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PPP slams Kaieteur News for misleading article on declarations to Integrity Commission


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Friday slammed the Kaieteur News for a misleading article it published on the declaration to the Integrity Commission. The PPP stated that the issue of declaration was raised on Thursday last at a news conference hosted by Opposition Leader and PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo.

Members of Parliament are, as public officials, among those required to declare their assets

The reporter, according to the PPP, asked whether all current PPP/C parliamentarians had filed returns, to which the PPP General Secretary responded that he was not aware of how many persons had filed, but assured that checks would be made. The reporter also asked the PPP General Secretary if he had personally filed, to which he responded no, but committed to do so. On Thursday, (October 11, 2018) he said clearly: “We will get it done because it is something that we believe in. When we were in office, we made sure that every Minister did up to 2014.”
Further, the PPP General Secretary at the same news conference, stated that returns must be filed by all parliamentarians and Ministers, not only for 2018, but for the three years during which the Integrity Commission’s secretariat was disbanded by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition Government. The PPP General Secretary was clear on multiple occasions in his condemnation of that action.
The Party notes too that the Kaieteur News has not, until now, raised queries with the President, Prime Minister or any other APNU/AFC Government official; many of whom have not filed returns with the Integrity Commission for the past 10 years.
The Party stated that with Local Government Elections in the air, the Kaieteur News has reverted focus to its anti-PPP agenda; quite possibly because of “benefits? being accessed by the newspaper’s principal, Glenn Lall. On Friday, the PPP General Secretary questioned the inaction of the APNU/AFC coalition Government to fully collect on a $3.8 billion judgement handed down by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) against Guyana Stores Limited – a company to which Lall is closely linked. Additionally, recent queries were raised in the local media about Lall’s ‘man of business’ being back in business after being hired as an investigator at the Special Organised Crimes Unit; ironically after he was dismissed multiple times by Government agencies for corrupt acts. These are just two examples of some of the factors that have likely influenced the favourable reporting on the APNU/AFC coalition Government coming from Saffron Street.
Additionally, to date, the PPP/C is still awaiting information on the non-compliant former parliamentarians, some of whom are current Ministers in the APNU/AFC coalition Government, to proceed with filing of private criminal charges. The PPP/C on June 21, 2017, sent a letter to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency, Abeena Moore, requesting the names of the delinquent People’s National Congress Reform parliamentarians, of the Eighth and Ninth Parliament, who failed to submit declarations for the years 2001-2006 and 2006-2011. The same was requested for APNU parliamentarians who served in the 10th Parliament for the years 2011-2015. To date, there has been no response.
Guyanese would recall that in July 2016, the PPP/C moved to the National Assembly to address the issue of greater accountability for persons in public life, via a motion. The motion called for all parliamentarians to make their tax returns, as well as their asset declarations to the Integrity Commission, public for the last 10 years. This was voted against by the APNU/AFC parliamentarians at the time.
These issues, relative to the APNU/AFC Government’s sordid lack of accountability, have been totally ignored by the Kaieteur News.
The Party has been, and remains, committed to transparency and accountability, unlike the APNU/AFC coalition Government, for which these words have become empty rhetoric.
The PPP stated that the Kaieteur News misled Guyanese for many years and on this basis, the PPP will not sit silent and allow them to do so again.

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yuji22 posted:

PPP slams Kaieteur News for misleading article on declarations to Integrity Commission


"The reporter also asked the PPP General Secretary if he had personally filed, to which he responded NO . . ."

soooo BhaRAT, what exactly is the issue here . . . hmmmm? 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When is Lall going to pay the govt their taxes and stop his spin machine of propaganda?

As soon as your Dr. Rat complies.

Bai why yuh nah ress yuhself this urly Sunday marnin’. Me done tek coffee, bake and solfish and play wid mi parakeet!!   And yu a mek story!

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When is Lall going to pay the govt their taxes and stop his spin machine of propaganda?

As soon as your Dr. Rat complies.

Bai why yuh nah ress yuhself this urly Sunday marnin’. Me done tek coffee, bake and solfish and play wid mi parakeet!!   And yu a mek story!

No solfish, but peanut butter and Guava jam Is Navratri time bhai. Like the Parakeet moved back? 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When is Lall going to pay the govt their taxes and stop his spin machine of propaganda?

As soon as your Dr. Rat complies.

If you had gotten that GRA job, you would a cuss Lall, and he family, and he neighba, and he neighbor neighba till you wear them down and make him pay back the tax money.  I'm starting to see now why Ramjattan was batting so hard for you to get the job.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When is Lall going to pay the govt their taxes and stop his spin machine of propaganda?

As soon as your Dr. Rat complies.

If you had gotten that GRA job, you would a cuss Lall, and he family, and he neighba, and he neighbor neighba till you wear them down and make him pay back the tax money.  I'm starting to see now why Ramjattan was batting so hard for you to get the job.

If I should have gotten the job, I would have needed a big mouth personal assistant and driver like you. Heard you drive from NJ to PA in flat 2 hours to deliver an envelope.  Heard that your parakeet is shedding.


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