it is an insult to our intelligence. They had their bloggers during the election campaign and they will need to keep them employed.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Franky:
Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

ok klown, remind us again which line item in the Guyana Budget covered PNC/APNU/AFC paid posters "blogging" on GNI and other social media


take your time arsehole . . . no rush

I do not think that there are many governments not doing this. To say that the coalition will not do it is an insult to our intelligence. They had their bloggers during the election campaign and they will need to keep them employed.

Zed, during the election campaign the coalition's bloggers were mainly volunteers. Those who were paid party functionaries didn't use taxpayers' dollars to blog. There is solid evidence that the state-owned NCN was paying salaries to named bloggers operating in the Office of the President.

I won't put my head on a block to say that this coalition government won't do the same thing. If and when that happens, and there is supporting evidence, it will be wrong and should be deplored.


Rev Al and Councie had to be people who were either long standing members of the PPP party or connected to long standing members of the PPP party.


My guy inside Freedom House got me the identity of Yugi and he felt both Rev Al and Councie had connections to the upper ranks of the party in some ways. 


For the most part these blogger people were just doing their jobs for wages or job positions with the PPP party.  Some of them like Gerhard I have known when they were babies.  Let us not push the issue but forgive them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Rev Al and Councie had to be people who were either long standing members of the PPP party or connected to long standing members of the PPP party.


My guy inside Freedom House got me the identity of Yugi and he felt both Rev Al and Councie had connections to the upper ranks of the party in some ways.   

Take Rev out of that, Wally. Rev has no connection whatever with Freedom House. Rev wrote more than twice here that he would never associate with those corrupt Freedom House scoundrels. He supported the PPP simply to prevent the Cuffy-loving PNC from getting into government. Rev is smart to recognize reality, that's why he quickly extended congratulations to the coalition. If Rev were a follower of Ramotar-Rohee-Jagdeo, he would have been fastened to their ungraciousness up to now.


Gil I never said that he was connected to Ramotar-Rohee-Jagdeo or Freedom house.  My guy said he thinks Rev was connected to the upper ranks of the party in some ways.  Which he could not determine.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Gil I never said that he was connected to Ramotar-Rohee-Jagdeo or Freedom house.  My guy said he thinks Rev was connected to the upper ranks of the party in some ways.  Which he could not determine.

Alright, take it from me. Rev is not connected to anyone at Freedom House. Now, don't ask me how I know.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Rev Al and Councie had to be people who were either long standing members of the PPP party or connected to long standing members of the PPP party.



Wally bai:


* I know you despise the Rev's politics on GNI, but surely you can't hate the Rev that much to wish that he were a member of rotten Freedom House. 


* Lemme say this to you one last time Wally bai---the Rev has never been a member of the PPP and will never be a member of the PPP.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Rev Al and Councie had to be people who were either long standing members of the PPP party or connected to long standing members of the PPP party.



Wally bai:


* I know you despise the Rev's politics on GNI, but surely you can't hate the Rev that much to wish that he were a member of rotten Freedom House. 


* Lemme say this to you one last time Wally bai---the Rev has never been a member of the PPP and will never be a member of the PPP.







Me just tell Wally dat.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Me just tell Wally dat.


* Me jus see dat. Tanks fuh enlightening Wally and knocking some sense in him head.



I didn't deal with the yuji issue, because I want yuji himself to bhai up Wally and deny. As yuji always says, yuji22 is his own man.


Originally Posted by Franky:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

PPP’s phantom bloggers exposed – paid by NCN

May 31, 2015
0 1

Ten individuals were paid by the National Communications Network (NCN) to anonymously attack government critics and promote the PPP/C through social media as part of a politically directed unit operating out of the Office of the President (OP).

Three of them are related to senior PPP members. According to records seen by this publication, Renata Rohee, a daughter of the General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee, was paid along with eight others, the sum of $22,000 every fortnight for a job specified as “monitor and works processor”. They were on the state-funded NCN payroll but worked out of OP. Also on the payroll were Dikisha Cumberbatch, the sister-in-law of former Office of the President Press and Publicity Officer Kwame McCoy, and Javed Mustapha, a family member of Zulfikar Mustapha, Executive Secretary of the PPP/C.

Other persons listed as having contracts up to as recently as March 31, 2015 are Carl Howes, Dana King, Orland Smith, Dellon La Rose Carlyle Softly, and Nayland Walker (monitor operator/video specialist) . Waheeda Saheed earned $60k per month with gratuities as a media monitor.

McCoy, under the watch of then Head of the Press and Publicity Unit at the Office of the President, Prem Misir had established the New Media Unit around 2008 to monitor and respond to the rise in online criticisms of the PPP, particularly on such fora as the Guyana Message Board and from sites such as LivingGuyana. Among those involved was Bassu Dwarka the current Protocol Officer to the President at Office of the President who was an administrator for the slander site LiveinGuyana.

Get serious. This is news? This has been going on ALL OVER THE WORLD since the internet blogging started. That means the PNC/APNU/AFC/whoever also do it. Get serious. 

Why is it not news? We knew most of them but this one was especially horrible.


Among those involved was  the current Protocol Officer to the President at Office of the President who was an administrator for the slander site LiveinGuyana.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I didn't deal with the yuji issue, because I want yuji himself to bhai up Wally and deny. As yuji always says, yuji22 is his own man.






* Your friend yuji is doing a puja by the ganges this week. He'll respond to you when he gets back.



Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

God help PPP...imagine Rohee's daughter charged with promoting PPP social media.

anybady know what her GNI handle was/is?

I want know dat myself .

ley me see nerhu cobra and a couple mo to pick from

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by TK:

God help PPP...imagine Rohee's daughter charged with promoting PPP social media.

anybady know what her GNI handle was/is?

I want know dat myself .

That you will never find out. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Yuji's identity will not be revealed on this board.

Wanna put money on it? I would advise you not to do it.

Methinks doth hath misread the man, he never saideth he was gonna doith.


I already revealed yugi as  patacake anyway, so why bother with any other names. He liked that one.

Last edited by cain

Govt. sacks 2 dozen ‘secret’ staffers


More than 20 persons who were secretly working at the Office of President under the guise of being

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon

‘Work Processor Operator’, but were actually doing political work under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government, yesterday had their services terminated.
According to sources within of the Ministry of the Presidency, most of the staffers were being paid to write letters to the editors to the various newspapers, and to create fake profiles on Facebook and other social websites.
It would be one of the most glaring cases that have emerged in which state resources were being abused under the previous Government.
Almost a dozen of them had contracts with the National Communications Network (NCN), reportedly receiving salaries from that entity as well as from the Office of the President.
Other state entities were used to pay salaries for the PPP activists. This is being investigated.
Yesterday, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, confirmed that he had earlier in the day issued letters ending the contracts.
“They were not working in the interest of the state. They were basically doing party work. We can’t waste taxpayers’ monies like this,” the Minister said.
Kaieteur News was told that secret hiring of the 20-odd persons was unearthed shortly after the new Government took office.
During a meeting with Government officials and Heads of the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN), it was discovered that more than a dozen staffers were receiving fortnightly payments. Some of the contracts were for 12 months.
The NCN management was ordered to prepare contracts for a dozen persons.
The 20-odd persons were said to be under the watch of Kwame Mc Coy, the controversial Press Liaison, who served under the administrations of Bharrat Jagdeo and then Donald Ramotar.
On Mc Coy’s orders, the special media unit was tasked with monitoring critics of Government and responding to them, in the online fora and in the newspapers.
Among the persons in the unit was a relative of a former senior PPP/C Minister and another is closely related to a Parliamentarian who lives in Berbice and works at the NCN branch.
Among other things, the bloggers, some of them were based at OP, would monitor especially Facebook and counter criticisms leveled against the then administration.
The running of the unit was a public secret to staffers in OP, NCN and the Government Information Agency.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The GOG should go after the PPP/C for the money they stole and paid these workers.

Most of them are lucky we did not post their indormation on the new when we discovered some of them from Dood computer files. Amar and Shadood stopped posting at that time. I have not heard anything from them. The latter said he lived to "" white american peace core girls because he "knew" they were cia and the former hated the US and yet wanted to come here.


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