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President Jagdeo is no fool he made calculated moves and one of the is paying off. He gave away the all the media licensed to his friend Bobby Ramroop. Now is payback time TO Jagdeo and the PPP.

After Mr Ralp Ramkarran publicly scolded President Jagdeo last week, Jagdeo loose his dogs.

In today's Guyana Times there is a n interesting article and Iam sure GT used a legal person to assist them with this piece.


Read On!!

A tale of greed, avarice and money laundering in the Caribbean

While the talk of “cold cases” is in the air after President Donald Ramotar’s admonition to the Police, there is

Sherene Mongroo

Sherene Mongroo

one “hot” case that is about to be concluded. It is the high-profile case from 2013 that had all the elements of an object lesson in fraud and greed.
It concerns the US$4 million estate of an 83-year-old recluse Yusuf Mongroo, four Wills that the man was supposed to have made while on his deathbed, supposedly disinheriting his two daughters and giving all his wealth to his maid and an employee from his business.
But more titillating, the case involves high profile lawyer Ralph Ramkarran, SC, being accused by the even higher profile Khemraj Ramjattan of being knowingly involved in perpetuating a fraudulent Will.
Since all the submissions have been made but one, Guyana should soon be given a decision by the judge but since the lawyers are politicians involved in the ongoing elections, it is feared that the decision may be put off.
Yusuf’s daughter, Sherene Mongroo-Parisi, who is contesting the will because she claims the will is fraudulent told this newspaper this weekend that she believes believes that “justice delayed is justice denied”.

Hari Narayen Ramkarran, aka Ralph Ramkarran

Hari Narayen Ramkarran, aka Ralph Ramkarran

Yusuf Mongroo [left) and Malcolm William Deane

Yusuf Mongroo (left) and Malcolm William Deane

The case was precipitated when Yusuf passed away at the St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital on August 15, 2010.
He was the owner of Horseshoe Racing Service in Georgetown, where one Sasedai Kumarie Persaud worked as a cashier. He also operated similar services in Barbados. He was a very rich man, but lived a reclusive life.
The aged man had been hospitalised at Woodlands Hospital, from July 20, 2010 and was discharged on August 1, 2010. At his home, where he only had a housekeeper, Indranie Mulchand, his condition became critical and he was admitted to St Joseph’s on August 9, 2010.
He developed a cerebral edema (“fluids in and swelling of his brain&rdquo and other serious medical complications that caused his death within a week. Mulchand did not inform Yusuf’s daughters who lived overseas of his condition.image1
Right after his death, two Wills surfaced in Guyana − both allegedly made on August 12 and both witnessed by two doctors from St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital.
An attorney-at-law said that he prepared one of the Wills after Yusuf had summoned him to the hospital after being admitted. He said that Yusuf had been his client for nearly 30 years.
The looting of the estate did not stop with the forgery of Wills in Guyana. The greed and avarice of the conspirators who would defraud the rightful heirs of the fortune of Yusuf went after monies that were stashed away in the tax-haven locale of Cayman Islands.image2
A US$4 million cheque (exactly US$4,391,851) was written in Guyana, drawn on First Caribbean International Bank (FCIB) in the Cayman. (See below) It was evidently a blank cheque signed by Yusuf but filled out by Persaud in her handwriting and made out to herself, purportedly on August 3, 2010 right after he was discharged from Woodlands and held incommunicado at his home at New Market Street. The “s” in the “August” differs significantly from the “s” in the signature “Yusuf”.
This cheque was presented to FCIB in Cayman on September 13, 2010 endorsed in Persaud’s handwriting at the back to a partner in a law firm in Barbados, Malcolm William Deane. E-mails produced by Sherene show that Ramkarran, the lawyer for Persaud, communicated with Deane to negotiate the cheque through its account in a Barbados Bank.
The illegality did not even have to do with the authenticity of the cheque, but that Ramkarran arranged for its clearing in full knowledge that the maker had died. The mandate of all such cheques expires on the death of the drawer.
However, the cheque was returned by the Barbados Bank to FCIB in Cayman on the grounds of insufficient liquid funds in Yusuf’s current account: the bulk of his funds being kept in a certificate of deposit. Ramkarran allegedly knew of how much money Yusuf’s  Cayman account had – he bungled in not finding out whether it was all liquid.
Ramkarran and his client Persaud have been stymied in their attempt to defraud the estate of Yusuf. But they were not about to give up. The money was just too much.

Cayman caper
Ramkarran, enlisted the help of Ali Mudeen, the then Managing Director of ATC Trustees (Cayman) Limited, to gain unauthorised access to the funds in the Cayman account at FCIB. Mudeen had once been an employee of Ramkarran in his law office of “Cameron And Shepherd” in Guyana.
Cayman is the second largest tax haven in the world, and US President Barrack Obama explicitly named it in the US efforts to curb the activities of this “shadow banking” centre, that is expert in the art of laundering funds. image3
Even though Ramkarran constantly professed to be “just the attorney for Persaud”, the document above shows that Ramkarran formed a Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with Mudeen and Persaud.
It is against all the Canons of Legal Ethics for lawyers to engage in this type of activity with a current client on a matter in which he is the legal representative. The JVA was formed to facilitate the acquisition of a banking account in St Lucia that would receive the funds from the FCIB in Cayman by laundering it through the Bahamas.
Mudeen’s role was to facilitate the second attempt to withdraw the funds from his account in the Cayman. With his background in Cayman Island “financial services” industry, this was not difficult to do.
It involved the production of a third Will produced by a Trinidadian cousin of Sherene, allegedly made by Yusuf on August 6, 2010, and expressed to be limited to his assets in the Cayman Islands. This would have been three days after the cheque was supposedly made out to Sherene to clean out the account.
It was not presented to FCIB until or about January 28, 2011, by which time the first attempt had failed and enough time would have been available to make another, more elaborate attempt.
A Caymanian woman, Debra Mary Rankin, a low level airline employee  purporting to be the executrix of the  probated Will presented herself to the Cayman FCIB. The “probate” in Guyana was shown to be fraudulent. A Cayman court broke several of its rules to certify that the Will was valid.

Ali Mudeen

Ali Mudeen

The woman, since arrested by Cayman Police, instructed FCIB to wire transfer the balance of  US$4,399,237.28 in Yusuf’s account to the Bank of The Bahamas for the account of the purported sole beneficiary of his Cayman estate, a mysterious and hitherto unknown Bahamian entity called the “YM Guy-Caribe Foundation”.
This would be typical mechanisms to launder money and known to financial operators like Mudeen. By this time, the certificate of deposit had become liquid and the money was transferred.
FCIB complied with this request via its correspondent bank JPMorganChase, ignoring that the so-called “YM Guy-Caribe Foundation” had not been established until November 5, 2010; in other words, almost three months after the Cayman will had purportedly been executed. How could a Will specify a beneficiary that does not exist?
On or about February 1, 2011, the Bank of The Bahamas received the sum of US$4,399,237.28 from JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, for the account of “YM Guy-Caribe Foundation” account number 1350002508.

Smoking gun
On April 11, 2011, Hari Narayen Ramkarran, aka Ralph Ramkarran, opened an account number 651-968-0 with the Bank of Saint Lucia International Limited (BOSIL). According to a copy of the account application form (see below), Ramkarran was introduced to BOSIL by Mudeen.
According to the witness’ statement to the Barbados Police, the judge in the Cayman that presumably certified the third Will, received US$1 million according to Mudeen, Persaud US$1 million, Ramkarran, $750,000 and Rankin, the purported executrix’s share was in excess of $642,000.
Ramkarran told the bank that the activity over the account would represent “deposits from income and overseas investments” and that the average monthly balance would be US$150,000. The initial deposit to the account of US$20,000 was described as being “repayment by Mudeen of a loan to him”.
Mudeen left or had to leave ATC Trustees (Cayman) Limited, an old-line century old British firm and joined  J&T Financial Group – a Czech-Slovak investment group’s  J&T Bank and Trust in Barbados. J&T also did business in Cayman.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ralph Ramkarran: "An old story is repeated alleging some sort of fraud in the estate of Yusuf Mongroo, a case in which the deceased’s Will is challenged by his daughter, Sherene Mongroo, who along with her siblings lived overseas while her deceased father lived for about forty years in Guyana, where she never visited him. His estate was given to his Guyanese reputed wife and Guyanese business manager. None of the close friends of Mongroo, who knew him for the decades he was in Guyana, including he beneficiaries of his estate, were ever told by Mongroo that he had children. They only became aware of this when they turned up for his funeral."


Mr Ramkarran will no doubt respond to today's Guyana Times story too.

The PPP cabal is expert at character assassination. That was a trait even before 1992 when the PPP was in the opposition. Freedom House had smeared the characters of many good persons brave enough to walk out of the PPP and open their mouths. Jagdeo learned well from his seniors and is now a master.

Ralph Ramkarran would do well now to join APNU+AFC. He cannot fight Jagdeo and the PPP machinery as a lone wolf. He may end up like Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:




The PPP cabal is expert at character assassination. That was a trait even before 1992 when the PPP was in the opposition. Freedom House had smeared the characters of many good persons brave enough to walk out of the PPP and open their mouths. Jagdeo learned well from his seniors and is now a master.


And everyone of you who was associated with the PPPare still good at that.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Ralph Ramkarran would do well now to join APNU+AFC. He cannot fight Jagdeo and the PPP machinery as a lone wolf. He may end up like Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Funny that behavior like this can backfire.  It goes to show how vindictive and violent people can be.


If Ramkarran did wrong why are we only now hearing about it.


This will be seen for what it is. Evidence that a vicious and bitchy Jagdeo is showing his fangs.  He will scare many away from the PPP, because only one man previous to that behaved like this.  Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham!

Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Ralph Ramkarran: "An old story is repeated alleging some sort of fraud in the estate of Yusuf Mongroo, a case in which the deceased’s Will is challenged by his daughter, Sherene Mongroo, who along with her siblings lived overseas while her deceased father lived for about forty years in Guyana, where she never visited him. His estate was given to his Guyanese reputed wife and Guyanese business manager. None of the close friends of Mongroo, who knew him for the decades he was in Guyana, including he beneficiaries of his estate, were ever told by Mongroo that he had children. They only became aware of this when they turned up for his funeral."


Mr Ramkarran will no doubt respond to today's Guyana Times story too.

The PPP cabal is expert at character assassination. That was a trait even before 1992 when the PPP was in the opposition. Freedom House had smeared the characters of many good persons brave enough to walk out of the PPP and open their mouths. Jagdeo learned well from his seniors and is now a master.

Ralph Ramkarran would do well now to join APNU+AFC. He cannot fight Jagdeo and the PPP machinery as a lone wolf. He may end up like Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Very irresponsible statement. You are indiciting the PPP for his death. Do you know for sure that the PPP is responsible for his death or are you insinuating this?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


is there trouble in paradise 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:


Ralph Ramkarran would do well now to join APNU+AFC. He cannot fight Jagdeo and the PPP machinery as a lone wolf. He may end up like Courtney Crum-Ewing.

Funny that behavior like this can backfire.  It goes to show how vindictive and violent people can be.


If Ramkarran did wrong why are we only now hearing about it.


This will be seen for what it is. Evidence that a vicious and bitchy Jagdeo is showing his fangs.  He will scare many away from the PPP, because only one man previous to that behaved like this.  Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Yes it became the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Yes it became the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


The flawed court system is to be blamed,the corrupt lawyers

are aware of this and are using it for their client illegal

claims,too much bribery in GY,the system need cleansing.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Yes it became the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

How long was Hoyte Prez? How long has the PPP been in Govt?


PPP gets the blame...nothing changes.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Yes it became the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

How long was Hoyte Prez? How long has the PPP been in Govt?


PPP gets the blame...nothing changes.


Originally Posted by cain:

How long was Hoyte Prez? How long has the PPP been in Govt?


PPP gets the blame...nothing changes.

BAI CAIN, YOU LIKE ROGER THE DODGER. Hey, ansa me kweshtian nah man?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

Skelly, it appears you're unaware of the tons of reforms instituted by Desmond Hoyte following the death of Burnham, and this against serious odds in his own party who were married to the Burnham's ways.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


Per your PPP, you are not going to get it straightened any day soon. I know people who are plagued with this problem as others step in and say the own the property.  It is not only the lawyers. It is the magistrates as well. They deliberate frustrate you by keeping you in court so you spend more than the property is worth going back and forth just to hear of postponement.

Seriously, it's not the PPP's fault. It's the fault of an inherited legal system that failed people for decades. This also happened under the PNC. I do not trust the legal system in Guyana...from the judges, magistrates and to the low life commanders, corporal, sergeant and policemen. Hang them all in public..along witht e corrupted lawyers(liars).

Yes it became the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

The PPP ruling for the past two decades had time to clean

up the system,too much blame shifting Hyote time was

seven years.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

So Burnham died. Why did not Hoyte try to institute some changes? Can't blame PPP alone deh bai Cain.

Skelly, it appears you're unaware of the tons of reforms instituted by Desmond Hoyte following the death of Burnham, and this against serious odds in his own party who were married to the Burnham's ways.

Kari, All I am asking if during the PNC days, any of the bribery and corruption were curtailed. I did not see it then and I do not see it now. Maybe there were reforms instituted, but as a layman, I did not see any difference.

I go to Guyana and still see it as a cesspit of corruption in the legal system.


Maybe they should start jailing the bribers.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


The crook that you speaking about, his father had a store at #78 Village?

Originally Posted by cain:
 the PPP's fault after they inherited what Burnham left behind and did nothing to curb this. Yes, they are to shoulder all blame...the weasels.

The PPP has been around for 22 years, which is long enough to fix any of the problems that they inherited.


They proved unable to do this, so its now time to find others to accomplish these goals, and then hold them accountable if they don't.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If what this article is saying is true then Mr Ramkaran can be in trouble for not being ethical.


Jagdeo dogs are doing their work.

Chief, From personal experience, I can tell you that making forged wills in Guyana is an easy thing. I am still in probate court for my mother's will(s). I am the last executor of her will, yet there are other wills floating around. Hopefully I can get this straightened out soon. There are some lawyers in Guyana who will sell their wives and daughters for $50.00 US dollars. You know one of these crooks.
That is why I always repeat the some lawyers are lower than worms.


The crook that you speaking about, his father had a store at #78 Village?

Yeah! You know de man..Mir...


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