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Former Member


* Who would have thunk ?


* A bunch of facting thin-skinned crybabies.


* They complain, condemn and criticize the PPP morning, noon, and night.


But then the Rev returns fire and they bawl and scream murder and racism and go begging and pleading with admin to delete the thread.


* I never imagined the PNC/AFC losers and complainers would be such a bunch of soft, ultrasensitive, easily offended whiners.




* Weak, chicken-hearted, cowardly, yellow belly wimps.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the ppp can suck my 



* Did you press the triangle button to complain about race baiting ?


* Hurry up and go plead with admin for protection from the Rev.





the warrior is a warrior i will wait for my day to hang you

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Warrior keep pressing that triangle and point out these juvenile labeling to the Admin.


ha ha ha ha ha

* That strategy has worked.


* Admin deleted the "DIRTY" thread for no real reason.


* Let' see how long before admin comes to the rescue of the PNC/AFC COMPLAINERS here in political and deletes this thread.



Originally Posted by Rev:


* Who would have thunk ?


* A bunch of facting thin-skinned crybabies.


* They complain, condemn and criticize the PPP morning, noon, and night.


But then the Rev returns fire and they bawl and scream murder and racism and go begging and pleading with admin to delete the thread.


* I never imagined the PNC/AFC losers and complainers would be such a bunch of soft, ultrasensitive, easily offended whiners.




* Weak, chicken-hearted, cowardly, yellow belly wimps.






It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.




* Look at those 2 ugly faces.


* What do you see ?


* E-V-I-L


* Those 2 monsters are working 24/7 to put the dastardly PNC in power.


* That must never happen.





Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.




* Look at those 2 ugly faces.


* What do you see ?


* E-V-I-L


* Those 2 monsters are working 24/7 to put the dastardly PNC in power.


* That must never happen.






Evil Indeed.


These are the evil men who turned against their own people just because they are jealous of President Rammo. 


Look at Moses, he brought the most votes to the AFC and what did he get ? Deputy Chairman. 


What did Nigel bring to the AFC ? Katahar. What is his position ? Leader and Chairman


Who donated most money to the AFC ? Yes you figured right. Those who have no money and live from day to day are now leaders of the AFC. Burnham has been reincarnated again.


It is quite disgraceful that the AFC gang are willing to sell out our country to PNC. We MUST speak out now.

. More race baiting.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


What did Nigel bring to the AFC ? Katahar. What is his position ? Leader and Chairman


* Nigel got lucky.


* Karma barely missed him---he escaped.


* But that perceived terrorist Nigel Hughes will get what's coming to him---karma never forgets.


* And so will evil monsters like Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan.




Originally Posted by Rev:




*85-90% of Indo Guyanese support the PPP.


* These are good people----people full of gratitude.


* They appreciate the effort of the PPP in moving Guyana forward.


* The other 10-15% East Indians who hate the PPP and are dying to see the PNC rule Guyana again----Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan fall into that 10-15%-----DOG SHYT.







In Sanskrit, they are referred to as Chammars. Hence the appropriate phrase:


Chammar Indians.


The AFC is broke and now they are now running to the PNC for dog food. They will NEVER govern Guyana again. Never. 


We must be vigilant and fight fire with fire.  

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


In Sanskrit, they are referred to as Chammars. Hence the appropriate phrase:



Chammar Indians.


* I'm not very familiar with the term chammar.


* Traitors, judases and betrayers must never be trusted.


* Thankfully the Guyanese people will never be conned by those evil monsters.


* They are working 24/7 to help elect the rotten PNC but they are guaranteed to fail.




Moses betrayed Dr. Jagan and Janet and Ramjattan betrayed an entire group of people who had to flee a dictatorship PNC. The PNC that denied us free and fair elections for 28 years, we starved, we lined up for every food item and to add insult, we had to bribe them.


People were killed for defending ballot boxes. No Newspapers and TV were allowed. Thieves kicked down our doors.


The PNC must NEVER rule Guyana again.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The PNC must NEVER rule Guyana again.



* The Rev agrees with you 1,000,000% on that.





* Some East Indians will be deeply offended reading that remark.


* There is a label for those black sheep---they are DIRTY.








Cuffy's attempted revolution was short lived. It was crushed. The history books are clear on this historical fact, his own people turned on him. 

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

More race baiting. Reported to Admin.

* Admin cannot stop the Rev from expressing his view point.



* And in the Rev's opinion no CUFFY must ever rule Guyana.






look at you!!!cuffy lived and died in a struggle to for the most basic of needs; liberty! He was there as the ground of a liberation struggle lasting over 3 hundred years. If you use him to represent the ancestors of those of africa who now are natural citizens of the place and sets the rule that they cannot ever be entitled to govern you have adopted the role of the colonials in denying them their inalienable rights. I pity you. Racism becomes you.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

More race baiting. Reported to Admin.

* Admin cannot stop the Rev from expressing his view point.



* And in the Rev's opinion no CUFFY must ever rule Guyana.






look at you!!!cuffy lived and died in a struggle to for the most basic of needs; liberty! He was there as the ground of a liberation struggle lasting over 3 hundred years. If you use him to represent the ancestors of those of africa who now are natural citizens of the place and sets the rule that they cannot ever be entitled to govern you have adopted the role of the colonials in denying them their inalienable rights. I pity you. Racism becomes you.

He is a slave to racism.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

look at you!!!cuffy lived and died in a struggle to for the most basic of needs; liberty.

Listen Danyael!


* If you want a Cuffy to rule Guyana---then that is your prerogative---go and vote for your beloved PNC.


* The CUFFY LOVERS---the East Indians who hate the PPP and are dying for a black man to rule Guyana----they will vote for the PNC.


* But folks like the Rev and yuji and skeldon_man---never want a CUFFY ruling Guyana again.


* We are entitled to honestly expressing our feelings.



What do you know of honesty Rev?  You know the Govt you back are a bunch of corrupted bastards and yet you would side with them because,"Is we deh pon top now"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.





* Look at those 2 ugly faces.


* What do you see ?


* E-V-I-L


* Those 2 monsters are working 24/7 to put the dastardly PNC in power.


* That must never happen.






Evil Indeed.


These are the evil men who turned against their own people just because they are jealous of President Rammo. 


Look at Moses, he brought the most votes to the AFC and what did he get ? Deputy Chairman. 


What did Nigel bring to the AFC ? Katahar. What is his position ? Leader and Chairman


Who donated most money to the AFC ? Yes you figured right. Those who have no money and live from day to day are now leaders of the AFC. Burnham has been reincarnated again.


It is quite disgraceful that the AFC gang are willing to sell out our country to PNC. We MUST speak out now.

You are to be pitied. Racism does a body no good. It tends to make those who harbor of this evil meme, increasingly confused. We see the same happening to you. You have begun to dwell in a world that has no relation to the real one.


The PPP does not own Indian people. The state is not their grand fathers legacy. They cannot win on Indian votes alone so if Indians are traitors to their own then are you asking for traitors from the other side ( just using your analogy) to make your kind elected king over their siblings? What a confused man. I am glad you folks are so prolific in expressing your toxic philosophy.


It reflects an aspect of that dog whistle politics the PPP practices.  They like people like you though they will never acknowledge you. They need you  to send these messages out there under the acceptable political radar range because you are exactly the poisoners of reason and the incubators of the scare pathology of the black man they need to have Indians cower in fear under their political umbrella so they can remain in power. Rational people will see them for the crooks they are that is why they need dog whistlers like you and the Rev

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.





* Look at those 2 ugly faces.


* What do you see ?


* E-V-I-L


* Those 2 monsters are working 24/7 to put the dastardly PNC in power.


* That must never happen.






Evil Indeed.


These are the evil men who turned against their own people just because they are jealous of President Rammo. 


Look at Moses, he brought the most votes to the AFC and what did he get ? Deputy Chairman. 


What did Nigel bring to the AFC ? Katahar. What is his position ? Leader and Chairman


Who donated most money to the AFC ? Yes you figured right. Those who have no money and live from day to day are now leaders of the AFC. Burnham has been reincarnated again.


It is quite disgraceful that the AFC gang are willing to sell out our country to PNC. We MUST speak out now.

You are to be pitied. Racism does a body no good. It tends to make those who harbor of this evil meme, increasingly confused. We see the same happening to you. You have begun to dwell in a world that has no relation to the real one.


The PPP does not own Indian people. The state is not their grand fathers legacy. They cannot win on Indian votes alone so if Indians are traitors to their own then are you asking for traitors from the other side ( just using your analogy) to make your kind elected king over their siblings? What a confused man. I am glad you folks are so prolific in expressing your toxic philosophy.


It reflects an aspect of that dog whistle politics the PPP practices.  They like people like you though they will never acknowledge you. They need you  to send these messages out there under the acceptable political radar range because you are exactly the poisoners of reason and the incubators of the scare pathology of the black man they need to have Indians cower in fear under their political umbrella so they can remain in power. Rational people will see them for the crooks they are that is why they need dog whistlers like you and the Rev

Dog whistlers is putting it like dog shit.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by cain:

What do you know of honesty Rev?  You know the Govt you back are a bunch of corrupted bastards and yet you would side with them because,"Is we deh pon top now"

* I have said it a hundred times---the PPP politicians are corrupt.


* But despite their corruptness Guyana has progressed.


* Under the PNC Guyana was destitute and bankrupt.


* So given a choice between an East Indian led corrupt PPP and a cuffy led rotten PNC---I'll keep supporting the PPP.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


It it time that we speak out against those who will sell out our country to the very people who destroyed it. AFC=PNC.


They sling mud and call other names but cry like babies when fire is retuned with fire. AFC=PNC.





* Look at those 2 ugly faces.


* What do you see ?


* E-V-I-L


* Those 2 monsters are working 24/7 to put the dastardly PNC in power.


* That must never happen.






Evil Indeed.


These are the evil men who turned against their own people just because they are jealous of President Rammo. 


Look at Moses, he brought the most votes to the AFC and what did he get ? Deputy Chairman. 


What did Nigel bring to the AFC ? Katahar. What is his position ? Leader and Chairman


Who donated most money to the AFC ? Yes you figured right. Those who have no money and live from day to day are now leaders of the AFC. Burnham has been reincarnated again.


It is quite disgraceful that the AFC gang are willing to sell out our country to PNC. We MUST speak out now.

You are to be pitied. Racism does a body no good. It tends to make those who harbor of this evil meme, increasingly confused. We see the same happening to you. You have begun to dwell in a world that has no relation to the real one.


The PPP does not own Indian people. The state is not their grand fathers legacy. They cannot win on Indian votes alone so if Indians are traitors to their own then are you asking for traitors from the other side ( just using your analogy) to make your kind elected king over their siblings? What a confused man. I am glad you folks are so prolific in expressing your toxic philosophy.


It reflects an aspect of that dog whistle politics the PPP practices.  They like people like you though they will never acknowledge you. They need you  to send these messages out there under the acceptable political radar range because you are exactly the poisoners of reason and the incubators of the scare pathology of the black man they need to have Indians cower in fear under their political umbrella so they can remain in power. Rational people will see them for the crooks they are that is why they need dog whistlers like you and the Rev

Dog whistlers is putting it like dog shit.

Rev posts speak volumes of the racist views of the PPP Indo Executives. They need the Rev and Yugi22 as dog whistlers.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


In Sanskrit, they are referred to as Chammars. Hence the appropriate phrase:



Chammar Indians.


* I'm not very familiar with the term chammar.


* Traitors, judases and betrayers must never be trusted.


* Thankfully the Guyanese people will never be conned by those evil monsters.


* They are working 24/7 to help elect the rotten PNC but they are guaranteed to fail.




Moses betrayed Dr. Jagan and Janet and Ramjattan betrayed an entire group of people who had to flee a dictatorship PNC. The PNC that denied us free and fair elections for 28 years, we starved, we lined up for every food item and to add insult, we had to bribe them.


People were killed for defending ballot boxes. No Newspapers and TV were allowed. Thieves kicked down our doors.


The PNC must NEVER rule Guyana again.




April 4, 2010 | By | Filed Under APNU Column, Features / Columnists 


President Bharrat Jagdeo must, at this time, be consciously aware that there is the widespread national and international perception – the World Bank, the US Government, Transparency International, et al – that his is the most corrupt Administration since Guyana gained its independence.

In its 2007 Human Rights Report, the United States Government described the situation in the following words: “The World Bank’s worldwide governance indicators reflected that government corruption was a serious problem.

There was a widespread public perception of serious corruption in the government, including law enforcement and the judicial system. Low-wage public servants were easy targets for bribery.”

There is no doubt that the Jagdeo Administration has purposefully and callously visited on the backs of the rapidly growing army of pauperised Guyanese, a coterie of sheltered and highly corrupt officials and “friends” of the Administration – whether they be Drug Lords or Crime Barons – at all levels and in every sector of the society.

In the procurement process, infrastructural works, in the Ministries and Departments of the Government and in the Regions. Yes, bribery and corruption is widespread and very well known. The favoured and protected officials and friends have continued to enrich themselves, through corrupt means, unfettered by any visible official sanctions or credible efforts to curb their activities.

The unparalleled levels of corruption and the blatant lack of accountability by the Jagdeo Administration is demonstrated by the following scams:

? The stone scam;

? The Milk scam;

? The gold scam;

? The law books scam;

? The re-migrant duty-free-vehicle scam;

? The Cane Grove Conservancy Dam scam;

? The IAST scam;

? The wildlife scam;

? The export of dolphins scam;

? The Polar Beer scam; and now

? The Guysuco scam.

The cosseted Narco-Trafficking fraternity – which remain invisible to the Jagdeo Administration and the Police Commissioner, even with the external drug interdiction authorities in the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the conviction of Roger Khan and others seem unable to provide the hard evidence needed for charges to be brought against any of the well known perpetrators/barons in Guyana.

Apart from the well-publicised interceptions of large cocaine consignments from Guyana in suitcases, strapped-to-the body, in the mail and ingested, the Guyanese have gained international notoriety for:

? Cocaine-in-lumber;

? Cocaine-in-molasses;

? Cocaine-in rice;

? Cocaine-in-pumpkins;

? Cocaine- in-cricket-bats;

? Cocaine-in-fish:

? Cocaine-in-eddoes;

? Cocaine-in-coconuts;

? Cocaine-in-pepper-sauce;

? Cocaine-in-curry-powder;

? Cocaine-in-rum;

? Cocaine-in-baking-powder; and

? Almost any other artifact or commodity leaving Guyana.

Those who have dared to challenge the corrupt “system” have been cruelly rewarded by officially sanctioned punishment, for example, the unwarranted dismissal of the Customs Officials in the Polar Beer scam and, very recently, the dismissal of Materials Manager, Mr Aasrodeen Shaw, by the Board of Guysuco.

As reported in the Stabroek News of 24 March, 2010 “According to GAWU, this comes against the background of dubious management decisions such as outsourcing of certain services to certain contractors; reports of visible, blatant idling of vital GuySuCo-owned machines; financial billion-dollar losses and fiascoes of Booker-Tate contractors and the Skeldon bungling; not to mention the astonishingly low three percent across-the-board wage increase by Arbitration Tribunal towards the end of 2009â€ģ

The calculated failure by the Administration to establish the Constitutionally mandated autonomous Public Procurement Commission, which would have provided the needed transparency and fairness for Public Procurement activities, has enabled the continuation of the misappropriation of billions of taxpayer and donor agencies funds into the pockets of relatives, cronies and corrupt contractors.

When the PNCR called for “a forensic audit into the assets acquired by senior Government officials and corrupt business people, which bear no relationship to their incomes and earnings”, the regime unleashed the full force and venom of its well financed and staffed propaganda machinery against the PNCR.

However, as even the arrogant and shameless Jagdeo Administration must recognise, the PNCR cannot be terrorised or bullied into submission. The Party owes it, as our moral duty and responsibility to the People of Guyana, to vigorously continue our campaign to expose the venality of the Administration.

The reports by the Office of the Auditor General have made absolutely no difference. The corruption express has simply gained momentum. The leakages from the public purse into private pockets continue to grow!

At the level of the President, the Lottery Funds continue to be misused as if they are his private property. The Auditor General’s 2007 Report provide ample evidence of the orgy of corruption, mismanagement, incompetence, illegal spending, and the abuse of the financial rules and regulations.

We also have the recent blatant abuse of the Supplementary provisions, by the Minister of Housing and Water, whereby $4.0Bn was used to subsidise GUYSUCO without the approval of the National Assembly.

The Contingencies Fund continues to be abused with sums of money being drawn from it to meet expenditure that do not meet the eligibility criteria as defined in the Financial Administration and Management Act. G$3.945 Bn was drawn from the Fund by way of often questionable advances to Ministers.

According to Law, the Office of the Auditor General is supposed to fall under the jurisdiction of the National Assembly, through the Public Accounts Committee. The reality is that the Office is listed as a Budget Agency under the Office of the President and being starved of staff.

This is a travesty of democracy and of good governance. The cynicism of it all is borne out by the fact that only 114 out of a complement of 226 staff were in position as the Office was tasked with extending its mandate to include Value-for-Money Audits.

Further, the National Assembly is still awaiting the audited accounts for the funds used during the 2005 Floods, the Cricket World Cup, the hosting of CARIFESTA X and the recently held ICC Twenty/20 tournament.

As if all of the above were not enough, we were faced with the Jagdeo Administration pushing through retroactive legislation to legalise the brazenly provided “sweetheart” deals for their cronies, such as the Queens Atlantic Investment Inc. (QAII). It should also be recalled that Guyana Stores Ltd. was sold, in October 2000, for US$6M of which US$4M was reported as received with the remaining sum to be paid by September 2002. However, seven years later, this amount still remains outstanding.

A similar situation obtains with respect of the privatisation of the National Paint Company for which US$900,000 remains outstanding on the purchase price.

Unfortunately, the above are only two of the very many examples where State assets have been cavalierly granted to cronies who have failed to meet their payment obligations.

It does appear that this Administration flagrantly disrespects their obligations to account for the assets of the People of Guyana. The day of reckoning will soon be here!

It is apposite to remind President Jagdeo that “Moon ah run til day catch um!”



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