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Audit exposes Brassington’s scam in state assets sales


An Audit into the operations of Property Holdings Inc. (PHI) has revealed an unhealthy practice where the entity would award properties to the second and third highest bidders. This is usually the case when the first and second

PHI former Director, Winston Brassington

PHI former Director, Winston Brassington

highest bidder withdrew.

PHI used to be controlled by Winston Brassington who was also Director/Chairman for about 13 other companies.

Auditor Charles Sugrim has “strongly recommended” that PHI cease this sort of practice that was condoned under Brassington.

Surgrim reported, “PHI did not consider re-tendering of properties when the highest bidder withdrew. In some cases there were prior bids for the same property at a higher price.”

The auditor pointed to an instance where the difference in price between the highest bidder and the second highest bidder was $146M. The highest bidder withdrew, and the property was offered to the second highest bidder.

The boards of PHI and the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL) approved the sale of a Water Street property to J P Santos & Co Ltd for the amount of $215M after Laparkan’s withdrawal of its $361M. The proceeds were split between PHI and Guyana National Shipping Corporation (GNSC) in a ratio of 65:35. This was because the building was owned by PHI and the land owned by GNSC.

Surgrim pointed out that “on the withdrawal of the bid from the highest bidder, there was no attempt by the boards of PHI or NICIL to re-tender for the property.”

The auditor pointed to another instance where a property was offered to the third highest bidder when the first and second highest bidders withdrew their bids. The difference between the highest bid and sale price was $61 million. Also, the tendered bid price was reduced in the final sale price. The property in question was the zinc bond which Sugrim pointed out is very prominent on Water Street.

Sugrim reported that in 2003, after the bids were opened, the highest bidder Hoon Sookraj withdrew

Bharrat Jagdeo

Bharrat Jagdeo

his bid stating that his bid was on the incorrect property. Sookraj did not state which property he was bidding on. Subsequently, the second highest bidder, Savitrie Seodat withdrew her bid “without giving any reason.”

PHI then decided to offer the property to the third highest bidder, Malcolm Panday, for the bid price of $135M.

Panday then wrote the Privatization Unit requesting a reduction of the bid price. He stated that the land size was 11,413 ft2 and not 14,659 ft2 as per schedule one of the agreement of sale and purchase.

However, Sugrim noted that the agreement of sale and purchase to which Panday referenced has no measurement of the said property.
It was reported that the reference made by Panday on the measurement of the property may have originated through correspondences with PHI.
The Privatization Unit then wrote the then President Bharrat Jagdeo informing him of the incorrect information of measurement on the tender document. The Unit recommended that the offer price be $105M. The amended sale price was approved by the PHI and the PU boards.
Cabinet then approved the amended price of $105 M.

Sugrim reported, “There was an excess of the difference between the final selling price and the valuation price of $24M.”

The auditor recommended that “this practice cease immediately.” Sugrim said that in future, if the highest bidder pulls out, the property should be retendered to the public.

He said, “PHI (has to) exercise more caution in offering the property to the second highest bidder.”

Sugrim said that in such cases management can also choose to readvertise the property stating a minimum acceptable offer price.
Management’s response

PHI management responded that the decision to select the second highest bidder did not and does not rest with PHI but with Cabinet on advice of the Privatization Board.

Ashni Singh

Ashni Singh

It was also noted that there were “instances where the second highest bidder is still significantly higher than the conducted valuation.”
Management also responded that there is no guarantee that on readvertising the value of either the highest or second highest bid will be achieved.

It said that such a “strict application” (returning) does not take into consideration the tradeoffs. PHI said that bidders are less likely to participate in a second round of tendering. The company said that in some cases, prices were negotiated upwards.

Further, PHI said, “The concept of the tender is to ensure transparency and the last effective standing tenderer is still transparent after the other bidders have withdrawn. Reasons for withdrawal could be a belief that there was overbidding or a belief that the value of the property is less or that the bid was simply speculative.”

Management also said that “much depends on the facts of the matter; the members of the Privatization Board were a mix of private and public persons. As long as the valuation is less, then this is sufficient reason to proceed with the transaction. Transparency is still preserved. From experience, the market price is the highest price a willing buyer will pay.

“Until the offer is the subject of a contract and the bidder is obligated to complete the transaction (via a deposit or a bid bond or blacklisting), a bid alone is not sufficient to confirm that this is the market price. In rare cases, a bid bond was used, to ensure that only serious bidders were in the market. This however, adds to the cost of tendering and some persons may not submit a bid.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.


How is this crookedness?  Isn't this the procedure for a bidding process?  What I have a problem with is that properties are sold in an auction.  There should be sold as real estate with a fixed price.

Bibi Haniffa

Generally, when the highest bidder withdraws, the bids from the other bidders are reviewed for consideration.

Where all of the selected bids are flawed or unacceptable, then there is a process to re-tender the project(s).

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.

Can you please respond to BIBI and DG's observation.  Where exactly was the crookedness if other bidders withdrew? Didn't the PNC do the same with the Fedder Lloyd fiasco and they got burned?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How is this crookedness?  Isn't this the procedure for a bidding process?  What I have a problem with is that properties are sold in an auction.  There should be sold as real estate with a fixed price.

It's crookedness because all he sees are Indian names in every tier of the bidding.  It is nornal practice in an auction.  Now, I do agree that if the price difference between the highest bid and bid wich actally goes forward is large, then a retendering should be considered.  But this should be embedded in the rules.  The way it is, there was no crookedness unless a higher bid willing to go forwards was circumvented.  This appears not to be the case!!  D2 just upset seeing all the Indian names.  

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.

Can you please respond to BIBI and DG's observation.  Where exactly was the crookedness if other bidders withdrew? Didn't the PNC do the same with the Fedder Lloyd fiasco and they got burned?

They asked stupid questions. The idea of crookedness is not built on what is clearly the case that brazzington was a bagman, a mechanism to keep all decision making local to the PPP. He managed 13 companies!

Secondly, the disparity here in the upper bid and the second place bid should say something. It is an opportunity for scamming. There is no set limit and if someone is legitimately pricing the property and bid almost twice the amount of the second highest bidder the property does not default to the second without a trap to prevent a reserved price.

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How is this crookedness?  Isn't this the procedure for a bidding process?  What I have a problem with is that properties are sold in an auction.  There should be sold as real estate with a fixed price.

It's crookedness because all he sees are Indian names in every tier of the bidding.  It is nornal practice in an auction.  Now, I do agree that if the price difference between the highest bid and bid wich actally goes forward is large, then a retendering should be considered.  But this should be embedded in the rules.  The way it is, there was no crookedness unless a higher bid willing to go forwards was circumvented.  This appears not to be the case!!  D2 just upset seeing all the Indian names.  

Not because you parse your decisions on race everyone else are obliged to do the same.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.

Can you please respond to BIBI and DG's observation.  Where exactly was the crookedness if other bidders withdrew? Didn't the PNC do the same with the Fedder Lloyd fiasco and they got burned?

They asked stupid questions. The idea of crookedness is not built on what is clearly the case that brazzington was a bagman, a mechanism to keep all decision making local to the PPP. He managed 13 companies!

Secondly, the disparity here in the upper bid and the second place bid should say something. It is an opportunity for scamming. There is no set limit and if someone is legitimately pricing the property and bid almost twice the amount of the second highest bidder the property does not default to the second without a trap to prevent a reserved price.

Name the 13 companies.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.

Can you please respond to BIBI and DG's observation.  Where exactly was the crookedness if other bidders withdrew? Didn't the PNC do the same with the Fedder Lloyd fiasco and they got burned?

They asked stupid questions. The idea of crookedness is not built on what is clearly the case that brazzington was a bagman, a mechanism to keep all decision making local to the PPP. He managed 13 companies!

Secondly, the disparity here in the upper bid and the second place bid should say something. It is an opportunity for scamming. There is no set limit and if someone is legitimately pricing the property and bid almost twice the amount of the second highest bidder the property does not default to the second without a trap to prevent a reserved price.

Name the 13 companies.

Why should I? FInd out for yourself. Just think of any major ones he did not preside over and you will cue yourself into the PPP money laundering scheme.

Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHAa Drowning IDIOTS holding on to straws.

You are dumb as a skunk and still have the nerve to post the same stupid celebratory one liner post after post.

So that make you the DUMBEST ANIMAL, Brainless Animal on the Planet. Dont give up even Monkeys are known to improve their intelligence!!!!

Nehru posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHAa Drowning IDIOTS holding on to straws.

You are dumb as a skunk and still have the nerve to post the same stupid celebratory one liner post after post.

So that make you the DUMBEST ANIMAL, Brainless Animal on the Planet. Dont give up even Monkeys are known to improve their intelligence!!!!

Show me any unique informative post from you over the past year that was not a variation of the same script repeated over and over. The above is an example. 

Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHAa Drowning IDIOTS holding on to straws.

You are dumb as a skunk and still have the nerve to post the same stupid celebratory one liner post after post.

So that make you the DUMBEST ANIMAL, Brainless Animal on the Planet. Dont give up even Monkeys are known to improve their intelligence!!!!

Show me any unique informative post from you over the past year that was not a variation of the same script repeated over and over. The above is an example. 

The above shows the world what a FOOL you are, writing pages of FILTH daily that does not make sense or mean anything. I know you love to hear your voice so stay in the Apt and keep talking.

Nehru posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:
Danyael posted:
Nehru posted:

HAHAHAa Drowning IDIOTS holding on to straws.

You are dumb as a skunk and still have the nerve to post the same stupid celebratory one liner post after post.

So that make you the DUMBEST ANIMAL, Brainless Animal on the Planet. Dont give up even Monkeys are known to improve their intelligence!!!!

Show me any unique informative post from you over the past year that was not a variation of the same script repeated over and over. The above is an example. 

The above shows the world what a FOOL you are, writing pages of FILTH daily that does not make sense or mean anything. I know you love to hear your voice so stay in the Apt and keep talking.

Variation of the same theme...stoking your intellect while demonstrating by ceaseless repetition,  the lack of it.

Danyael posted:

They asked stupid questions. The idea of crookedness is not built on what is clearly the case that brazzington was a bagman, a mechanism to keep all decision making local to the PPP. He managed 13 companies!

Secondly, the disparity here in the upper bid and the second place bid should say something. It is an opportunity for scamming. There is no set limit and if someone is legitimately pricing the property and bid almost twice the amount of the second highest bidder the property does not default to the second without a trap to prevent a reserved price.

So your argument is not about the actual bids but rather the procedure to be followed if the winner withdraws and the issue of a reserve price.  To me this indicates a flaw in the procedure rather than any scam concocted by Brassignton. I don't see where he benefits other than if some under the table activity and collusion by the bidders. 

Danyael posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

So far zero PPP jailed for these crookedness.   Hopefully Jennifer the token Black will be the sacrificial lamb to appease your thirst for PPP blood. 

It matters not whether they face the law or not. Markos faced no judge, Pinochet went to his grave a free man, Idi Amin lollygagged in his pool house in Saudi Arabia like a plutocrat and Hamid Karzai still walks free when he was the most corrupt president of any nation on the planet minus the North Koreans. 

The PPP are crooks.

Can you please respond to BIBI and DG's observation.  Where exactly was the crookedness if other bidders withdrew? Didn't the PNC do the same with the Fedder Lloyd fiasco and they got burned?

They asked stupid questions. The idea of crookedness is not built on what is clearly the case that brazzington was a bagman, a mechanism to keep all decision making local to the PPP. He managed 13 companies!

Secondly, the disparity here in the upper bid and the second place bid should say something. It is an opportunity for scamming. There is no set limit and if someone is legitimately pricing the property and bid almost twice the amount of the second highest bidder the property does not default to the second without a trap to prevent a reserved price.

Name the 13 companies.

Why should I? FInd out for yourself. Just think of any major ones he did not preside over and you will cue yourself into the PPP money laundering scheme.

LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You should name the companies!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You should name the companies!!!!

Calling me a liar would not make you true. This fellow squatted on every state enterprise. Kaiteurnews number is completely true


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