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Originally posted by Horse Man:
The biggest mistake we in the PPP make is that we assume the population is dumb and we are smart.

Sometimes I wonder. People don't or cannot read, so they go on symbols more than you realize. Many dont take the time to rationalize and analyze as such politics is high-touch. I met a die-hard PPP fisherman from Mahaicony and after several minutes he asked me if "da Cuba is waan nadda country, nah". The PPP is much stronger for such supporters.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Horse Man:
The biggest mistake we in the PPP make is that we assume the population is dumb and we are smart.

Sometimes I wonder. People don't or cannot read, so they go on symbols more than you realize. Many dont take the time to rationalize and analyze as such politics is high-touch. I met a die-hard PPP fisherman from Mahaicony and after several minutes he asked me if "da Cuba is waan nadda country, nah". The PPP is much stronger for such supporters.

This is why you folks will be given a trashing at the polls. You look down on the Guyanese people because of their lack of education or lack of worldly matters. However you need to tailor your message to the various people in Guyana. This man is more concerned about the here and now and how it affects his day to day existence. Talking politics and pushing all your exorbitant plans don't register with the folks. That is why you folks stoop to lying and playing up every ill in the nation as political fodder. hahahahaha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Horse Man:
The biggest mistake we in the PPP make is that we assume the population is dumb and we are smart.

Sometimes I wonder. People don't or cannot read, so they go on symbols more than you realize. Many dont take the time to rationalize and analyze as such politics is high-touch. I met a die-hard PPP fisherman from Mahaicony and after several minutes he asked me if "da Cuba is waan nadda country, nah". The PPP is much stronger for such supporters.

This is why you folks will be given a trashing at the polls. You look down on the Guyanese people because of their lack of education or lack of worldly matters. However you need to tailor your message to the various people in Guyana. This man is more concerned about the here and now and how it affects his day to day existence. Talking politics and pushing all your exorbitant plans don't register with the folks. That is why you folks stoop to lying and playing up every ill in the nation as political fodder. hahahahaha

Not looking down on them, their lack of education is also a Govt issue. The fact that they don't know to read is a Govt's issue also. Illiteracy and ignorance are the best allies of the PPP. This is a fact without looking down on the people. ith that state of affairs, what kids of society does the PPP hope to develop? What kind of growth do they achive?
Originally posted by Horse Man:
The biggest mistake we in the PPP make is that we assume the population is dumb and we are smart.

This is a fact between the PPP officials and the farmers at Black Bush Polder.

For decades farmers been operating a business of cultivating acres of rice lands successfully, then comes a kakka-rass young PPP official from town, who tell the farmers that they have to do it differently.
Unfortunately, because the official controls the PPP government purse string, the farmers make changes with disasterous results, which the official blame on the environment[which has not happened for decades].

Some day, I feel there will be a shooting at Black Bush, resulting from treating people as being dumb by government officials, resulting in them losing their means to plant a new crop and unable to pay for their house.
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

2 and half months to go and we will know what the people think.

the people think = PPP/C victory, based on the projections.

"For the moment, it appears Guyana only has one viable party, the ruling PPP."

Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin
07GEORGETOWN713 2007-07-23 20:12 2011-08-26 00:00
Banna, why don't you stop speading shyte and take your sorry arse over to some of the threads where we see the government ( Your government) probably misappropriating funds so now they can't even have proper schools.

You don't even have the decency to make a post on any of those threads, SHAME on you @#$%^&* @#$%^&

Here is one thread we don't see you on, WHY? Stand up for your people, you yellow belly wimp.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

Uncle D_G, datt cup done half empty.

I gon invite you to a good dinner whe the AFC GT.

That cup is refilled often. Smile

We can surely have lots of dinners and get-togethers, Baseman. Big Grin

But to wait for the AFC to win in order to do so, would be a very verrrrrry looooooooooong time. Smile
Originally posted by Sase Singh:

Albut and Jason.

wake up, there is a AFC Government in place ready to Government, the people will ensure this happens.

Yes indeed, there are aFC fraudsters ready to fleece the nation should the Guyanese public buy their smoke and mirrors and in a moment of severe mental illness vote for these creeps.

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