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Gov’t withdraws MOU for recycling plant


The Government of Guyana (GoG) yesterday withdrew the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) it had signed with Natural Globe Guyana Inc for the construction of a recycling plant.

The MoU was signed last Monday, and the Local Government Ministry had said that the firm was selected since it was deemed to be the fittest to carry out the necessary work.

But at a press conference today Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon told reporters that after a meeting yesterday, …..To continue reading, login or subscribe now.

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Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.


Guyana is moving in the right direction. Too bad that the AFC failed to become a team player in recent voting patterns in Parliament and opted to walk arm in arm with the dreadful PNC. It is never too late for all Guyanese to work together for the betterment of their country. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana is moving in the right direction. Too bad that the AFC failed to become a team player in recent voting patterns in Parliament and opted to walk arm in arm with the dreadful PNC. It is never too late for all Guyanese to work together for the betterment of their country. 

Come on yuji, the Govt has screwed the people and all you have to say is "Too bad that the AFC failed to become a team player in recent voting patterns in Parliament and opted to walk arm in arm with the dreadful PNC"


That truly is pathetic.



This is the truth as asj mentioned

The Corrupt PPP/C  buckled under pressure.


and as Gilbaka also said,

"Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance."





You have every right to be angry with the PPP for past mistakes. But Rammo is moving Guyana in the right direction. No more secret deals and wink wink, under the table contracts. This is a positive sign.



Originally Posted by yuji22:



You have every right to be angry with the PPP for past mistakes. But Rammo is moving Guyana in the right direction. No more secret deals and wink wink, under the table contracts. This is a positive sign.



he did it because of scrunity by media and opposition...not out of concern for Guyanese

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Yes Bhai AND a signal that there IS a NEW Sheriff in Town.  GOD BLESS THE GOVT AND PEOPLE OF GUYANA.


Dem boys seh…Ganda lef holding a IOU



Is now dem boys understand that all de project that de government plan was a case of who expect to collect de biggest raise. A man come from Canada wid a programme to do recycling. All over de world people does recycle because dem got to preserve dem resources. Dem does recycle paper, bottles, tin cans and things like that.
In Guyana dem had people who use to recycle bottles. Dem mad man use to wash dem bottles that dem collect from de garbage heaps. When dem done, dem does sell de same bottle to people who got to collect medicine from de hospital. That is why some people use to go to de doctor wid one sickness and when dem tek de medicine dem end up wid another.
And that is wha de Canadian come to get into. De first thing he do is tell Ganda Egg that he got US$30 million and that he deh in business long. Ganda immediately mek he pitch. He ask fuh a cut.
Of course de Canadian claim that he got de money in Canada and when de deal sign then he gun bring de money. That is why Ganda run and sign de memorandum of understanding.  That is something people know as Hem ho Hew. After de signing de Canadian give Ganda a IOU.
Dem boys do some digging and de next thing de find out is that de Canadian come wid a bogus company. In fact it was more than a jumbie company.
Dem talk and before dem spit dry de government panic. All Ganda telling dem that everything alright. He did done cuss de media and announce that he had all confidence in de company. Wha he mean was that he had all confidence that he woulda collect a raise.
Well Donald pull de plug. From till in Sri Lanka he holler and tell De Lunch Man that dem got to chase de Canadian, that he is bad news.
Dem boys see when de government tear up de Hem Ho Hew. Ganda still crying and he want to know why he is de only one who can’t draw. He seh that de Rat, and Rob de Earth and Irfaat and Barbie and all de other Bees does collect.
At least one Minister breathing li’l easy. She save US$15 million.
Talk half and wait fuh de next contract.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yes Bhai AND a signal that there IS a NEW Sheriff in Town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff is not agile enough, not quick to draw.

The new Sheriff should have begun running the corrupt bandits out of town since December 2011, i.e., the day he got his badge.

And, Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to take a good look at some faces in his own saloon. They are in cahoots with the bandits; that is the talk of the town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to buckle up, clean and reload his pistol, get on his high horse, and start blazing away before sundown.

Only then will the town be safe, secure and appealing.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yes Bhai AND a signal that there IS a NEW Sheriff in Town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff is not agile enough, not quick to draw.

The new Sheriff should have begun running the corrupt bandits out of town since December 2011, i.e., the day he got his badge.

And, Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to take a good look at some faces in his own saloon. They are in cahoots with the bandits; that is the talk of the town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to buckle up, clean and reload his pistol, get on his high horse, and start blazing away before sundown.

Only then will the town be safe, secure and appealing.


The Sheriff needs to take one shot at a time. No need to destroy the whole army while the corrupt AFC/PNC cannot answer to corruption in their own parties. Every smart leader takes one shot at a time.


Please read below.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC councillor details widespread corruption within party


By AFC Region 6 Councillor Haseef Yusuf

AFC Councillor, Haseef Yusuf

Nothing that the Alliance For Change (AFC) does or will do in the future will ever surprise me again. There is a saying that you only know someone when you deal with him. If I had not dealt with certain executive members of the AFC, I would still be singing their praises.I knew from the inception that Nigel Hughes would rescind his resignation because in the end, when you are in the same boat, you will never want to part company with your compadres. The ‘top guns’ in the AFC need each other’s support badly. They complement each other’s corrupt practices, as they try to outsmart their members and supporters.
However, recently there was a desperate attempt to get rid of me by the National Executive Committee of the AFC since I am not part of the corrupt ‘jahaaji’ network. They sent a message with an AFC Region 6 Councillor that if I am not pleased with the current policies and actions of the party then I should resign from the party and as an AFC Councillor. I told that Councillor in no uncertain terms that if the AFC is not pleased with my stance against cronyism and corruption and my promotion of national development, then they should expel me and furthermore, it is the corrupt ones within the AFC who should resign!

Ironically, it was the same Councillor who submitted exhaustive evidence of cronyism and corruption against an AFC MP at an inquiry, who claimed that he spent in excess of $4.5M on ‘bigan’ and ‘curass’. That was a ‘whitewash inquiry’ and even the Chairman of that inquiry, the then General Secretary Mr Sextus Edwards, was not aware of the press release which concluded that the entire episode was one of ‘misunderstanding and miscommunication.’ You cannot go against your own kind!
Subsequently, there was numerous evidence of corruption but I no longer have the resolve to bring it up. It was simply a case of you cannot fight the Devil’s case in Hell!

I will just itemize a few instances:

- Certain top members of the AFC will go abroad (Canada, USA) and members in the diaspora will hold fund- raisers and give monies collected to these members who will not submit the same in its entirety since proper accounting records are not kept. I was utterly shocked when the unaudited financial statement for 2012 showed that in one year the AFC only collected $22,087,500 from its chapters in the UK, Canada, USA, etc. During the 2011 campaign alone; one of the chapters in Canada sent $55,000 Canadian or $11,000,000 (Guyana dollars). I have evidence of this.

- Certain top AFC members will collect donations and not make any recordings in any receipt book or any document whatever.

- Monies are being spent with no proper bills or vouchers;

- positions are given to cronies and those who donate a lot.

- I saw a top AFC member collect monies and issue a receipt but on looking closer I saw that there was no carbon sheet, hence no duplication made. How was the balancing done?

- Everything was donated for a fund-raiser in Berbice and it made a loss!

- On Election Day 2011, food and drinks were diverted to some AFC members’ homes for their private use while some AFC polling agents went hungry;

- During the 2012 AFC convention, a motion was passed for AFC groups to bank all monies collected in a party account, this was never done. In fact, it was I who raised that motion which was unanimously passed. So much for accountability!

- During the 2011 elections there were three factions in Berbice and all were accusing each other about theft, mismanagement and corruption, but no investigation was done. The leaders of the AFC cannot afford to ‘rock the boat.’

- During the AFC 2012 convention, members were specifically instructed not to vote for the former General Secretary but to vote in favour of David Patterson. This also happened in the case of Moses Nagamootoo and Mrs. Punalall.

- Article 15(9) of the AFC Constitution stated that the National Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor annually yet the AFC presented an unaudited and inaccurate financial statement at the AFC 2012 Convention. There is no shortage of accountants and auditors within the AFC, so why no audited accounts?

- The financial statement which ended on February 2012 showed a surplus of $464,643 yet members were told after the 2011 Elections that the AFC owed Mrs Cathy Hughes a sum in excess of $ 7,000,000 and that the AFC MPs will have to make contributions towards offsetting that liability. How can there be a surplus when monies are owed? In other words, there were no bills to support the spending of $ 7 million! The financial statement did not speak of any liability! Here is a party that is preaching accountability but is utterly devoid of that concept in its internal dealings.

Is this the party that wants to run this country? It seems as if the worst from the PNC and PPP formed the AFC; not the best as I had believed! Mr Ramjattan himself told me that if the AFC had won the elections, there would have been ‘murderation’ among members for positions. But it would have also been ‘murderation’ to fill their pockets! Imagine all the political blackmail that is going on now with the intention to fill some of the AFC’s ‘fat cats’ pockets! Come on Ramjattan, make the ‘right turn’ or resign! You cannot allow your ‘boys’ to continue their corrupt tendencies! But then can you afford “to rock the boat”?
Is it wrong for me to speak out about the very things the AFC is preaching in public about? Should I keep my mouth shut, turn a blind eye and pretend that all is well within my party?
I believe in what the Great Mahatma preached- do not be afraid to speak out against corruption even if you are alone. History will judge and absolve me for speaking out against cronyism and corruption within my party. I will have to clean my house before I clean my neighbour’s. Let us remove the ‘beam’ from our own eyes then we can see to remove the ‘speck’ from our brother’s.




Media revelations force Govt. to abandon MoU with ‘Ghost Company’



Following days of explosive revelations regarding Natural Globe Inc, a company that inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Government to pursue the setting up of a US$30M recycling plant, Cabinet has decided to abandon the pact.
Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon, confirmed this yesterday during his weekly press engagement at Office of the President.

Mohamed Osman, CEO of the ‘Ghost Company’ Natural Globe Inc [left) signing the MoU along with Permanent Secretary in the Local Government, Colin Croal.

Mohamed Osman, CEO of the ‘Ghost Company’ Natural Globe Inc (left) signing the MoU along with Permanent Secretary in the Local Government, Colin Croal.

This latest development came days after Government would have stoutly defended the company and the MoU. Minister Ganga Persaud had even accused the media of seeking to scare away investors, such as Mohamed Osman, the Chief Executive Officer of Natural Globe Inc.
The Minister of Local Govt. claimed that he was “satisfied that there is credible evidence with regards to Mr Osman (sic) experience, involvement, and expertise in the business of recycling and his initial commitment to invest approximately US$30M in this particular project.
“The standard operating procedures were followed in identifying Natural Globe Guyana Inc.”
Dr Luncheon yesterday took an about-turn and said that the media exposure prompted the review and eventual abandonment of the MoU.
“In the wake of the media revelations and in the context of its recent execution of the MoU with the firm Natural Globe Inc, for recycling services in Guyana, Cabinet has decided to withdraw its execution of the MoU with the firm,” said Dr. Luncheon.
As a result of the Cabinet decision, Dr. Luncheon said that the planned move to approach Go-Invest for the necessary feasibility study, prior to an investment agreement being inked, has now been abandoned.
Asked about the due diligence that Government would have conducted prior to inking the MoU with Natural Globe Inc, Dr. Luncheon said, “A number of areas were inadequately attended to.”
He said that it was “the media revelations that pointed this out, rather forcibly, to the attention not only of Cabinet, but of the Guyanese people.”
Dr. Luncheon, commenting on the level of due diligence that was conducted on Natural Globe Inc, said that it was because it was merely for a MoU and not an actual contract.
“I would be the first to concede, it did not attract the same level of due diligence, had it been for the execution of a contract,” according to Dr. Luncheon.
Asked about tax breaks or concessions that would have been demanded by Natural Globe Inc, Dr. Luncheon said that because it was only a MoU and not a contract, this was not a consideration.
When the MoU was first announced, Guyanese were told that it was a Canadian Company.
Searches for the Canadian registered company proved futile. It was later learnt that the Company was in fact registered in Guyana only three months ago.
The proposal for the project was submitted 14 months ago.
Natural Globe Inc, the company in question, is run by Osman and has as its Directors, his son, Imzamam Osman and Andrianna Webster, the daughter of the Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Jennifer Webster.
When Kaieteur News first began questioning the MoU with what was deemed a ‘Ghost Company’ the Ministry of Local Government lashed out saying that it wishes to clarify the misrepresented, misinformed and mischievous statements published by Media Houses which seek to confuse and communicate incorrect messages to the public on the recent signing of the MoU for the establishment of recycling plant in Guyana.”
The Ministry said that the company is owned and operated by a Guyanese entrepreneur who resides in Canada and is in the process of becoming a re-migrant resident.
“This company is also a local consultancy firm that provides integrated solutions for sustainable development in the fields of solid waste management and specializes in operations in the environmental sector,” the Ministry said.
Osman during an interview with this publication, had said that the US$30M required for the project was already in place and that the company was just awaiting word from Government to go ahead.
Asked to identify the investors, he said that it was the Minister’s daughter and himself that would be putting US$15M each.
Minister Webster while confirming that her daughter was a Director of the company, vehemently denied that she was investing any money given that she was not a shareholder.
Pressed further on the source of his share of the financing, Osman said that he is the Vice President of Mogford Enterprise in Canada which is the parent company for a subsidiary called the Tadger Group International.
While there was no website found for the parent company, one was located for what he claimed is the subsidiary.
When questioned further about this company, details such as contact information, among other things, Osman said he could not recall at the time and would text Kaieteur News the information.
The Ministry of Local Government had on the very day contradicted what Osman was saying when it released a statement that he “Osman serves in the capacity of Technical Advisor to this agency.”
In wake of the revelations on the Company, A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Joseph Harmon had described the MoU between Osman, and Government as “disgusting and disturbing.”
Harmon, at the time said that what makes the matter more interesting and questionable is the obvious link with a sitting Government Minister’s daughter.
APNU executive was adamant that the persons at the Local Government ministry who actually dealt with the proposal should be disciplined.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Lets be real. This was not a mistake. This was another crony capitalism project intended to fill the pockets of PPPinc. They were in full blast defensive strategy only yesterday insisting on the honesty, the necessity and the competence of those they tasked to carry out the project.


The often heard bell ringing that"it will cost the people nothing" ( as if anything is for free) was being tossed about left and right. Except for the fact that the cover was tenuous and the fellow lied on very obvious things; they would still be knee deep in the defensive mode.


Let me reiterate, this was no mistake. Only idiots would make such a mistake and these may be crooks but they are no fools. This was a strategy to rob the nation that was shot down by opposition inquisition.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Lets be real. This was not a mistake. This was another crony capitalism project intended to fill the pockets of PPPinc. They were in full blast defensive strategy only yesterday insisting on the honesty, the necessity and the competence of those they tasked to carry out the project.


The often heard bell ringing that"it will cost the people nothing" ( as if anything is for free) was being tossed about left and right. Except for the fact that the cover was tenuous and the fellow lied on very obvious things; they would still be knee deep in the defensive mode.


Let me reiterate, this was no mistake. Only idiots would make such a mistake and these may be crooks but they are no fools. This was a strategy to rob the nation that was shot down by opposition inquisition.

D2, I agree, it is beyond Shameful and it is certainly not simply a MISTAKE. Someone thought the World is BLIND!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Lets be real. This was not a mistake. This was another crony capitalism project intended to fill the pockets of PPPinc. They were in full blast defensive strategy only yesterday insisting on the honesty, the necessity and the competence of those they tasked to carry out the project.


The often heard bell ringing that"it will cost the people nothing" ( as if anything is for free) was being tossed about left and right. Except for the fact that the cover was tenuous and the fellow lied on very obvious things; they would still be knee deep in the defensive mode.


Let me reiterate, this was no mistake. Only idiots would make such a mistake and these may be crooks but they are no fools. This was a strategy to rob the nation that was shot down by opposition inquisition.

D2, I agree, it is beyond Shameful and it is certainly not simply a MISTAKE. Someone thought the World is BLIND!!!

Someone spike your coffee

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Lets be real. This was not a mistake. This was another crony capitalism project intended to fill the pockets of PPPinc. They were in full blast defensive strategy only yesterday insisting on the honesty, the necessity and the competence of those they tasked to carry out the project.


The often heard bell ringing that"it will cost the people nothing" ( as if anything is for free) was being tossed about left and right. Except for the fact that the cover was tenuous and the fellow lied on very obvious things; they would still be knee deep in the defensive mode.


Let me reiterate, this was no mistake. Only idiots would make such a mistake and these may be crooks but they are no fools. This was a strategy to rob the nation that was shot down by opposition inquisition.

D2, I agree, it is beyond Shameful and it is certainly not simply a MISTAKE. Someone thought the World is BLIND!!!

Someone spike your coffee

Dat Gal JB gat meh Bazidee.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yes Bhai AND a signal that there IS a NEW Sheriff in Town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff is not agile enough, not quick to draw.

The new Sheriff should have begun running the corrupt bandits out of town since December 2011, i.e., the day he got his badge.

And, Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to take a good look at some faces in his own saloon. They are in cahoots with the bandits; that is the talk of the town.

Nehru, the new Sheriff needs to buckle up, clean and reload his pistol, get on his high horse, and start blazing away before sundown.

Only then will the town be safe, secure and appealing.


The Sheriff needs to take one shot at a time. No need to destroy the whole army while the corrupt AFC/PNC cannot answer to corruption in their own parties. Every smart leader takes one shot at a time.


Please read below.



stop worrying bout AFC/APNU...focus on the thieves in the PPP...every trick in the book been used to fleece the nation...better thank god for the opposition and independent media

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Let's give the government credit for recognizing it made a mistake and has taken firm action to correct itself.

It's a pity the govt had not done the same with other questionable high-cost projects.

This is a victory for the people's vigilance.

Lets be real. This was not a mistake. This was another crony capitalism project intended to fill the pockets of PPPinc. They were in full blast defensive strategy only yesterday insisting on the honesty, the necessity and the competence of those they tasked to carry out the project.


The often heard bell ringing that"it will cost the people nothing" ( as if anything is for free) was being tossed about left and right. Except for the fact that the cover was tenuous and the fellow lied on very obvious things; they would still be knee deep in the defensive mode.


Let me reiterate, this was no mistake. Only idiots would make such a mistake and these may be crooks but they are no fools. This was a strategy to rob the nation that was shot down by opposition inquisition.

D2, I agree, it is beyond Shameful and it is certainly not simply a MISTAKE. Someone thought the World is BLIND!!!

Someone spike your coffee

Ray, It does not matter who in Positions of Power, the same will happen. However, it is the Opposition and the Public at large to be vigilant against such matters. I hope the Opposition stays focus.


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