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PPP spent over $2B from sugar levy to keep bauxite industry alive – Nandlall

Both the sugar and bauxite industries were given priority statuses in their times of crises by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) when it was in office amidst claims by the APNU/AFC Government and their supporters that this was not the case.

PNC executive Aubrey Norton

This is according to former Attorney General and PPP Member of Parliament, Anil Nandlall, who made his position clear on Saturday during a live broadcast of Globespan24x7.
Globespan24x7 hosted a discussion on bridging national unity in Guyana for which Nandlall and People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) executive, Aubrey Norton were the panellists.
“Every country has industries that ails over time. It is the responsibility of the Government depending on the magnitude of that industry, its impact on the economy, its impact on the citizenry to do that which is necessary to ameliorate the situation to aid the industry…the PPP has done that with sugar as we have done with bauxite,” Nandlall said in response to attacks by Norton that it was the PPP who destroyed the sugar industry in Guyana.
According to the PPP MP, when former President Desmond Hoyte was giving one of his last speeches shortly before general elections in 1992, he declared that the bauxite industry would be closed but it was the PPP that kept this industry alive for many years. To date, the bauxite industry is active but its workers are facing difficulties with their foreign employers.
Nandlall noted that this Government should be able to do much more than it presently is doing and has done for the workers in the bauxite industry as the PPP, during its tenure, never gave up on the same industry despite the challenges it faced.
“Over $2 billion was taken from sugar levy and pumped into bauxite industry to keep it alive until the divestment came… the PPP had a whole regime of poverty alleviation programmes designed, not on a racist or a racial basis, but targeting the various communities in Guyana because we did not craft policies or propagate initiatives based on ethnicity and race. We did it based on the economic environment and needs of these various communities.”
He further stated that the PPP gave over 1000 small logging concessions to Guyanese because they were affected with the bauxite industry being taken over by Guyana Bauxite Company Inc – owned by RUSAL and the Chinese company, Bosai, in previous years.
However, though it is the responsibility of the Government of the day to keep such vital industries alive and protect its workers’ rights, bauxite workers are still encountering major problems with working conditions and measly salaries and wages.
Recently, 61 workers were dismissed by the Russian-owned bauxite company, RUSAL, after they led a strike action, objecting to a one per cent salary increase. Subsequently, another 30 employees at that company were dismissed after the company had to temporarily close its operations in that department. The workers are all presently protesting against the company which they say has violated the laws of Guyana.
Their protests and picketing, along with those members of the Guyana Bauxite and General Workers Union as well as other unions in Guyana, are geared at having them reinstated with a higher salary increase.
These dismissed and displaced bauxite workers have blocked off the access road from the Berbice River leading to the company’s operations and they have no plans of removing the blockages until their voices are heard and the Government takes action against RUSAL.
Since the issue arose, Government has been unable to resolve the issue and has even threatened to shut the company down if an amicable solution cannot be reached.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

This brings up my earlier question. Is the Bauxite levy still in existence and if not, when was it rescinded?

Levy done a long time.

Do you know when?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

This brings up my earlier question. Is the Bauxite levy still in existence and if not, when was it rescinded?

Levy done a long time.

Do you know when?

The production levy was instituted in 1974

Most likely it was no more when the company was privatized. Can't find proof at the moment.


Last edited by Django

Full disclosure. Me asking about when the levy was rescinded on the bauxite industry is to determine if the PNC relieved the bauxite industry of paying the levy while they continued to punish the sugar industry with that levy. 

ksazma posted:

Full disclosure. Me asking about when the levy was rescinded on the bauxite industry is to determine if the PNC relieved the bauxite industry of paying the levy while they continued to punish the sugar industry with that levy. 

I doubt that was done. If it was such that would have been BIG news.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

You make a comment which is subject to a response. 

Your disparaging remark about “chicken feed “ money when my dad contributed 38 years of services to Guysuco that prop the economy to which you once enjoyed, warrant more than a comment to a ungrateful bastard. 

Had it been the other way, you would have speak from the other side of your mouth in support of blacks. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

You make a comment which is subject to a response. 

Your disparaging remark about “chicken feed “ money when my dad contributed 38 years of services to Guysuco that prop the economy to which you once enjoyed, warrant more than a comment to a ungrateful bastard. 

Had it been the other way, you would have speak from the other side of your mouth in support of blacks. 

It seems like every thing is about you and your family contribution.

My family, including my mother who started working since she was 16 yrs old,probably contributed more in the Sugar Industry. I have also contributed a few years.

Do you see i come thumping my chest how much i have contributed or what was taken to develop the country.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

You talking sheer crap!!!

GUYSICKO more BILLIONS  in bail out than the Bauxite Company.

That's a fact.

BS, the contribution of taxes from the Guysuco workers back to the economy , including the support to businesses surpassed the bail out. 

The taxes was used to provide FREE electricity to Linden. 

Thought Indians were  the majority in the sugar belt , thousands of blacks were also employed. 


Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Full disclosure. Me asking about when the levy was rescinded on the bauxite industry is to determine if the PNC relieved the bauxite industry of paying the levy while they continued to punish the sugar industry with that levy. 

I doubt that was done. If it was such that would have been BIG news.

I don't disagree. However knowing the date would shed some light on it. I went to Mckenzie to conduct an audit back in the mid 80s and I thought I was in a different country only by going into the supermarket there. Their shelves were stacked with lots of products you couldn't find in GT. I would really like to know when the bauxite levy went away.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

You make a comment which is subject to a response. 

Your disparaging remark about “chicken feed “ money when my dad contributed 38 years of services to Guysuco that prop the economy to which you once enjoyed, warrant more than a comment to a ungrateful bastard. 

Had it been the other way, you would have speak from the other side of your mouth in support of blacks. 

It seems like every thing is about you and your family contribution.

My family, including my mother who started working since she was 16 yrs old,probably contributed more in the Sugar Industry. I have also contributed a few years.

Do you see i come thumping my chest how much i have contributed.

Kudos to your mom for her contribution, those are the people who toiled in the hot sun and pouring rain and came home to put food on the table for you, that today you are ungrateful to her contribution. 

I am sure if she knew her son value her contribution as “ chicken feed “ she would give you a good slap which you deserve. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

You talking sheer crap!!!

GUYSICKO more BILLIONS  in bail out than the Bauxite Company.

That's a fact.

BS, the contribution of taxes from the Guysuco workers back to the economy , including the support to businesses surpassed the bail out. 

The taxes was used to provide FREE electricity to Linden. 

Thought Indians were  the majority in the sugar belt , thousands of blacks were also employed.

Why don't you all speak the THRUTH about FREE electricity Bauxite workers was receiving from the inception of the Industry.

Tell us who got the power generator from Linden

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

You make a comment which is subject to a response. 

Your disparaging remark about “chicken feed “ money when my dad contributed 38 years of services to Guysuco that prop the economy to which you once enjoyed, warrant more than a comment to a ungrateful bastard. 

Had it been the other way, you would have speak from the other side of your mouth in support of blacks. 

It seems like every thing is about you and your family contribution.

My family, including my mother who started working since she was 16 yrs old,probably contributed more in the Sugar Industry. I have also contributed a few years.

Do you see i come thumping my chest how much i have contributed.

Kudos to your mom for her contribution, those are the people who toiled in the hot sun and pouring rain and came home to put food on the table for you, that today you are ungrateful to her contribution. 

I am sure if she knew her son value her contribution as “ chicken feed “ she would give you a good slap which you deserve. 

Total hog wash !!! 

No thank you, for my family contribution, we don't seek commendations.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

You talking sheer crap!!!

GUYSICKO more BILLIONS  in bail out than the Bauxite Company.

That's a fact.

Simple minded crap!!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

You talking sheer crap!!!

GUYSICKO more BILLIONS  in bail out than the Bauxite Company.

That's a fact.

Simple minded crap!!

Simple minded my foot. It's all about the welfare of East Indians, the rest of the population can go to hell. That's the mindset of most posters on GNI.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

Businessman how much did you give to your BLACK brothers and sisters. Or have you ever initiate a charitable event to help their depriving soul. 

Please don't question what i do. Topic isn't about Django.

Thank you.

You make a comment which is subject to a response. 

Your disparaging remark about “chicken feed “ money when my dad contributed 38 years of services to Guysuco that prop the economy to which you once enjoyed, warrant more than a comment to a ungrateful bastard. 

Had it been the other way, you would have speak from the other side of your mouth in support of blacks. 

It seems like every thing is about you and your family contribution.

My family, including my mother who started working since she was 16 yrs old,probably contributed more in the Sugar Industry. I have also contributed a few years.

Do you see i come thumping my chest how much i have contributed.

Kudos to your mom for her contribution, those are the people who toiled in the hot sun and pouring rain and came home to put food on the table for you, that today you are ungrateful to her contribution. 

I am sure if she knew her son value her contribution as “ chicken feed “ she would give you a good slap which you deserve. 

Total hog wash !!! 

No thank you, for my family contribution, we don't seek commendations.

Poor you. 


Dem PNC people love freeness at the backs of sugar workers. Cut the free electricity and let them pay like the rest of Guyanese.

They should not receive BILLIONS in free electricity. PPP needs to fix this serious problem !


Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

That's chick feed to the amount GUYSIKO, was getting.

You talking sheer crap!!!

GUYSICKO more BILLIONS  in bail out than the Bauxite Company.

That's a fact.

Simple minded crap!!

Simple minded my foot. It's all about the welfare of East Indians, the rest of the population can go to hell. That's the mindset of most posters on GNI.

What about the welfare of the Guysuco workers who was  the backbone of the economy, are they getting free electricity. 

yuji22 posted:

Dem PNC people love freeness at the backs of sugar workers. Cut the free electricity and let them pay like the rest of Guyanese.

They should not receive BILLIONS in free electricity. PPP needs to fix this serious problem !


Cutting the free electricity is when people like Django will cry bitterly. 

Dave posted:

What about the welfare of the Guysuco workers who was  the backbone of the economy, are they getting free electricity. 

I asked you how the workers were getting free ELECTRICITY from the Bauxite Company. All you are doing is deflecting from presenting the facts.

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dem PNC people love freeness at the backs of sugar workers. Cut the free electricity and let them pay like the rest of Guyanese.

They should not receive BILLIONS in free electricity. PPP needs to fix this serious problem !


Cutting the free electricity is when people like Django will cry bitterly. 

Dem rass want freeness to fete and sport. Free electricity has to end !

Django posted:
Dave posted:

What about the welfare of the Guysuco workers who was  the backbone of the economy, are they getting free electricity. 

I asked you how the workers were getting free ELECTRICITY from the Bauxite Company. All you are doing is deflecting from presenting the facts.

STOP putting your hands up for answer. There is something call google.. 

and your question should be - How is Linden Getting free electricity from government. 

Read up how many billions was allocated in the December budget. 


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