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PPP says it is aware of the Opposition’s

connection to drug lords and criminal


PPP says it is aware of the Opposition’s connection to drug lords and criminal gangs

 04/02/2014, by , in Crime, latest news

By Kurt Campbell


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

[] – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary and Minister with responsibility for security, Clement Rohee has announced that the party is aware of the opposition’s connection to drug lords and violent criminal gangs.


Rohee made the statement at a press conference on Tuesday morning (February 4) where he further posited that the opposition continues to delay the passage of the amendments to the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill since it is protecting the vested interest of a few whose operations and survival will be affected if the Bill is passed.

“The question is why would opposition parties who aspire to be an alternative government and who depend on their supporters, the business sector and the international community not only for financial support but for their political survival will want to withhold their support from a measure if not supported will have a crippling effect on those whom they depend upon for their survival? Rohee questioned.

According to him, the Opposition’s slothfulness towards the passage of the Bill confirms the Government’s worst fear, makes no political sense and is devoid of logic.

“The majority has been penetrated, infiltrated and represent the interest of criminal cartels at the expense of their own supporters, people and countries and we have no doubt that they are doing so for a reward” Rohee said, adding that “we know that a former PNCR Member of Parliament is currently serving a prison sentence in the United States for conspiring to blow up the John F Kennedy Airport and his operations at Linden have been taken over by another member.”

When asked then why has the Party and more so as the Minister with responsibility for security did not go after these elements in the opposition who are allegedly connected to criminal activity, Rohee’s response was that the absence of these amendments are preventing them from doing so.

When furthered quizzed about existing legislation and its ability to apprehend and prosecute these persons and criminal activities who the party claims it is aware of, Rohee refused to comment.

He did state however, that the PPP will do all it can both locally and internationally to draw attention to this situation.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its latest ranking of countries in terms of its Description: untitled level of delinquency for implementing measuring to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism has ranked Guyana as the highest.

According to Rohee, this means that Guyana is most likely to be identified for an International Co-operation Review Group (ICRG) review by FATF at their meeting in mid-February unless; the Bill is passed in the National Assembly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would figure that if the Corrupted PPP/C are waiting for the Opposition to sign the Money Laundering Bill then I am sure that they would have a rude awakening.


Now the Opposition will be calling for the head of Rohee.

Originally Posted by asj:

PPP says it is aware of the Opposition’s

connection to drug lords and criminal


PPP says it is aware of the Opposition’s connection to drug lords and criminal gangs

 04/02/2014, by , in Crime, latest news

By Kurt Campbell


General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

[] – People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) General Secretary and Minister with responsibility for security, Clement Rohee has announced that the party is aware of the opposition’s connection to drug lords and violent criminal gangs.


Rohee made the statement at a press conference on Tuesday morning (February 4) where he further posited that the opposition continues to delay the passage of the amendments to the Anti – Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill since it is protecting the vested interest of a few whose operations and survival will be affected if the Bill is passed.

“The question is why would opposition parties who aspire to be an alternative government and who depend on their supporters, the business sector and the international community not only for financial support but for their political survival will want to withhold their support from a measure if not supported will have a crippling effect on those whom they depend upon for their survival? Rohee questioned.

According to him, the Opposition’s slothfulness towards the passage of the Bill confirms the Government’s worst fear, makes no political sense and is devoid of logic.

“The majority has been penetrated, infiltrated and represent the interest of criminal cartels at the expense of their own supporters, people and countries and we have no doubt that they are doing so for a reward” Rohee said, adding that “we know that a former PNCR Member of Parliament is currently serving a prison sentence in the United States for conspiring to blow up the John F Kennedy Airport and his operations at Linden have been taken over by another member.”

When asked then why has the Party and more so as the Minister with responsibility for security did not go after these elements in the opposition who are allegedly connected to criminal activity, Rohee’s response was that the absence of these amendments are preventing them from doing so.

When furthered quizzed about existing legislation and its ability to apprehend and prosecute these persons and criminal activities who the party claims it is aware of, Rohee refused to comment.

He did state however, that the PPP will do all it can both locally and internationally to draw attention to this situation.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in its latest ranking of countries in terms of its Description: untitled level of delinquency for implementing measuring to fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism has ranked Guyana as the highest.

According to Rohee, this means that Guyana is most likely to be identified for an International Co-operation Review Group (ICRG) review by FATF at their meeting in mid-February unless; the Bill is passed in the National Assembly.

rev what kind of bridge this fool is building


or maybe he is using that gimmick of connection to drug lords and violent criminal gangs as a ploy to get the opposition to sign the bill to show that the opposition has nothing to fear.


These are serious accusations

Originally Posted by asj:

or maybe he is using that gimmick of connection to drug lords and violent criminal gangs as a ploy to get the opposition to sign the bill to show that the opposition has nothing to fear.


These are serious accusations

this man is the weak link in the ppp he will distroy what is left 


Since when are Jagdeo and Roger Khan connected to the PPP??? Rohee working for one of the largest South American drugs gang parading as a government. He is playing with fire by making such ill informed statements about PPP drug lords.

Originally Posted by asj:

With Guyana being Blacklisted there are tough times ahead, nothing is happening right now, but when the bite starts to kick in........God help the Corrupt PPP/C

god give up on the ppp antiman,thieving party a long time now


Quote "

When asked then why has the Party and more so as the Minister with responsibility for security did not go after these elements in the opposition who are allegedly connected to criminal activity, Rohee’s response was that the absence of these amendments are preventing them from doing so.

When furthered quizzed about existing legislation and its ability to apprehend and prosecute these persons and criminal activities who the party claims it is aware of, Rohee refused to comment.unquote

Originally Posted by asj:

It would seems that Rohee is another Jagdoe in the making, they knew who killed Sash Sawh, but unto now that is just hot air.

these ppp fools is a bunch of shameless low life,they could not convict roger khan for sawh killing because they were using of your minister get kill and you will not hold a inquiry  

Originally Posted by asj:

I would figure that if the Corrupted PPP/C are waiting for the Opposition to sign the Money Laundering Bill then I am sure that they would have a rude awakening.


Now the Opposition will be calling for the head of Rohee.

Hope they do. Why is he not prosecuting?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:

I would figure that if the Corrupted PPP/C are waiting for the Opposition to sign the Money Laundering Bill then I am sure that they would have a rude awakening.


Now the Opposition will be calling for the head of Rohee.

Hope they do. Why is he not prosecuting?

he will prosecute the ppp supporters.and he is a part of the gang why you think his visa was expire 



Rohee avoids questions on opposition's

links to criminals

  • Tuesday, 04 February 2014 10:55

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee failed to provide evidence that the opposition was shielding drug lords and money launderers by blocking key amendments to anti-money laundering legislation.

Rohee, who is also Home Affairs Minister, could not back up his accusation by saying specifically whether the administration knew anyone specifically and why the law enforcement agencies were not going after them.

“I am not going down that road again,” Rohee told Demerara Waves when asked whether he had proof to support his contention. Rohee had previously said that government had no evidence of drug lords to ensure successful prosecution.

He later added that it is the passage of the amendments to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Financing Terrorism (AML/CFT) Act that would help nab those aligned to the opposition who were involved in money laundering.

Pressed on why the existing laws were not being used to take action, Rohee did not provide any specific answer but instead opted to say “let’s move on”.

Instead, Rohee said he was basing his argument that the opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have been repeated blocking the passage of amendments to the AML/CFT Act for several months now. “The opposition parties in the National Assembly are protecting the vested interests of a few whose operations and perhaps survival will be affected if the Bill is passed. These persons obviously are those engaged in illicit activities including trading and trafficking in drugs, arms, ammunition and who need to the launder the proceeds of their ill-gotten gains,” he said.

APNU has cited the need for water-tight legislation and stronger institutions to fight the scourge of money laundering. The AFC has repeatedly promised to support passage of AML/CFT amendments only if the long-awaited Procurement Commission is set up.

The Home Affairs Minister labelled the opposition as a collective grouping that has been infiltrated, penetrated and represents the interests of criminal cartels at the expense of their own supporters as well as connected to violent criminals and drug gangs.

It would now seem that the PPP/C is now is dire need for the Opposition to sign that Bill and they would do anything I mean anything to get it sign.

I would venture to say  that this PPP/C is a bunch of dummies as there is an old sayings that when your hands are in tiger mouth, you try to get it out by ease.


Rohee has now clams up like a baby. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by asj:

I would figure that if the Corrupted PPP/C are waiting for the Opposition to sign the Money Laundering Bill then I am sure that they would have a rude awakening.


Now the Opposition will be calling for the head of Rohee.

Hope they do. Why is he not prosecuting?

He is just blowing hot air, he knows that what he is saying is has no validity

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem she if you cant take the head, get out of the kitchen. The Opposition has  a habit of creating Violent situations. You don't need to clean your eyes to see that.

From the hilited to the rest...absolute rubbish, but I like read your posts dem anyway, it does make Iman laff.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem she if you cant take the head, get out of the kitchen. The Opposition has  a habit of creating Violent situations. You don't need to clean your eyes to see that.


Then jail dem rass yuh schupid jackass

13 hours ago

The AFC goons are ashamed to post on this thread, Hughes it appears is an embarrassment to their political gathering.



LOL, just playing with Conscience and his insanity post.



For years I have been saying that the afc/pnc were in collusion the criminals for various fund raising activities as well as the goal to make the country ungovernable. Now we see Rhoee finally have the gall to acknowledge this. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For years I have been saying that the afc/pnc were in collusion the criminals for various fund raising activities as well as the goal to make the country ungovernable. Now we see Rhoee finally have the gall to acknowledge this. 

Does he have the gall to acknowledge that Roger Khan used to put his foot up on Bharat desk and tell him what to do?


Does he have the gall to tell the nation that Leslie RUMSAWAMMY buy spy equipment with Government money for Roger Khan?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem she if you cant take the head, get out of the kitchen. The Opposition has  a habit of creating Violent situations. You don't need to clean your eyes to see that.

Rohee is drawing fire. Why does not prosecute? Roger Khan was his friend.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For years I have been saying that the afc/pnc were in collusion the criminals for various fund raising activities as well as the goal to make the country ungovernable. Now we see Rhoee finally have the gall to acknowledge this. 

Does he have the gall to acknowledge that Roger Khan used to put his foot up on Bharat desk and tell him what to do?


Does he have the gall to tell the nation that Leslie RUMSAWAMMY buy spy equipment with Government money for Roger Khan?

In fact this is not true, RK was solicited by the private sector to clean out some unwanted garbage brought in by the afc/pnc. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For years I have been saying that the afc/pnc were in collusion the criminals for various fund raising activities as well as the goal to make the country ungovernable. Now we see Rhoee finally have the gall to acknowledge this. 

Does he have the gall to acknowledge that Roger Khan used to put his foot up on Bharat desk and tell him what to do?


Does he have the gall to tell the nation that Leslie RUMSAWAMMY buy spy equipment with Government money for Roger Khan?

In fact this is not true, RK was solicited by the private sector to clean out some unwanted garbage brought in by the afc/pnc. 


More buggerology opinions devoid of actual facts

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

For years I have been saying that the afc/pnc were in collusion the criminals for various fund raising activities as well as the goal to make the country ungovernable. Now we see Rhoee finally have the gall to acknowledge this. 

Does he have the gall to acknowledge that Roger Khan used to put his foot up on Bharat desk and tell him what to do?


Does he have the gall to tell the nation that Leslie RUMSAWAMMY buy spy equipment with Government money for Roger Khan?

In fact this is not true, RK was solicited by the private sector to clean out some unwanted garbage brought in by the afc/pnc. 


Bacchus Affidavit 1-1

Bacchus Affidavit 2-1


Images (2)
  • Bacchus Affidavit 1-1
  • Bacchus Affidavit 2-1
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem she if you cant take the head, get out of the kitchen. The Opposition has  a habit of creating Violent situations. You don't need to clean your eyes to see that.

Rohee is drawing fire. Why does not prosecute? Roger Khan was his friend.

Because a court case will probably show the Corrupt PPP/C allegiance to the underworld, they will have to go back to the times of Jagdoe, they will have to go back when our National Carrier (GAC) were forced to go out of Buisness because of the many drugs shipment and the many fines. Did Roger sing like a canary to the US Authorities?


Prosecuting the AFC/APNU would be like opening the pandora box. The Corrupt PPP/C would not want to put themselves on trial.


Rotee will have to explain how come that all the PPP/C members who were piss poor before appointment, now have suddenly become billionaires


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