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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What utter bullshit, who are you to determine who represents Afro Guyanese and who do not?


Your racist mindset truly is bizarre.

No I don't determine who represents Afro Guyanese.  THEY DO.  In 2011 the vast majority of them selected APNU to represent their interests. 


NOT the AFC, which ignored them, as they scrambled for Berbice Indian votes.  An attitude which remains unchanged, as proved by Nagamootoo's refusal to speak at the protest, and by his inability/unwillingness to have ensured that the crowds would have been more ethnically diverse.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

What utter bullshit, who are you to determine who represents Afro Guyanese and who do not?


Your racist mindset truly is bizarre.

No I don't determine who represents Afro Guyanese.  THEY DO.  In 2011 the vast majority of them selected APNU to represent their interests. 


NOT the AFC, which ignored them, as they scrambled for Berbice Indian votes.  An attitude which remains unchanged, as proved by Nagamootoo's refusal to speak at the protest, and by his inability/unwillingness to have ensured that the crowds would have been more ethnically diverse.

Haul yuh black racist ass. The AFC doesn't need you to dictate to them or set their agenda. PNC = PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

PNC is de party of Black Thugs, Pick-Pocket, Kick-down-door Bandits & Goons..



Note that APNU won 40% of the vote, with few Indians or Amerindians supporting them.  They got 40% by winning virtually all of the black votes, and a substantial % of the mixed vote.


Your racism is loud and clear and obviously the black women who like you have very low self esteem.  I am sure they are the type who call your type of hair "good hair", and their hair "bad".


So we hear you loud and clear about your opinion of Afro Guyanese.

Jalil's commentary.


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