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Former Member

As a young PPP activist in the 1970s, I followed my leader Cheddi Jagan in criticizing Burnham's "Daimler lifestyle."
The Daimler was a British Leyland-made car.

The Guyana Government bought two Daimlers for G$24,000 each for use as official state vehicles. One was assigned to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham and the other to President Arthur Chung.
After Burnham died President Desmond Hoyte used the same Daimler until his last day in office in 1992.
So, for G$24,000 that car served two presidents for 22 years.
Burnham never built a mansion. He lived on state property on Vlissingen Road which the PPP/C regime inherited, renaming it Castellani House.

President Hoyte lived in his own house on North Road while in office.
Looking back, I often wonder what Dr Jagan would say about the lifestyles of today's PPP leadership.

He used to attack Burnham over one car.
Here is a picture of a Daimler:

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, Yuh talkin Crap, Bunham had wan Mansion on the East Coast at Hope Estate!!

Nehru Bhai....come again ....Think about the 2 Mansions Jagdeo Built overnite and then Picture Burnham Belfield Residence and Compare it with Jagdeo's Residence......and you will understand what Gilly is talking about.....and we will see who is talking Crap now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, Yuh talkin Crap, Bunham had wan Mansion on the East Coast at Hope Estate!!

Nehru, if you're talking about that big wooden house at Belfield, Burnham didn't build it. He and Viola bought it at book value.

That house was built many years before. Remember, by the time the Burnhams bought it in the early 1970s, they had been working professionals for decades. They could have afforded it from their combined incomes. Remember, Burnham was a lawyer since 1949 and Prime Minister since 1964. Viola taught at Bishop's High School for years. Her family, the Harpers, had money too, earned the old-fashioned way.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of your own.


* No question PPP officials have prospered from Crony Capitalism.


* And they have lavished their wealth on material possessions.



Rev who is Jealous about owning Mansions in Buggery-Ville.

( Pradoville 1 or Pradoville 2.)


Best? Baby Duck? Manni? or Kwame?.....Who? 


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of your own.


* No question PPP officials have prospered from Crony Capitalism.


* And they have lavished their wealth on material possessions.



There you go with your shallow and meaningless response again. I am not jealous.

For your information, I walked away from the PPP as a two-decades financial card-carrying activist five months before the PPP got in government in 1992.

When they got power I never asked them for a dollar, but continued giving the PPP/C moral and propaganda support free of cost up until the 2011 elections.

The older posters on this board will attest to how staunchly I defended the PPP/C here, under a different nickname.

I'm not jealous of corrupt people. I remain a simple and contented working-class man.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

I'm not jealous of corrupt people. I remain a simple and contented working-class man.



* If the PPP is voted out of office---the PNC will form the new government.


* Do you believe corruption will cease under the PNC ?


* Get real gilbakka.


* Regardless of which party rules Guyana---there will always be favoritism in the distribution of things like legal permits---government grants---special tax breaks, etc, etc


* In other words, corruption will always exist.




* It's that simple.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


* Jealousy is when you count someone else's blessings instead of your own.


* No question PPP officials have prospered from Crony Capitalism.


* And they have lavished their wealth on material possessions.





Corruption is breaking the law so basically you are admitting that they are criminals.

Originally Posted by Rev:

* In other words, corruption will always exist.


* .



You really don't know what the PNC will be.  What we do know is that they aren't a Marxist Leninist party as the PPP claims to be, so they aren't hypocrites, pretending to like the working man, while they steal from him.


As to corruption.  Yes the PNC will be corrupt.  ONE US$500k house vs the millions that PPP folks steal.  They only desire to be comfortable super upper middle class.


If Guyanese think like Rev "De Baby Duck"

PNC would have still been in power up to today....


In 1992 the Guyanese Decided to vote Change

The Guyanese wanted Change...

The Guyanese wanted an end to Corruption.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Thieving.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Nepotism.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Fraudulent Schemes.

The Guyanese wanted an end to House Of Israel Thuggery.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Illegal Govt Contracts.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Crime.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Starvation & Poverty.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Gilly, Yuh talkin Crap, Bunham had wan Mansion on the East Coast at Hope Estate!!

Nehru, if you're talking about that big wooden house at Belfield, Burnham didn't build it. He and Viola bought it at book value.

That house was built many years before. Remember, by the time the Burnhams bought it in the early 1970s, they had been working professionals for decades. They could have afforded it from their combined incomes. Remember, Burnham was a lawyer since 1949 and Prime Minister since 1964. Viola taught at Bishop's High School for years. Her family, the Harpers, had money too, earned the old-fashioned way.




Your honesty is refreshing. Such honesty will bring change. My God bless you. That Nehru and Rev are evil.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

If Guyanese think like Rev "De Baby Duck"

PNC would have still been in power up to today....


In 1992 the Guyanese Decided to vote Change

The Guyanese wanted Change...

The Guyanese wanted an end to Corruption.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Thieving.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Nepotism.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Fraudulent Schemes.

The Guyanese wanted an end to House Of Israel Thuggery.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Illegal Govt Contracts.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Crime.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Starvation & Poverty.

and today the guyanese want to live in a next country

Originally Posted by Jalil:

If Guyanese think like Rev "De Baby Duck"

PNC would have still been in power up to today....


In 1992 the Guyanese Decided to vote Change

The Guyanese wanted Change...

The Guyanese wanted an end to Corruption.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Thieving.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Nepotism.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Fraudulent Schemes.

The Guyanese wanted an end to House Of Israel Thuggery.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Illegal Govt Contracts.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Crime.

The Guyanese wanted an end to Starvation & Poverty.

And what did the Guyanese get?

More corruption, thieving, nepotism, fraudulent schemes, House of Israel thugs, illegal contracts, crime, poverty, plus an incompetent devil of a PPP apologist who gave himself a godly title.

I know de man, you know de man, all awee know de man.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

You really don't know what the PNC will be. 





* Those 2 CUFFIES ruled Guyana for 28 years.


* They ruined and impoverished the country.


* And you're now telling me I don't know what the PNC will be ?




* After Burnham and Hoyte---no CUFFY must ever rule Guyana again.







Originally Posted by Jalil:


In 1992 the Guyanese Decided to vote Change




* The Guyanese people did not vote for change in 1992.


* In any free and fair election the PPP would have won.


* The PPP ruled for 28 years by rigging.


* 1992 was the first free and fair election in 28 years----the PPP won----and the PPP has continued to win.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Loads of CRAP being written here. Hope Estate property was confiscated by Bunham.



* You think the CUFFY LOVERS want to hear the truth ?


* They are totally consumed by hatred and jealousy.


* It pains them to see the progress being made by Guyana under the PPP.



* Nothing will satisfy the CUFFY LOVERS until a CUFFY is president.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


In 1992 the Guyanese Decided to vote Change




* The Guyanese people did not vote for change in 1992.

With Pressure from President Carter & The US Govt.


* In any free and fair election the PPP would have won.

No Sir....Not Anymore, Not Under the Leadership of Papa Duck.

Ramotar is responsible for PPP not winning 50% of the Votes.


* The PPP ruled for 28 years by rigging.

1992 - 2014 is only 22 years...where yuh get 28 years from.


* 1992 was the first free and fair election in 28 years----

the PPP won----and the PPP has continued to win.

Not any more....Ramotar is a Born loser.




Originally Posted by Jalil:

Not any more....Ramotar is a Born loser.




* You want to see the faces of 2 pathetic losers ?


* Take a look:



* Those 2 ugly sourpusses are working 24/7 to help elect a Cuffy as president.


* They failed in 2011.


* And they will fail again in 2016.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

You really don't know what the PNC will be. 





* Those 2 CUFFIES ruled Guyana for 28 years.


* They ruined and impoverished the country.


* And you're now telling me I don't know what the PNC will be ?




* After Burnham and Hoyte---no CUFFY must ever rule Guyana again.







The usual response of a dullard. Guyana inevitably will be ruled by a person of mixed race or African. After all we had a white woman and there are only six white people in the place. There are over 60 percent non Indian in the place and even though numbers and you do not get along well this is staring you in the face. The PPP is on their way out and on no account other than they have become brazen crooks.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

As a young PPP activist in the 1970s, I followed my leader Cheddi Jagan in criticizing Burnham's "Daimler lifestyle."
The Daimler was a British Leyland-made car.

The Guyana Government bought two Daimlers for G$24,000 each for use as official state vehicles. One was assigned to Prime Minister Forbes Burnham and the other to President Arthur Chung.
After Burnham died President Desmond Hoyte used the same Daimler until his last day in office in 1992.
So, for G$24,000 that car served two presidents for 22 years.
Burnham never built a mansion. He lived on state property on Vlissingen Road which the PPP/C regime inherited, renaming it Castellani House.

President Hoyte lived in his own house on North Road while in office.
Looking back, I often wonder what Dr Jagan would say about the lifestyles of today's PPP leadership.

He used to attack Burnham over one car.
Here is a picture of a Daimler:

Burnham and Jagan did not have much when they died.  Those two
Daimler cars if they are still around and can be found would be worth much more today than $24, 000 Guyana dollars.  That was a good investment.

Originally Posted by Rev:




* That's the 2014 Bentley Mulsanne.


* The jealous ones on GNI will be bawling murder when Ramo takes possession.





Baby Duck still fascinated with Bentley.

3 years ago this lie-son of a-butch...

was telling us Moses own and Driving a Bentley in Guyana.

Up to today he cannot produce a`picture of Moses in the Bentley,

or a Picture of Moses Bentley in Guyana.

Baby Duck yuh think anyone Jealous about anything....

If Lamumba tek de First Lady and give she get De Dolphin...

yuh think anyone Jealous...or anyone care.

Lamumba can give Baby Duck de Dolphin one care.


Baby Duck...Bentley fascinate Never-Se e Like you...

Imagine Born in Prav...Grow up under Communism..

Papa Duck Experience Runner at Gawu and sales clerk at Gimpex before 1992.


1992- 2012 Freedom House, Guysuco Board & Omai Board.


2012 - President.


Papa Duck got similar experience like Kwame & Lamumba.


Currently Lamumba & Kwame Freedom House.....on the ladder 2 Rising Stars.


Kwame say is rass to play if he do not get to the top too.

No Brains needed...if Donald Duck can be President...

why Kwame cannot be President too.


So while Baby Duck dreaming about Bentley....

Kwame got eee eye pon De President.




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