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Home > TOP STORY > President fires up supporters… ‘We just handed over the winning list’ to GECOM – ‘That’s the list that’s going to take us to victory’
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar

President fires up supporters… ‘We just handed over the winning list’ to GECOM – ‘That’s the list that’s going to take us to victory’


URGING Guyanese to stand by him and the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), incumbent President Mr. Donald Ramotar presented yesterday, at City Hall, what he describes as “The winning list” for the 2015 national elections to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). 

“I ask all of you to individually and collectively stand by the PPP/C; to stand by me, and together I’m sure we can make our country realise its dreams of being a developed and strong country,” the President implored enthused supporters gathered outside the party’s Freedom House headquarters.
He added: “I ask you when you leave here to take a resolution; to ensure that you redouble your efforts to work even harder. And we all must work even harder to ensure the direction of our country will be forward, and never again will we allow Guyana to stand still or go backward!”

The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

With an aplomb born of confidence, President Ramotar, who heads his Party’s list of nominees, led thousands of supporters from Freedom House to nomination point, City Hall. There, in the company of Prime Ministerial Candidate, Mrs. Elisabeth Harper and PPP/C General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, as well as their families and other representatives on the Nomination List, he presented the PPP/C’s national top-up and regional lists to Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield.
He then turned to his colleagues and said: “We just handed over the winning list to the Elections Commission, and you will see we have a very good list: We have a blend of maturity and youth; we have professional workers; we have housewives and farmers; we have all races on our list. Our list represents this country in every way; we have a fully balanced list, and I am sure that list is going to take us to victory. And as far as I know, we are the only party that has as its Prime Ministerial Candidate a woman of substance in Elisabeth Harper.”


Back at Freedom House after the die had been cast, he told Party supporters gathered there that the PPP/C fully intends to intensify its campaign.
“Our campaign will be a very positive campaign,” he said. “We want to win back the majority in the National Assembly, and I think we have a very good programme to do so.”
He then proceeded to list as being among the many positives achieved under the current administration the fact that Guyanese students have consistently succeeded in topping the Caribbean Region at CSEC in the last ten years. “Our investment has been in our people; we are the only country in the Region where more than 30 per cent of our budget goes to the social sector: For education, health, housing, water, old age pension, $10,000 per child in school, assistance for university students,” the President said, adding that the Government also provides text books and other ancillary support to the education sector, such as school feeding programmes for children to stay in school.
He couldn’t help but observe that these successes of which he spoke are in spite of the Political Opposition sabotaging the development efforts of the Government at every turn over the past three years.
As to the challenges, the President readily identified as being among them the airport expansion project and the hydro-power project, saying, “And that is why I promise you that when we win the elections on May 11, the Amaila Hydro-power project will be very high on our agenda, because we need to grow, not by four-and-a-half and 5 per cent.
He went on to say: “Impressive as that is when you take into consideration the Opposition’s anti-development thrust and the international economic development, we will grow by 10 and 12 per cent per annum when we get cheap electricity in our country.”

Speaking of his Party’s future plans, President Ramotar said that high on the agenda is creating investment opportunities and jobs, as well as a highly skilled and capable workforce.
Those plans also include improving the quality of life of the populace; securing more markets for rice farmers; spending at least $20B to keep the sugar industry afloat; building the promised Specialty Hospital; expanding the Cheddi Jagan International Airport; continuously improving the country’s infrastructure; supporting farmers; and creating a stable and progressive economic environment.
Added to the impressive list of to-dos is the redoubling of efforts to capitalise on the local tourism sector by improving the relevant infrastructure.

President Donald Ramotar addressing thousands of PPP/C supporters outside Freedom House yesterday

President Donald Ramotar addressing thousands of PPP/C supporters outside Freedom House yesterday

“This election is about jobs for the people of our country; better health services. It’s about better and more housing for our people, to solve the housing problem once and for all,” he said.
When asked about his Government’s plans to establish a dedicated unit to fight corruption, President Ramotar said: “We have always been fighting corruption; we have been the ones that established all the systems. When we got into the Government, there was no system to fight corruption; no bidding system. The Auditor-General was not allowed to audit Government’s accounts; there was absolutely no transparency in Government. We have established those systems. So what we are doing now is a continuation of what we started a long time ago. We have nothing to hide; we are ready to take any measure to stamp out corruption in our country.”

Adding her voice to the call for continued progress under the PPP/C, Prime Ministerial Candidate, Mrs. Harper said the candidates will work with the people to ensure that the majority in the National Assembly is restored to the PPP/C.
She expressed confidence in the list of names presented yesterday, adding that “the second ‘P’ in the PPP, ‘Progressive’, will have been written again yesterday, because it shows that the list which was presented is an inclusive one. “It is a visionary list; it shows that we have people that will represent your Party and your Government; your country across the spectrum…women, young people,” she said, adding that the ‘C’ component of the Party’s moniker is for ‘Continuity’.
Addressing the exuberant crowd at Freedom House after the presentation of the List, Party General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee thanked supporters for their continued solidarity, saying: “At every election since 1957, the people have been confidently behind us because we stand for Peace; we stand for Progress; and we stand for Prosperity. You must leave no stone unturned; every single day from today we must mobilise; we must energise; and we must get our people out to make sure that on May 11, they vote resoundingly for the PPP. Every one of us has a stake in the future.”
Echoing similar sentiments, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Dr. Frank Anthony noted that the PPP/C is a people’s party, and has been with the people through “ups and downs” working for the betterment of Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jagdeo get all you PNC choir boys bassidy.

Why are you panicking?

Yuji is extremely confident of a 53 Percent PPP majority.


Don't be fooled a 99 Percent Afro based motorcade. Moses cannot deliver 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.


PPP all the way. 


AFC is dead as doornail in Berbice. Moses will deliver Katahar to the PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jagdeo get all you PNC choir boys bassidy.

Bharrat Lie-Nell Jagdeo is back

April 8, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

De only thing dem boys nah know is when dem gun dead, and if dem try hard dem gun know. When dem tell people that not every sentence, but every word that come out of Jagdeo mouth is a lie, plenty people believe, but some people cuss dem boys. Even de Chat-3 cuss dem. Donald too seh that dem boys get personal wid Jagdeo because dem don’t like him.
Well yesterday, de whole nation see, hear and even smell fuh demself. Two weeks ago, Jagdeo stand up and tell de nation that he ain’t deh pun no list, that he ain’t interested in public office.
When Donald hand in de list yesterday dem boys want to know if Donald does do voodoo. Dem see Bharrat Jagdeo pun de list, but did not know was this scamp, because his middle name –Lie-Nell— wasn’t there. It had to be that he, Lie-Nell, obeah Donald.
Now dem boys know that when Jagdeo seh that he didn’t want a third term, he was lying through he teeth. He playing Russian roulette wid de country.
Dem boys hear that he gun mek Harper step down as Prime Minister and he gun step in, just like when Janet did step aside and let de li’l boy pass. That is how he tun president.
He tell de nation that he gun go personally to fix that Jhan Jaat wha he give Guyana— de Skeldon factory— wid he own hands. He never go to see de factory.
He tell de nation that he spend US$200 million; dem boys know that is a lie, that he mek a hustle.  De NIS $69M flat building wha really cost $10 million, he promise to investigate. He never send nobody. He even cuss Luncheon fuh releasing de contract.
He lie bout de airport; he lie bout duty free concession; he lie bout Bai Shan Lin; he lie bout Vitarna; he lie bout de Specialty Hospital; he lie bout de Sun and Sand hotel wha disappear from de earth. He lie bout everything under de sun.
He lie bout de low carbon strategy which he seh was he baby. That thing did belong to Cheddi and Navin—all two of dem gone to de Great Beyond.
He lie bout fighting against corruption. He lie bout early Local Government Elections. He lie bout Public Procurement Commission.
He lie so much that he lie and seh that a close female family dead. Dem had a big wake. De funeral day dem was carrying out de coffin from de house when dem bounce a wall going through de door.
De lady was only in a coma and he did know; suh when dem bounce de wall she wake up and start fuh kick up in de coffin. She live fuh another ten years.
When she dead de other day and dem carrying she through de same door, he holler, “You-all be careful by that doorway. De last time she wake up.”
Talk half and look out fuh Bharrat Lie-Nell Jagdeo.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar
The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

President Donald Ramotar addressing thousands of PPP/C supporters outside Freedom House yesterday

President Donald Ramotar addressing

thousands of PPP/C supporters outside

Freedom House yesterday

President fires up supporters… ‘We just handed over the winning list’ to GECOM – ‘That’s the list that’s going to take us to victory’, April 8, 2015

Onward to victory and forming the government again after the May 11, 2015 election.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.

Reasonable assumption.

Right on point.):


You and him are mathematically challenged. If the AFC delivers up five percent of the Indian vote you lose.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.

Reasonable assumption.

Right on point.):


You and him are mathematically challenged. If the AFC delivers up five percent of the Indian vote you lose.

Incorrect, Mr. Stormborn.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.

Reasonable assumption.

Right on point.):


You and him are mathematically challenged. If the AFC delivers up five percent of the Indian vote you lose.

Incorrect, Mr. Stormborn.

so you say...I have the record on being accurate. You do not.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jagdeo get all you PNC choir boys bassidy.

Why are you panicking?

Yuji is extremely confident of a 53 Percent PPP majority.


Don't be fooled a 99 Percent Afro based motorcade. Moses cannot deliver 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.


PPP all the way. 


AFC is dead as doornail in Berbice. Moses will deliver Katahar to the PNC.

Yuji what % of the voters do you think are Indians?  Because you seem to think that this is the only group which matters.


The PPP has had rallies with almost no non Indians, and yet that doesn't seem to disturb you.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You and him are mathematically challenged. If the AFC delivers up five percent of the Indian vote you lose.

I will say two things.


1.  The Indian vote SLIGHTLY under 50%.


2.  This means that the PPP CANNOT just win based on the Indian vote.  But also means that APNU AFC must get as much of the Indian vote as the PPP gets of the non Indian vote.   I suspect more than 5%, because the PPP is already good for around 5% of the black vote, and more of the mixed and Amerindian votes.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > President fires up supporters… ‘We just handed over the winning list’ to GECOM – ‘That’s the list that’s going to take us to victory’
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar
President Donald Ramotar gives the ‘thumbs up’ outside City Hall yesterday. Also in photo are First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and Alexie Ramotar

President fires up supporters… ‘We just handed over the winning list’ to GECOM – ‘That’s the list that’s going to take us to victory’


URGING Guyanese to stand by him and the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), incumbent President Mr. Donald Ramotar presented yesterday, at City Hall, what he describes as “The winning list” for the 2015 national elections to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). 

“I ask all of you to individually and collectively stand by the PPP/C; to stand by me, and together I’m sure we can make our country realise its dreams of being a developed and strong country,” the President implored enthused supporters gathered outside the party’s Freedom House headquarters.
He added: “I ask you when you leave here to take a resolution; to ensure that you redouble your efforts to work even harder. And we all must work even harder to ensure the direction of our country will be forward, and never again will we allow Guyana to stand still or go backward!”

The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

The scene outside Freedom House yesterday

With an aplomb born of confidence, President Ramotar, who heads his Party’s list of nominees, led thousands of supporters from Freedom House to nomination point, City Hall. There, in the company of Prime Ministerial Candidate, Mrs. Elisabeth Harper and PPP/C General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, as well as their families and other representatives on the Nomination List, he presented the PPP/C’s national top-up and regional lists to Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield.
He then turned to his colleagues and said: “We just handed over the winning list to the Elections Commission, and you will see we have a very good list: We have a blend of maturity and youth; we have professional workers; we have housewives and farmers; we have all races on our list. Our list represents this country in every way; we have a fully balanced list, and I am sure that list is going to take us to victory. And as far as I know, we are the only party that has as its Prime Ministerial Candidate a woman of substance in Elisabeth Harper.”


Back at Freedom House after the die had been cast, he told Party supporters gathered there that the PPP/C fully intends to intensify its campaign.
“Our campaign will be a very positive campaign,” he said. “We want to win back the majority in the National Assembly, and I think we have a very good programme to do so.”
He then proceeded to list as being among the many positives achieved under the current administration the fact that Guyanese students have consistently succeeded in topping the Caribbean Region at CSEC in the last ten years. “Our investment has been in our people; we are the only country in the Region where more than 30 per cent of our budget goes to the social sector: For education, health, housing, water, old age pension, $10,000 per child in school, assistance for university students,” the President said, adding that the Government also provides text books and other ancillary support to the education sector, such as school feeding programmes for children to stay in school.
He couldn’t help but observe that these successes of which he spoke are in spite of the Political Opposition sabotaging the development efforts of the Government at every turn over the past three years.
As to the challenges, the President readily identified as being among them the airport expansion project and the hydro-power project, saying, “And that is why I promise you that when we win the elections on May 11, the Amaila Hydro-power project will be very high on our agenda, because we need to grow, not by four-and-a-half and 5 per cent.
He went on to say: “Impressive as that is when you take into consideration the Opposition’s anti-development thrust and the international economic development, we will grow by 10 and 12 per cent per annum when we get cheap electricity in our country.”

Speaking of his Party’s future plans, President Ramotar said that high on the agenda is creating investment opportunities and jobs, as well as a highly skilled and capable workforce.
Those plans also include improving the quality of life of the populace; securing more markets for rice farmers; spending at least $20B to keep the sugar industry afloat; building the promised Specialty Hospital; expanding the Cheddi Jagan International Airport; continuously improving the country’s infrastructure; supporting farmers; and creating a stable and progressive economic environment.
Added to the impressive list of to-dos is the redoubling of efforts to capitalise on the local tourism sector by improving the relevant infrastructure.

President Donald Ramotar addressing thousands of PPP/C supporters outside Freedom House yesterday

President Donald Ramotar addressing thousands of PPP/C supporters outside Freedom House yesterday

“This election is about jobs for the people of our country; better health services. It’s about better and more housing for our people, to solve the housing problem once and for all,” he said.
When asked about his Government’s plans to establish a dedicated unit to fight corruption, President Ramotar said: “We have always been fighting corruption; we have been the ones that established all the systems. When we got into the Government, there was no system to fight corruption; no bidding system. The Auditor-General was not allowed to audit Government’s accounts; there was absolutely no transparency in Government. We have established those systems. So what we are doing now is a continuation of what we started a long time ago. We have nothing to hide; we are ready to take any measure to stamp out corruption in our country.”

Adding her voice to the call for continued progress under the PPP/C, Prime Ministerial Candidate, Mrs. Harper said the candidates will work with the people to ensure that the majority in the National Assembly is restored to the PPP/C.
She expressed confidence in the list of names presented yesterday, adding that “the second ‘P’ in the PPP, ‘Progressive’, will have been written again yesterday, because it shows that the list which was presented is an inclusive one. “It is a visionary list; it shows that we have people that will represent your Party and your Government; your country across the spectrum…women, young people,” she said, adding that the ‘C’ component of the Party’s moniker is for ‘Continuity’.
Addressing the exuberant crowd at Freedom House after the presentation of the List, Party General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee thanked supporters for their continued solidarity, saying: “At every election since 1957, the people have been confidently behind us because we stand for Peace; we stand for Progress; and we stand for Prosperity. You must leave no stone unturned; every single day from today we must mobilise; we must energise; and we must get our people out to make sure that on May 11, they vote resoundingly for the PPP. Every one of us has a stake in the future.”
Echoing similar sentiments, Culture, Youth and Sports Minister Dr. Frank Anthony noted that the PPP/C is a people’s party, and has been with the people through “ups and downs” working for the betterment of Guyana.

How to get omn the PPP political list.


Squander over G$9 billion on a Project that you had no idea - guarantee space on the PPP List.


Nah suh Alexie Ramutar?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
PNC is good for 40 Percent, AFC is good for five Percent.

Reasonable assumption.

Right on point.):


You and him are mathematically challenged. If the AFC delivers up five percent of the Indian vote you lose.

Incorrect, Mr. Stormborn.

so you say...I have the record on being accurate. You do not.

Being accurate, you say, Stormborn?


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