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PPP relaunch of pioneer programme sees induction of over 450
Receiving their Pioneer scarves from PPP leaders

PPP relaunch of pioneer programme sees induction of over 450


THE Progressive Organisation of Pioneers (POP), the ruling Party’s children branch, was re-launched yesterday at three locations in Guyana’s three Counties, namely Demerara, Essequibo and Berbice, with the induction of over 450 children to mark Children’s Day.

First launched on June 1, 1979, more than 50 children back then received the red pioneer scarf, the only uniform item, from former President, the late Mrs. Janet Jagan, but by the 1980s, the organisation’s vibrancy had

A section of the children present at yesterday’s investiture ceremony [Photos by Cullen Bess-Nelson)

A section of the children present at yesterday’s investiture ceremony (Photos by Cullen Bess-Nelson)

The PPP’s Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) spearheaded yesterday’s investiture ceremony.
Demerara’s activity was held at the Umana Yana, on upper High Street, Kingston, and was addressed by PPP General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, who encouraged the young children, the eldest being 14-years-old, to view their participation in POP with a sense of pride.
Noting that the opportunities for engagement with other children, as well as advancement to realise their full potential are many, Mr. Rohee said, “You are lucky and fortunate.”
Also speaking to the almost 100 children was Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, who told the youngsters that he was once a POP member, which organisation is part of an international movement.
“The Pioneers are part of a broader movement,” he said, adding that he was part the first delegation that was sent to Cuba to represent Guyana at a camp for Pioneers from different countries.
Yesterday’s inductees were also taught the Pioneer’s song.
POP was the brainchild of PPP stalwart, Mr. Navin Chanderpal, who was recognised at yesterday’s event, and focuses on teaching children life skills and values, building confidence and providing educational support, in terms of after school tutorials and scholarship opportunities for tertiary education, as well as focuses on building a sense of nationalism.

(By Vanessa Narine)

New Pioneers with PPP General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony

New Pioneers with PPP General Secretary, Mr. Clement Rohee, and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony


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