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Rohee calls for “media regulatory body”

October 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

“Of course I have a problem with Kaieteur News”

By Abena Rockcliffe
“Of course I have a problem with Kaieteur News” said General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party after he called for a “media regulatory body”, during the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House yesterday.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee


Rohee said that the ongoing frequency of media infractions in Guyana necessitates the establishment of a regulatory body for the media. He claimed that sections of the media have strayed from the fundamentals of journalistic norms and practices, and are providing fodder for the political opposition.
He said these growing infractions bordering on libel, slander, distortions and character assassination by sections of the media have in turn contributed to the lowering of the country’s cultural standards.

The General Secretary asserted that it is wrong for every other institution to be expected to function utilizing the ideals of professional conduct guided by specific norms and practices, “while the media escapes scrutiny due to the absence of a formal mechanism to judge their performance and to impose sanctions in cases where there are infractions. While the media plays an important role in society, this should never be mistaken to mean it can do as it wishes without inviting appropriate criticisms and sanctions. The PPP is therefore encouraging the relevant authorities to carefully examine this matter and to swiftly move to establish a regulatory body for the media.”

In this vein, Rohee was asked to comment on the state-owned Guyana Chronicle’s printing pictures of school-aged children involved in sexual activities, but responded that he hadn’t seen the papers. Rohee also said that he knows nothing about the video that went viral over the weekend.
He was then asked how would he react, in general, to a media house publishing pictures of school children in compromising positions, considering  the fact that Guyana is a signatory to Rights of the Child Convention and that the PPP government has promised to protect children at all levels.
But in response, Rohee maintained that he hadn’t seen Chronicle’s front page “but speaking about general principles double standards I have seen time and time again the Kaieteur News publish things like this…If Kaieteur wishes to deny what I am saying, they have a newspaper to do so. Don’t ask me when it happened, how it happened, or where it happened, we are not on trial here. All I can say is that I have seen this.

In answering a follow-up question, Rohee said, “I wouldn’t want to comment on a matter, these are set up questions that I would not answer without understanding the context in which I am answering, because I know how it will be spun in sections of the media, so I am not going to commit myself at this point and time to any generalised question.”
Yet Rohee admitted that his problem is with Kaieteur News. He said,”my problem is the consistent attacks”  He said that he was upset that Kaieteur News did not cover anything about Prison Service Week, but published a story about the fact that protesting prisoners set alight a mattress in the Camp Street Prison.
Rohee also lamented that Kaieteur News did not cover anything about PPP’s anniversary.
“Where is the objectivity,” he asked.
Pointed to the fact that the newspaper did not cover People’s National Congress Reform anniversary, Rohee said he did not care about that. He chided Kaieteur News for asking the Guyanese nation to stand with it in the fight for press freedom and democracy and said “I will not stand by no Kaieteur News.”

A few weeks ago, Rohee called for the Media Monitoring Unit to deal with the “politically orchestrated daily smear campaigns.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rohee is one hundred percent correct.


This will prevent the mob like Lalla from threatening citizens and lawyers.

Rohee is a burnham lover. He wants to maintain a communist dictatorship over Guyana it will not stand.

Originally Posted by Mars:
It's in the DNA of communist dictatorships the world over to suppress press freedom. The PPP is no different.

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering support of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Originally Posted by Mars:
It's in the DNA of communist dictatorships the world over to suppress press freedom. The PPP is no different.

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering support of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gil, you are one of my favorite contributors on this forum and I admire your honesty in accepting the shortcomings of the PPP while you were an active member. It is refreshing for me to learn of some of our historical past from someone who was on the frontline in the struggle for freedom and democracy. I think that you care a lot for your fellow human being and this was probably your greatest motivation to bring about change in our society. Much respeck to you.
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mars:
It's in the DNA of communist dictatorships the world over to suppress press freedom. The PPP is no different.

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering support of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Last edited by Nehru

Gilly respect indeed must be given to you and many more like you that are awakening from the blind following of any of these political leaders.


There are many Guyanese to this day who cannot bring themselves to accept and recognize that Jagan joined with Burnham and voted in parliament to destroy the economic base of Guyana and largely that is one of the main pillars that have resulted in the economic decay that largely affects Guyana to this day.


Jagan and Burnham collectively were the worst things to ever hit Guyana. We should have a movement to reverse independence.  These new politicians ain't too far off from that Jagan and Burnham kick.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Gilly respect indeed must be given to you and many more like you that are awakening from the blind following of any of these political leaders.


There are many Guyanese to this day who cannot bring themselves to accept and recognize that Jagan joined with Burnham and voted in parliament to destroy the economic base of Guyana and largely that is one of the main pillars that have resulted in the economic decay that largely affects Guyana to this day.


Jagan and Burnham collectively were the worst things to ever hit Guyana. We should have a movement to reverse independence.  These new politicians ain't too far off from that Jagan and Burnham kick.

This was the extent of my contribution to this forum in the I have the enjoyment of teaching Nehru, yugi and dem boys some manners, which I have to do on a constant basis because dem boys head hard.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

The PPP's charter currently states that they are a Marxist-Leninist party and they fought hard to keep it that way after members like Ramjhattan tried to change it. They rule by the policies of Democratic Centralism which is a hallmark of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

The PPP's charter currently states that they are a Marxist-Leninist party and they fought hard to keep it that way after members like Ramjhattan tried to change it. They rule by the policies of Democratic Centralism which is a hallmark of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

YES I KNOW THAT BUT listen to the question. When did the PPP PRACTICED Marxist/Leninist???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

The PPP's charter currently states that they are a Marxist-Leninist party and they fought hard to keep it that way after members like Ramjhattan tried to change it. They rule by the policies of Democratic Centralism which is a hallmark of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

YES I KNOW THAT BUT listen to the question. When did the PPP PRACTICED Marxist/Leninist???

Today. How do you think they select their presidential candidate?
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

The PPP's charter currently states that they are a Marxist-Leninist party and they fought hard to keep it that way after members like Ramjhattan tried to change it. They rule by the policies of Democratic Centralism which is a hallmark of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

YES I KNOW THAT BUT listen to the question. When did the PPP PRACTICED Marxist/Leninist???

Today. How do you think they select their presidential candidate?

Wasting time talkin to you as usual!!!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rohee is one hundred percent correct.


This will prevent the mob like Lalla from threatening citizens and lawyers.

fool rohee ever get anything right

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

The PPP's charter currently states that they are a Marxist-Leninist party and they fought hard to keep it that way after members like Ramjhattan tried to change it. They rule by the policies of Democratic Centralism which is a hallmark of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.

YES I KNOW THAT BUT listen to the question. When did the PPP PRACTICED Marxist/Leninist???

Today. How do you think they select their presidential candidate?

Wasting time talkin to you as usual!!!

That's ok. You can always try if you ever develop the skills necessary to engage in an intelligent conversation.
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally posted by Gilbakka:

Confession: As a PPP activist during the Cold War, I accepted Cheddi Jagan's unwavering suppOort of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, etc.

I did read Western accounts of the suppression of freedoms and denial of rights in the communist bloc but dismissed most of them as anti-Soviet propaganda.

During Gorbachev's tenure, however, the period of openness, Soviet writers and journalists were in effect confirming what their Western counterparts had said all along.

Later, I read widely on the subject of denial of rights and freedoms and persecution of intellectuals like Aleksandr Solshenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov and Boris Pasternak.

I blame myself for following Jagan and the Soviet bloc uncritically. Many intelligent friends in Guyana had cautioned me about the dark side of socialism and I ignored them. They had the last laugh.

Today I see the shadow of Stalinism following rohee, teixeira and jagdeo.


Gilly, France and England has Socialism. When under the PPP has there been the systems you mentioned above???

Nehru, I doubt whether you want to learn the ABC of Socialism at your age. I'll give you in a nutshell.

There is socialism and there is socialism.

There is democratic socialism which most labour parties in the West embrace. That's where France and England come in.

There is also Marxist-Leninist socialism, so-called scientific socialism, which was prevalent in the USSR, GDR, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba, etc. This kind of socialism was/is embraced by communist parties worldwide and the PPP under Cheddi Jagan.

These are the two main types of socialism but there are other minor variants. In Guyana, LFS Burnham preached Cooperative Socialism. Jagan said cooperative socialism was not scientific but utopian. [Get your dictionary, Nehru]. In North Korea there was/is the Kim Il Sung brand of socialism called the Juche Idea. Burnham admired the Juche Idea but Jagan frowned on it.

In a little village in Britain in the 19th century, a man named Robert Owen tried out cooperative socialism and failed. No British or French   government ever practised cooperative socialism.

No British or French government ever practised Marxist-Leninist socialism which Jagan's PPP embraced.

From 1917 to 1991 the Soviet Union ostensibly practised Marxism-Leninism but in reality Stalinism ruled the roost. Under Josef Stalin's rule from 1924 to 1953 there were mass executions, deportations, imprisonment, torture and blatant political harassment of millions of people. Millions. After Stalin's death his methods were used in different guises until the Soviet Union collapsed.

The hallmarks of Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Castroist regimes are a one-party state, no freedom of assembly, association, speech or expression, etc. Cheddi Jagan's PPP supported those regimes. Not even Rohee's PPP will deny that.


nOW, TELL ME WHEN gUYANA PRACTISED Marxist-Leninist ??? Except for when Burnham Ruled, cause he surely did.

Nehru, let me pull you back to the original issue that prompted me to write all these things about communism/Marxism-Leninism/Stalinism.

Mars wrote: "It's in the DNA of communist dictatorships the world over to suppress press freedom. The PPP is no different."

I elaborated on Mars' statement by showing that the PPP under Cheddi Jagan supported those same communist dictatorships and I stated that the "shadow of Stalinism" is following rohee, jagdeo and teixeira. This is the truimvirate that has an iron grip on the PPP today.

Rohee's call for a "regulatory body" for media houses is intended to constrict and choke Kaieteur News and Stabroek News. That regulatory body will never "regulate" NCN, Chronicle, Mirror or Guyana Times.

Rohee is on record labelling KN and SN as "opposition press."

Yesterday Rohee said Kaieteur News provide "fodder" for the opposition, the same opposition that has a one-seat majority in parliament and is bringing down the Ramotar administration with its no-confidence vote soon.

Clearly, Rohee wants KN and SN to stop printing exposé that provide fodder to the AFC and APNU, according to him. If that is not an attempt to suppress press freedom, what is?

Lest you forget, that other Stalinist named jagdeo had starved Stabroek News of advertising revenue for more than a year. Newspapers are run mainly on advertising revenues.

And don't forget the PPP regime's refusal to grant radio licences to the so-called  opposition press.

Don't forget that the same Stalinist jagdeo banned journalist Moseley from attending OP press briefings. There are other examples I can't remember this moment. 

Like the Stalinist regimes of Russia et al, the PPP regime is not happy with an independent and/or critical press.

The PPP regime wants a compliant press, a yesman press, a rohee press.


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