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Former Member

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says that there is no political crisis facing the country. Through a statement read by General Secretary, Clement Rohee th party expressed its amusement with the claim which was made by the People's National Congress(PNC) led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). Read full statement below:


The People's Progressive Party (PPP) is amused by recent pronouncements made by the opposition APNU that the country is faced with a political ’crisis’.

It is clear that the main opposition party is either suffering from a severe bout of political amnesia or is being deliberately dishonest in seeking to invoke a situation of 'crisis' when the facts suggest otherwise.

Perhaps Mr. Granger may wish to spell out in precise language what in his view constitutes a political 'crisis' especially since his statements defy any rational or logical explanation of the term. An objective analysis of the current situation reveals that Guyana's economic and political bill of health has never been better and that the country is currently experiencing a period of economic and social progress never before experienced.

Whatever 'crisis' exists can only be situated in the psyche of the PNC and the Granger-led APNU and cannot be supported by facts. Our country today is enjoying relative peace and stability and enjoys the full confidence of the international and donor community.

This incidentally is in stark contrast to what obtained under the previous PNC regime when the country was reduced to a pariah state. Economically, the country was reduced to the poorest in the western hemisphere, on par with Haiti. A past which no right thinking Guyanese is proud to talk about.

The PNC and Granger ought to know that there is a nexus between political democracy and economic development. The lack of political democracy under the PNC regime led to a production crisis which in turn resulted in a social crisis of unprecedented proportions. What all of that translated to was a crisis of confidence in the then ruling cabal. Guyana was declared uncreditworthy by the IMF and therefore ineligible for further IMF loans.

Today, all of that has changed. Guyana is today a proud and respected member of the community of nations and has now become recognized for the several initiatives it has taken at the international level especially in the field of climate change and poverty reduction.

The PNC is no stranger to crisis situations having landed this country from one crisis to another. Now in the opposition, it is continuing to use Parliament to undermine the rule of law and constitutional governance in a vain but unsuccessful attempt to create political chaos. The Granger led PNC is doing everything within its power to partner with criminal and rogue elements in our society to undermine the security interests of the state with the aim of concocting a situation of 'crisis'.

The PPP is neither unaware nor unmindful of the PNC’s potential to create mischief in our society reminiscent of the X13 plan. However, our Party has every confidence in the maturity and wisdom of the Guyanese people to reject and condemn the intrigues and machinations of the political opposition, more particularly the PNC which since the early sixties sought to create 'crisis' situations but such attempts were always thwarted by the collective will of the Guyanese people.

Fresh in the memories of the Guyanese people were the attempts made by the PNC to deny the will of the Guyanese people when the very PNC refused to accept the results of the free and democratic1997 elections despite the fact that the elections were declared free and fair by local and overseas observers. The PNC took to the streets and created mayhem in the city of Georgetown through recourse to thugs and criminal elements forcing the duly elected PPP/C Government to cut short its term of office by two years under a CARICOM brokered peace accord. The race hate generated by the PNC against President Janet Jagan described as the ‘white American” reached unprecedented height in our country.

Earlier, in the elections of October 1992, the PNC refused to accept the results of the elections and took to the streets inciting all manner of disturbances and violent political behaviour. Were it not for the physical presence of former US President Jimmy Carter and members of the Carter Centre in the country at the time the PNC would have been emboldened to do what they always did since 1968, which was to hijack the democratic will of the Guyanese electorate and re-install itself to political power.

The PPP calls on the Guyanese people to be vigilant and not to allow themselves to be duped by the hypocritical calls made by Granger and his APNU for Local Government elections when it has consistently violated the democratic rights of the Guyanese people both in and out of power. Today, it is shedding 'crocodile tears' about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never in its twenty-eight years in government allowed for a free and democratic poll.

The PPP wishes to state categorically that it is not opposed to the holding of Local Government or General and Regional Elections. The Party has always championed the cause of free and fair elections both at the national and at the local levels. Contrary to what is being peddled in opposition quarters, the Party has never shifted from the electorate rather it has always served the electorate and has the proud record of having never lost a democratic election since the 1950s.

The PPP stands ready to embrace the electorate whenever Local Government or National and Regional elections are called. Our optimism is based on the confidence which the people have in the People's Progressive Party since the 1950’s.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.


Dude, I have  a  sister and brigade of cousins, all successful who are my backup should the eventuality of sleeping on a park bench arise....As I said, the dalit in you cannot but imagine the muck that lives in your head. Alas, your internal torment is not my reality and never will be.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.


Dude, I have  a  sister and brigade of cousins, all successful who are my backup should the eventuality of sleeping on a park bench arise....As I said, the dalit in you cannot but imagine the muck that lives in your head. Alas, your internal torment is not my reality and never will be.

You are a dunce and sleep on park benches. You use public computers to post here.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.


Dude, I have  a  sister and brigade of cousins, all successful who are my backup should the eventuality of sleeping on a park bench arise....As I said, the dalit in you cannot but imagine the muck that lives in your head. Alas, your internal torment is not my reality and never will be.

You are a dunce and sleep on park benches. You use public computers to post here.

I guess you missed your meds this morning! Your mind is totally into hearing voices in your head.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.


Dude, I have  a  sister and brigade of cousins, all successful who are my backup should the eventuality of sleeping on a park bench arise....As I said, the dalit in you cannot but imagine the muck that lives in your head. Alas, your internal torment is not my reality and never will be.

You are a dunce and sleep on park benches. You use public computers to post here.

I guess you missed your meds this morning! Your mind is totally into hearing voices in your head.



I hope that you sleep well on that park bench tonight.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The PPP has been looking in their rear view mirror and seeing the same place they left for two decades. We are all moved far beyond that and focus on what they did not do to formalize a vision for democracy in our society.


On every metric we are still the same place economically. The cosmetic changes wrought by the drug trade and PPP theft is not progress. 40% of the people are still mired in deep poverty. Adjust for cost of living etc and the earning power of the PNC era is still the same one we have today. Imagine all of those hungry people  wanting the promise they see! No wonder we are the murder capital of the west and our people kill themselves in vast numbers and domestic violence is so rampant...imagine that some 20 women are dead already this year?



If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

I guess that 10 watt bulb in you head lit up to conclude my post is about what the AFC et al is to do. So much for speaking to facts.


Dunce D2, the light bulb is blown in your head. Nights of sleeping on a park bench has taken it's toll on you.


Dude, I have  a  sister and brigade of cousins, all successful who are my backup should the eventuality of sleeping on a park bench arise....As I said, the dalit in you cannot but imagine the muck that lives in your head. Alas, your internal torment is not my reality and never will be.

You are a dunce and sleep on park benches. You use public computers to post here.

I guess you missed your meds this morning! Your mind is totally into hearing voices in your head.



I hope that you sleep well on that park bench tonight.

You have total control of that. You only have to let your mind act as it is accustomed to and it will dream up as many bad things as you have seen in your upbringing.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

The APNU and AFC want local government elections which are FIFTEEN years past due.  There are crises in many of the municipalities as a result and even the PPP knows this.  Hence their demand for an IMC in G/twn.


If the PPP want fresh national elections because tyhey refuse to accept the will of the PPP that they be a MINORITY govt then they ought to force these elections.  They will then have to explain to the population and to foreign gov't why this should be a priority over local govt elections.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


If think that you do not like the political situation in Guyana then the combined PNC/AFC party can pass a no confidence vote and we can have fresh election.


Are you that dunce that to comprehend basic facts ?

The APNU and AFC want local government elections which are FIFTEEN years past due.  There are crises in many of the municipalities as a result and even the PPP knows this.  Hence their demand for an IMC in G/twn.


If the PPP want fresh national elections because tyhey refuse to accept the will of the PPP that they be a MINORITY govt then they ought to force these elections.  They will then have to explain to the population and to foreign gov't why this should be a priority over local govt elections.

The PNC did not hold Local elections for over 25 years, PNC dinosaur.


Local elections will be held soon. AFC will be wiped off the political map and PPP will win a majority at the Local elections.


Get used to seeing the PPP around for another 100 years, PNC dinosaur Carib.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) says that there is no political crisis facing the country. Through a statement read by General Secretary, Clement Rohee th party expressed its amusement with the claim which was made by the People's National Congress(PNC) led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). Read full statement below:


The People's Progressive Party (PPP) is amused by recent pronouncements made by the opposition APNU that the country is faced with a political ’crisis’.

It is clear that the main opposition party is either suffering from a severe bout of political amnesia or is being deliberately dishonest in seeking to invoke a situation of 'crisis' when the facts suggest otherwise.

Perhaps Mr. Granger may wish to spell out in precise language what in his view constitutes a political 'crisis' especially since his statements defy any rational or logical explanation of the term. An objective analysis of the current situation reveals that Guyana's economic and political bill of health has never been better and that the country is currently experiencing a period of economic and social progress never before experienced.

Whatever 'crisis' exists can only be situated in the psyche of the PNC and the Granger-led APNU and cannot be supported by facts. Our country today is enjoying relative peace and stability and enjoys the full confidence of the international and donor community.

This incidentally is in stark contrast to what obtained under the previous PNC regime when the country was reduced to a pariah state. Economically, the country was reduced to the poorest in the western hemisphere, on par with Haiti. A past which no right thinking Guyanese is proud to talk about.

The PNC and Granger ought to know that there is a nexus between political democracy and economic development. The lack of political democracy under the PNC regime led to a production crisis which in turn resulted in a social crisis of unprecedented proportions. What all of that translated to was a crisis of confidence in the then ruling cabal. Guyana was declared uncreditworthy by the IMF and therefore ineligible for further IMF loans.

Today, all of that has changed. Guyana is today a proud and respected member of the community of nations and has now become recognized for the several initiatives it has taken at the international level especially in the field of climate change and poverty reduction.



ROHHEEET brain in is azz!  As usual!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The PNC did not hold Local elections for over 25 years, PNC dinosaur.



So basically you are saying that the PPP=PNC.  I said that all along, so you don't reveal anything new.


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