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People's Biz: PPP says Donald Trump leads field among N.C. voters surveyed

Andrew Barksdale, Posted: Thursday, July 9, 2015 2:11 pm | Updated: 2:16 pm, Thu Jul 9, 2015, Source

Donald Trump is the top choice of Republican primary voters in North Carolina, according to a Public Policy Polling survey released this week.


Trump garners 16 percent of the vote, followed by Jeb Bush at 12 percent; Scott Walker is third at 11 percent, and Mike Huckabee is fourth at 9 percent.


Other Republican presidential hopefuls got smaller support in the poll.


The Raleigh-based liberal polling firm surveyed 288 Republican primary voters July 2-6 to gauge their views of the widening Republican field for next year’s presidential race.


“Jeb Bush had been leading our previous few polls in North Carolina,” Tom Jensen, executive director of Public Policy Polling said in a news release. “But he continues to struggle with conservatives.”


Mike Huckabee has the highest favorability rating of the GOP hopefuls in North Carolina, with 65 percent in the survey saying they had a favorable view of him. Marco Rubio is second, with 57 percent viewing him favorably.


Chris Christie has the worst rating in the field, with 27 percent having a favorable view of him, and 41 percent with an unfavorable opinion of him.

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Regardless what the poll indicates, Donald Trump will not win the republican nomination for president of the United States. BTW, Bobby Jindal throws his hat in the ring. Jeb Bush will be the republican nominee of 2016, while grandma Clinton may be the democrat nominee. Grandma is against the big, bad wolf. 

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