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$400M East Bank Berbice road falling apart


…less than three months after being rehabilitated

The contentious East Bank Berbice road is once again in the news. Residents along the thoroughfare are once again up in arms because the recently rehabilitated $400M East Bank Berbice road has begun to fall apart less

A section of the East Bank Berbice road that was recently rehabilitated.

than three months after being constructed.
The work was awarded to the H. Nauth and Sons Civil Engineering Contracting Firm.  The firm was required to reconstruct a 12-kilometer stretch of the road, from Everton to Light Town. The cost of the contract was $393,000,000.
The East Bank Berbice road stretches for 25 miles from New Amsterdam to Mara. However, residents were surprised that only a part in the middle was being done.
The East Bank Berbice road has been in a deplorable state for close to two decades. The project which began in January was expected to last for four months but went way over the stipulated time.
H. Nauth and Sons Company which has an operation on the East Bank Berbice, has been engaged in doing maintenance work on the road over the years.
Residents are very upset and are set to protest the injustice that has been meted out to them.
The road was expected to be completed at the end of Light Town; however, it ended in the middle of the village.
The prescribed thickness was not followed and the entire rehabilitation was badly done residents said.



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Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Cobra, is PNC fault that the road falling apart. They're in power for 40 days and responsible for this road now. 

The new government inherits everything  (good, bad and ugly) from the government it took over from.

Of course they inherit everything but are they to blame for shoddy work done by the PPP and their fraudulent contractors a few months ago? Is the new government at fault for hundreds of millions spent on a sugar factory that cannot even work at a fraction of the capacity of the older factories?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Cobra, is PNC fault that the road falling apart. They're in power for 40 days and responsible for this road now. 

The new government inherits everything  (good, bad and ugly) from the government it took over from.

Of course they inherit everything but are they to blame for shoddy work done by the PPP and their fraudulent contractors a few months ago? Is the new government at fault for hundreds of millions spent on a sugar factory that cannot even work at a fraction of the capacity of the older factories?

Which part of this you don't understand ... let me repeat. The new government inherits everything  (good, bad and ugly) from the government it took over from.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Cobra, is PNC fault that the road falling apart. They're in power for 40 days and responsible for this road now. 

The new government inherits everything  (good, bad and ugly) from the government it took over from.

Of course they inherit everything but are they to blame for shoddy work done by the PPP and their fraudulent contractors a few months ago? Is the new government at fault for hundreds of millions spent on a sugar factory that cannot even work at a fraction of the capacity of the older factories?

Which part of this you don't understand ... let me repeat. The new government inherits everything  (good, bad and ugly) from the government it took over from.

You're just stating the obvious idiot like the other Captain Obvious.


And which part of this you didn't understand the first time around? "Of course they inherit everything but are they to blame for shoddy work done by the PPP and their fraudulent contractors a few months ago? "


Dem Guy touts he is  a big engineer claims that he is an expert and licensed. My question DG in your expert opinion how do rate Guyanese civil contractors and what qualifies them to be a contractor when the country has no licensing boards or even a darn contractor's examining board. Now I need your honest opinion. Next I will challenge you on another post re the flooding since you were at MW&H with Indrajdit Umadat and others ect

Originally Posted by Onlooker:

Dem Guy touts he is  a big engineer claims that he is an expert and licensed. My question DG in your expert opinion how do rate Guyanese civil contractors and what qualifies them to be a contractor when the country has no licensing boards or even a darn contractor's examining board. Now I need your honest opinion. Next I will challenge you on another post re the flooding since you were at MW&H with Indrajdit Umadat and others ect

Don't waste your time. The Demented Guy is a well known fraud around here. He'll give you half baked answers since he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. The man was a low level flunky at the ministry during Burnham days and he hasn't done anything since. He's an old fogie in a nursing home who has demented illusions of grandeur. He'll tell you that he has 63 college degrees, taught at MIT, lectured in 685 countries around the world, published 17 books and working on his latest. Yet no one in the field has ever heard of him. The only floods he's an expert at are the ones he creates in his Pampers.


p.s. He's constantly looking in the mirror and mumbling to himself and hence he always thinks that posters here are doing the same.


Flooding will always occur in Guyana, similar to what one is currently noted in the news about issues in the US_of_A, Canada, Europe, India, Indonesia, etc., etc..


Flooding is indeed an issue with some of the major floods occurring in the early 1800's and those are greater that what is currently happening in Guyana.


Guyana is about four feet below sea level with the major sea walls and dykes built by the Dutch are still effective with new ones constructed over time. If one were to take careful note, there were developments on the sea ward side which eventually were abandoned, hence the current structures.


Coupled with this issue, Guyana has a unique situation where the effects of the Orinoco and Amazon rivers outflows create unpredictable erosion at various locations of the coast land.


To create a situation where the coast lands receive minimal flooding, one would need to build the sea defence structures about three times the current height; a massive undertaking of works and cost. 


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