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APNU accepts Rodney Commission's assurance but undecided about testifying

Rodney's COI [left) paid a coutesy call on the Leader oif the Opposition and his team (APNU photo) Rodney's COI (left) paid a coutesy call on the Leader oif the Opposition and his team (APNU photo)

While accepting assurances that the Walter Rodney Inquiry Commission would conduct its work to the best of its ability, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) was Wednesday yet to decide whether it would testify.
“We have not given any assurance about participating and so on…We have time. We have to think about it because the Terms of Reference – we have some issues with that,” said APNU executive member, Joseph Harmon.

Several of APNU's top brass are former senior officers of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) who had served in the military at the time of Rodney's death. The Commission has already received assurances from the police and the GDF that it would share its records, including intelligence reports, about that period.
He and his colleagues registered the coalition’s concerns when they met the three-member panel has been asked by President Donald Ramotar to investigate. Their objections are that the commission has been tasked to extend its probe from January 1, 1978 to December 31, 1980 rather than being confined to June 13,1980 when Rodney was killed in an explosion on John Street near the Georgetown Prison. The opposition feared that the period was aimed at carrying out a witch-hunt against former members of the security forces and certain opposition members.
Harmon emerged from the talks, telling a news briefing that APNU was assured that the panel is a team of experienced persons who possess sound judgments. “We accepted the assurances of the commissioners in good faith because we believe these are people who are experienced,” he said.
The APNU lawmaker said his delegation made its objection known about Trinidad and Tobago Senior Counsel, Seenath Jairam being a commissioner because he had up to recently worked for the Guyana government in a High Court battle over the opposition-controlled National Assembly’s right to cut the National Budget. “We made that clear to him in his face and in the presence of all the other commissioners and I think he understands clearly that is our position and I believe that in moving forward we should have a better arrangement,” he said.
Harmon noted that the Chairman of the Inquiry Commission, Sir Richard Cheltenham that the opposition should approach the President to have the Terms of Reference amended. “You cannot produce on this path of destruction that you basically should talk to the people, talk to us and let us try to get something that produces a healing mechanism rather than something that divides the society further,” he said, adding that APNU was keen on reconciliation as an outcome of the inquiry.
APNU, Working Peoples Alliance, Guyana Trades Union Congress and the Guyana Human Rights Association have all objected to aspects of the terms of reference. They have also questioned the motive for the inquiry at this stage.
Government has, however, maintained that Rodney’s family members had requested that no one else be involved in planning the inquiry. The Ramotar administration has also discarded opposition concerns about Seeram being biased towards the government.
Sir Richard, too, has also brushed aside those reservations, saying that Seeram had only worked on a legal brief for the government.

Public hearings could begin shortly after Easter but Sir Richard  said much depended on the number of statements and witnesses that come forward.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This Rodney Commission will be the political undoing of the APNU and it will be the reason for the WPA to break from the PNC.


Any I was advised Rupert done following Gail skirt into the PPP.


Cannot give a man wrong for following PUNANEE.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

This post got me thinking.  Tomorrow I will comment further.




The PPP plays a trump card that leaves the opponents confused and dazed.


APNU will soon see a fracture. Just wait and see.


Five more years for the PPP. Five more years.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This Rodney Commission will be the political undoing of the APNU and it will be the reason for the WPA to break from the PNC.


Any I was advised Rupert done following Gail skirt into the PPP.


Cannot give a man wrong for following PUNANEE.

Do you really think that this commission will reveal anything that the WPA doesn't already know.  They know that Burnham killed Rodney, yet they consider the PPP to be so horrendous that they now work with the PNC.


To the vast majority of Guyanese you think that Rodney matters to them.  He died in 1980.  Some one born that year is 34 this year, and this is about the age of the average voter.


Do you think that any one who was inclined to vote for APNU will change their minds?  Do you think that WPA will split with the PNC when they have always been quite vocal about what Burnham did to Rodney?


21 years of PPP gov't.  Why only now that most of the people who know anything are dead, or senile?  Surely 21 years ago some real information could have been revealed.  But NOW........!!


And its not as if others, including the WPA, didn't ask for this inquiry, which the PPP never thought important.


Every one in Guyana knows that this is an excuse for the PPP not to examine what happened to Sat Sawh.


And even more disturbingly, not to have to explain why some one involved in the horrendous Lusignan Massacre is walking free today!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:


To the vast majority of Guyanese you think that Rodney matters to them.  He died in 1980.  Some one born that year is 34 this year, and this is about the age of the average voter.


That is very true and that is approximately the age group from which the future political leaders of Guyana needs to come from (under 40). Anyone over that age group, carries too much political baggage. Until we see young leadership, the political parties of Guyana will continue to fail the country.


Guyana’s current political scene is a revolving door where the same old corrupted, or baggage laden politicians, continue to move from party to party. 

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Abie want know who kill Minister Sawh? Wah role PPP best fren Roger gat to do hay?

Me also want fuh know.


Me also want fuh know who murder Walter Rodney and Vincent Teekah.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This Rodney Commission will be the political undoing of the APNU and it will be the reason for the WPA to break from the PNC.


Any I was advised Rupert done following Gail skirt into the PPP.


Cannot give a man wrong for following PUNANEE.

I agree this commission will mek the PNC look bad and thus erode their electoral fortunes.  When this commission is finished its work, the APNU will only get TK, Bulkhan and Sharma vote.


Not even Savitrie Sharma will vote for the APNU?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

This Rodney Commission will be the political undoing of the APNU and it will be the reason for the WPA to break from the PNC.


Any I was advised Rupert done following Gail skirt into the PPP.


Cannot give a man wrong for following PUNANEE.

I agree this commission will mek the PNC look bad and thus erode their electoral fortunes.  When this commission is finished its work, the APNU will only get TK, Bulkhan and Sharma vote.


Not even Savitrie Sharma will vote for the APNU?

You must never think everyone is racial like you.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I agree this commission will mek the PNC look bad and thus erode their electoral fortunes.  When this commission is finished its work, the APNU will only get TK, Bulkhan and Sharma vote.


Not even Savitrie Sharma will vote for the APNU?

Do you really think that there are [people in the WPA who dont know that Burnham killed Rodney?


Do you think that the people who voted for APNU (the vast majority are PNC supporters) will change their vote.


I know that the PPP is hopefull of this result, but between you and me, more Guyanese want to know why a mass murderer who slaughtered many in Lusignan, is walking around free.  Ditto for those who master minded the killing of Sat Sawh.  Indeed Jagdeo screamed that they know who the murderers are.


An attempt at defection by the PPP, but the WPA will gladly remind them that the PPP has its own blood to wash off.


And while those who killed Teekah and Rodney arent around, those who were involved in mass killings at Lusignan, Bartica, Agricola, and Linwood Creek still are.  We have never really heard the full details of this. 


Most of those stinking BASTARDS that killed at Lusignan are six feet under. The Prosecutor worked with one and he is FREE. I dont agree with that BUT maybe it was the BEST trade off.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Most of those stinking BASTARDS that killed at Lusignan are six feet under. The Prosecutor worked with one and he is FREE. I dont agree with that BUT maybe it was the BEST trade off.

If the bastards who are guilty are all dead, what deal could the one who is alive have concocted to remain free?


Doesnt this show what a lawless nation Guyana is that a mass murderer doesnt get a reduced jail sentence, but WALKS FREE.


Sad when the PPP does this to PPP supporters, allowing some one who killed them with no remorse to walk free.


If I were the WPA I would make mention of this!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Most of those stinking BASTARDS that killed at Lusignan are six feet under. The Prosecutor worked with one and he is FREE. I dont agree with that BUT maybe it was the BEST trade off.

If the bastards who are guilty are all dead, what deal could the one who is alive have concocted to remain free?


Doesnt this show what a lawless nation Guyana is that a mass murderer doesnt get a reduced jail sentence, but WALKS FREE.


Sad when the PPP does this to PPP supporters, allowing some one who killed them with no remorse to walk free.


If I were the WPA I would make mention of this!

Maybe he gave Info to help eliminate the FILTH.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Maybe he gave Info to help eliminate the FILTH.

Dead men tell no tales but living people do.  The PPP is terrified that if this man shows up on court he will reveal the truth about the PPP and its connections to criminals.


So they waste time on a Rodney Commission.  What do they expect it to reveal.  We know Burnham killed Rodney, so why waste tax payers' dollars to repeat it.

Last edited by Former Member

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