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Former Member

PPP says Cabinet reshuffle ‘a case of musical chairs’ – of recycling incompetence

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) said it has noted with interest the Cabinet reshuffle announced by President David Granger. 

“It is noteworthy that the reshuffle took place on the immediate aftermath of a scathing editorial by the Stabroek News in its Sunday Editorial in which President Granger was criticized for his lackluster leadership style and his failure to address the incompetence of several of his  Cabinet ministers,” the PPP said today.

“Nor can it escape the attention of the Party that one of the reshuffled Minister Volda Lawerence was seen shortly before the announcement was made in front of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre leading a small group of protestors which leaves one to wonder whether she was, to use a biblical phrase, singing for her supper,” the PPP posited.

Ministers Amna Ally, George Norton and Volda Lawrence

According to the PPP, it is interesting to note that the reshuffled Ministers, namely Volda Lawerence, Amna Ally and Norton were all from the APNU which, from all appearances, represented an appeasement measure by Granger towards its junior coalition partner, the AFC in light of the escalating tense and fractious relationship between the two coalition partners.

It said the decision taken at the dawn of the new year is nothing but a diversion from the Red House saga as well as the end of year crippling anti-people budget, both of which have projected the regime in an unfavourable light by its own supporters and the public at large.

“In any event, the changes are by no means substantial or meaningful and are patently a case of musical chairs, recycling incompetence from one Ministry to another,” the party asserted.

It said “these cosmetic changes will fool no one as the Guyanese people are much more discerning than the Granger administration would give them credit for”.

The PPP, for its part, said it is unimpressed by these Cabinet changes and calls on all Guyanese to remain vigilant and not to be fooled by the political antics of the Granger administration.


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For the first time in Guyana's Post Independence History, a non medical person will serve as Minister of Health.  How can someone with no education or experience in healthcare serve as the head of a country's public healthcare system?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

For the first time in Guyana's Post Independence History, a non medical person will serve as Minister of Health.  How can someone with no education or experience in healthcare serve as the head of a country's public healthcare system?

How much better de las one did?

Last edited by cain

Norton was a non performer like all the other PNC Ministers, but at least he had a medical background.  When Minister of Pelt becomes Minister of Health, you are putting the people's health at serious risk.

Bibi Haniffa

This is scary and people should start to worry about their heath and who is managing the heathcare system. The system is already bad with unprofessional staff that cares for people's health. Their incompetence and negligence has caused lost of lives of many young mothers and babies, and now to appoint a person with no medical knowledge will only make matters worse.

A child would tell you something is definitely wrong with this government. To add insult to injury, some of our own people believed in this government that they will defend the coalition with their lives on the line and curse the PPP. 

Are we dealing with a bunch of retired, cracked pots that don't see anything wrong here?


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

For the first time in Guyana's Post Independence History, a non medical person will serve as Minister of Health.  How can someone with no education or experience in healthcare serve as the head of a country's public healthcare system?

How much better de las one did?

Cain...this sounds like you starting to switch sides you smokin or wha?

RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:

Who gives a shit, shuffling shit still gives you shit!!

I cannot agree's been happening in Guyana since Independence

Which year independence? 1966 or 2015?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Norton was a non performer like all the other PNC Ministers, but at least he had a medical background.  When Minister of Pelt becomes Minister of Health, you are putting the people's health at serious risk.

As I understand it, Norton is an optometrist; so his background cannot be classified as 'medical'.


Hillary was referring to the PNC as a basket of deplorables.

PNC is just recycling their Ko Ko Beahs.

Volda will be the worst health Minister. Things are going from bad to worse for this troubled administration. All that Granger could come up with is a Crack Pot for a health minister.

Last edited by Former Member

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